Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Menage a Cinq?

 A patient came in today that my old Black sorry ass really likes! Lil oldah than me and shit, mid sixties. But he has ah muh fuckin way about him. Always smilin, in ah good mood! But I don't think that muh fuckah is on no good mood, street drugs or prescribed pharmaceuticals and shit! 

We talk every time he comes in tah pick up his glasses, fix his glasses, adjust his glasses...Hopefully US gets thah picture! I don't mind him at all!

Well, we started talkin today about just general shit! Then he said,

"Man my left arm is hurtin like ah muh fuckah!"

'What happened?'

"Shit, you know, I went to my doctor two days ago. And he told me all of the shots I hadn't got yet? Five in total. I said, 'Let's do this. If I can take all of them go ahead and do it today?' So I got my RSV, Shingles, COVID, Flu and I forget the other one. And I asked them, 'What's the most shots have you all given to one person, at one time? And they told me, six?"

'How do you feel today?'

"I mean, yesterday I was down for the count all day long! But today? Day two? I'm feelin great, man!"

And my old Black sorry broke ass is thinkin,

A calm before thah muh fuckin storm?! Perhaps?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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