Monday, February 26, 2024

Severe Allergies?! Thah fuck Yo Sorry Ass Eatin Out For?! And Where Thah Fuck Was Your Doctor's Epi Pen?!

 So this muh fuckah takes his NYU doctor wife to Disney World and shit! Her doctor ass trust muh fuckahs outside thah home tah cook thah shit without her severe alergies killin that ass! Yah can't make this shit up Sonshines! God damn! Anyway...

She dies from eatin some allergic shit!


But shit! My thoughts don't stop there because I'm like,

That husband set that ass up! 

And talkin bout brilliant!

She dies and he sues Disney!

Gets thirty-three million dollahs aftah it's all said and done!

And lives thah rest of his sorry ass life with his mistress,

Now wife, 

The waitress that served her doctor ass that fatal shit,

Happily evah aftah!

Now ain't that some shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

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