Thursday, February 29, 2024

Research Some Shit?!

 I was just fryin a pound of bacon so we could have it for breakfast for the next three days.

Well, for some reason I said to myself,

"Where are the most pigs raised in the USA?"

The search engine came up with


Thee Holy fuck?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Russia, The USA, Texas and The Ukraine

 Muh fuckahs wannah talk that shit about the Ukraine and Russian war!

Ain't no muh fuckin war!

Shit! Ol' 

"His Excellency" Greg Abbott is so cocky because

US talkin that shit about thah 


Russia is almost two times thah muh fuckin size of the USA.

The Ukraine is 89.01% the size of

USA's Texas!


You read my sorry ol Black muh fuckin broke ass! Anyway...

And Abbott's like,

The Ukraine!? 


The United States?!

"We're greater and stronger than all of those sorry ass muh fuckUS!"...


"His Excellency"

May just be fuckin 


(Peace! More to come...)

A-Bide-In? Let US Have A Convivial Open Conversation (COC)? And I'll Even Bring The Beer!

US think that ol ass pedophile muh fuckah is thah president because he is worthy?!

God damn!


Them evil muh fuckahs are lazy as fuck!

And bored as fuck!

"They have all of the wealth! They can do anything that they want! I don't understand!"

It's called too much muh fuckin wealth and power! 

And too much idle muh fuckin time! God damn! Anyway...

Them evil degenerates can do anything that they want, 

Which is fuck with US ad nauseum!

And you saying that you are not understanding?

We just need to sit down and have a cream and sugared


Or fuck it!

Something a little more muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...

"Diddy shot me in the face, not Shyne, says victim from infamous New York club shooting - VIBE"

 Kindah fucked up headline is that!

Based on thah shit that muh fuckah goin through? That headline ain't helpin that nasty ass Luciferian muh fuckah at thah fuck all!

And what projectile pray-tell was muh fuckin

Shot in thah muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

What The Fuck NiggUS! I Already Got Yo Shit!

 Shit muh fuckahs tryin tah disconnect from this fucked up

Service provider

US done contracted with!

Now, the service is all fucked up!

And them evil muh fuckahs ain't answering inquiries, complaints...for muh fuckin shit!

Cause this evil service provider already got yo 


Digits on


(Peace! More to come...)

The Manmade Muh Fuckin Church! Pimping Our Father! The Penalty Should Be Instant...

 These are some sorry ass worthless muh fuckahs!

Quotin thah muh fuckin Holy Bible word for word and sinnin like ah muh fuckah!

Even havin 

Our Father witnessin


He even havin tah turn away from this shitstorm!

Thah fuck is wrong with 


We outnumber them evil muh fuckahs

99 to 


And makin ah mockery of 

Our Father tah really sink thah evil scythe in?!



Some of US still sit and praise in those LGBTQ-Z, pedophilic, satanic..."Holy" manmade temple of Satan environments!?


What thah Holy fuck's wrong with


(Peace! More to come...)

Articaine and Lidocaine, mRNA infused? Them Evil Degenerates Got US's AssUS! Checkmate?

 So in dentistry they use two major numbing agents: 

Articaine and Lidocaine!

Articaine is manufuacted by this sorry ass pharma company named:

Sanofi-Aventis! Them muh fuckahs into vaccines and shit!

The othah one is

Lidocaine! Manufactured by who?

You guessed it Sonshines!

Pfizer! Also into vaccines!

Now you tellin me them sorry evil ass pharma companies ain't slippin no mRNA shit intah those numbing injections?!

I mean, shit! Who thah fuck gonnah say tah ah muh fuckin


"I'm cool Bro! Get tah muh fuckin drillin!"?

Shit I remembah that fucked up scene many times in

"Marathon Man"! And oil of clove ain't gonnah cut that shit! Anyway...

Muh fuckahs talkin that ill ass shit, 

"I'll never take a fucking vaccine!"


Have yah had any major dental work done


These evil muh fuckahs are foul as fuck! And have sorry ass immunity and impunity for now! 

Shit, muh fuckUS!

They don't need US's sorry muh fuckin stinkin ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Bide In?!

 Fuck no! That muh fuckahs toast! Them evil elite degenerates got ah plan for even their evil pedophillic muh fuckin own! God damn! But they have tah kindah baby this ninth clone of his! The last one, and that evil ass knows it! 

Shit you remebah what ol 'Bryant' told 'Deckard',

"A three year lifespan."

That ol muh fuckin ninth 

Clone ain't gonnah make it tah Novembah!

Gone keel ovah and fuckin die!


Big Mike!

Yo evil Black muh fuckin ass is up!

O'! Whaddup niggah!? How you gonna feel as bein thah

First Man,



(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, February 28, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

"Chuck Schumer"


Talkin bout an evil elite sorry ass muh fuckin


Just give that ugly ass degenerate ah muh fuckin




The grim reaper in muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

US CDC recommends older Americans should get another COVID shot this spring - Reuters"

 God damnit!

They made me spit out my beer again!

But it was worth it!

Them evil elite muh fuckahs are 

Tenacious as fuck!

Still gigglin ovah that ill ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Muh Fuckahs Ain't Gonnah Get It! Until US's Done Got, Got!

 I think I've informed you before my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

If I didn't? I'll go down that path again gladly.

I watch people unbeknownst to them. I've gotten very good at not bein detected observing my fellow Humans. Anyway...

Shit! Muh fuckahs still kickin rocks and shit!

I'm like, muh fuckahs! God damnit!

At thah very least!

Stock at least ten cases of water!

These muh fuckahs lookin at my ol Black sorry broke ass like I'm

Crazy and shit!


(Peace! More to come...)

'Diddy' Done Did The Doo...Doo! II

 And can yo Black sorry broke ass even fathom him and

Pastor 'Jakes' fuckin?!

Good Lord!

Jakes, that gorilla lookin like muh fuckah! Always sweatin and shit!

Uhm! That ain't ah good look at thah fuck all!...

God damn!


Enough of that ill ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

'Diddy' Done Did The Doo...Doo!

 Why ain't the LGBTQ..Z all ovah that Black muh fuckahs ass!

Shit ah postered kindah famous muh fuckah for thah muh fuckin cause and shit!

I mean! Muh fuckahs sayin thah muh fuckah's straight up gay!


Where them LGBTQ...Z talkin bout that sorry muh fuckin Black 

Straight up



Unwillin tah come 


And based on US's fucked up forced fed sick climate!

Why doesn't thah Black ass muh fuckah just come out and say,

"Yeah! I like the dick! Enh-enh-enh-enh!"


Can't make this shit up my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Oh, no you can not!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Serving US Communities?

 I'm not shocked by too much shit based on US's fucked up climate!

But what does shock my ol Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass are these preachers, law enforcement officials, government officials, teachers, doctors, "Girl Scouts", "Boy Scouts", juvenile homes, drug treatment programs for youths, Department of Child Services, Oprah, Mother Theresa (deceased, thank Our Father!)...en masse gettin away with some foul ass shit!

All these organizations are involved in pedophilia, Satanism,

child / human trafficking...!

Thee Holy fuck!?

Those are thah same muh fuckin sorry ass muh fuckin organizations that are supposed to be 



And US ain't doin shit about that foul ass shit!!!

Now some shockingly muh fuckin, fucked-up shit!


(Peace! More to come...

Genetically You...And me!

 It's funny as shit tah me! 

But I'll ask Geeg,

"Hey? Can you take a picture of me with my new joints?!" I mean fuck it! She had Lasik. I mean she has tah wear readers and shit but not no real joints! Anyway...

She'll jump up!

Photographin all types of different angles and shit!

I just smile.

Because it's 





(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

A Virtual World II

 The now reddened human was upon him! Grabbing him?! The fuck! This was not supposed to happen!

He snatched off his VR and to his surprise, the red humanoid was still there, with piercing eyes, breathing fetid breath into his nostrils and the redness finally said to him,

"You were chosen!..."

(Peace! More to come...)

Times Are Going To Get Real! And How The Holy Fuck Are We Going To Really Fucking Deal?!

 I mean serioUSly. I ain't tryin tah be funny about this shit! For real! This is the way my mind thinks! Why!? Fuck it! I'm too old for that young ass query! Anyway...

This shit's goin tah go South with ah quickness!

And when it's all said and done?

'Ain't got no vegetarian, kosher, gluten-free...whatevah thah fuck for yah! Believe that Sons! But check it! Got this three pound bologna log just for you and your fams sons!'

"Thank you ever so much! But we don't eat meat."

Y'all tellin me that's how thah shit's gonnah go down when this shit goes fuckin terribly wrong?! Which is nigh?!


Gonnah be a lot of starvin supersilly prideful muh fuckahs then!

"Kill'em all Drill Sergeant! Let God sort it out!"

Damn right about that 

RighteoUS ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 (Peace! More to come...)

So Be It!

 What do US envision in this shit?!

And whatever that vision is?!


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

BecaUSe The Natural Spirits Move US...Hopefully?! II

 And undahstand some shit my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

There's goin tah come ah time in US's lifetime!

Where water is contaminated!

You know? Shit gets fucked up for awhile and shit!

Yo ass bein civil and shit!

'Listen. Just want tah inform all of you I have a stockpile of beer! I mean it's not water no shit like that. But it will get US arid assUS by?'

Fuck! I wish ah muh fuckah would talk that stupid ass muh fuckin shit like,

"Well, I'm a Muslim..." or whatevah thah fuck?!


Individual Pride has killed

Hundreds of billions in

US's long ass muh fuckin 



And I'm so glad tah tell yo sorry absurd supersilly muh fuckin ass!



Trails muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

BecaUSe The Natural Spirits Move US...Hopefully?!

 "But niggah?! I thought you quit drinking?! Mister finding "Our Father" and shit!?"

Like "Howard Beale" said in "Network", 

"I've been imbued!..."

And my ol Black sorry broke ass means no harm tah any othah one of 

US evah!

Bein ah muh fuckin drinkin muh fuckah!

Or God forbid!

Ah muh fuckin


God damn!

I truly hate them self-righteoUS muh fuckUS...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Infinity - The xx"

 Bad ass underrated shit!

Write all day on that muh fuckah!

Put it on auto-play 


I'm just tellin yah my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs,

Write all fuckin day!

Well, hell yes!

Along with that 

Grapefruit juice and



I thought you'd


(Peace! More to come...)

"Just A Touch of Love - Slave" III

 If yo Black ass loves


Okay! God damn! Shit!...

Rhetorical muh fuckin question!


Listen tah this shit with thah 

Bass up to thah muh fuckin


Thank ah niggah latah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Beginning of 'Shroom Trip

 He looked at his hands. Moved both oppositely. Streamlines of flesh flowing, finally catching up to the host! He did the same movement but the opposite. The flesh trails now catching up within! He marveled at that. He looked up. There was ol "Mickey" with his mouse ass sayin, "How are we Young Mouseketeer fella? Donald said "Hi"!" 

Thee Holy fuck did that white muh fuckah say these 'shrooms were?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Wildfires - Sault" III


We know the stroll 

That is out of control 

In the House and



Fixed thah shit for


Caused the



Lust with it's many


Siren's songs!

Causing the uptick of 

Modern blessed


(Peace! More to come...)

Sacred Words

 Muh fuckahs can paint ah picture with words!

Fuck thah canvas or ah muh fuckin video, movie...

Beautiful muh fuckin 


And thah best muh fuckin authors I've evah read, nevah have tah tell yo sorry reader ass what race ah muh fuckah is!



Cause thah author knows,

What US knows!

The muh fuckin


And US visualizes those

Conditioned muh fuckin sorry ass


Words of


(Peace! More to come...)

"Carnival - Natalie Merchant" III


Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

Kickin muh fuckin rocks!

For real!

Come on nah!

Walk ah block or three with ah lonely RighteoUS depressed niggah?

Come on?

Ain't no thing!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Individual US: A Little Part of US History

 He put his right earbud in.

Then he put his left earbud in!

He hit play.

Time tah go tah literary


(Peace! More to come...)

More Than Ever...Keep Our Father's Words Close!

 If US has ah good muh fuckin heart!

US shall not be denied thah goodness of this



Denied thah goodness in this



(Peace! More to come...)

Point Well Taken

 Muh fuckahs wannah keep this supersilly sorry ass story goin on about this muh fuckin US service membah, lightin his stupid ass on fire and shit!

I ain't buyin that fake ass shit for one fuckin


Fuck what y'alls sorry ass muh fuckahs falsely reportin!

Show me that burnt up muh fuckah!

Othah than that!

Y'all evil elite muh fuckahs can suck my wrinkly old sorry ass Black nuts!

And Our Father knows

God damnit

Y'alls funky nasty triflin asses know y'all don't want tah fuck with that shit!

Cause, even y'all nasty degenerates have muh fuckin

Limits tah some ill ass shit! Well...


(Peace! More to come...)

A Virtual World

 He was drinking his "Red Bull", eating "Haribo" gummies and eating "Flamin' Hot Cheetos" when he could while he navigated the streets! He with his VR set on casually walking down the dim lighted environment. Then something really odd happened. He saw up and on the street he was walking, a red apparition to his right. Coming towards him. He raised his hand, which raised the nine millimeter in his hand in this virtual world. Fired off multiple rounds at the red apparition now getting closer. Larger. "Should take care of that muh fuckah!" He thought to himself.  

"What the fuck?" was his thought after another multiple rounds hailed at the....what in God's name is that?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Trans Virginia lawmaker storms out of chamber after being called 'sir' by Lieutenant Governor Winsome Sears - Fox News"

 Shit! There goes my beer again!

I about died!

Still  fuckin laughin at that headline!

Fuck clicking on that shit!

The headline says it all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, February 26, 2024


 (Peace! More to come...)

Subsisted Living

 Learn how tah 


my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

US don't need much tah survive!

Wants and needs!

And when we get tah that point 

Real soon

my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Believe you, me!?

Fuck ah


(Peace! More to come...)

Severe Allergies?! Thah fuck Yo Sorry Ass Eatin Out For?! And Where Thah Fuck Was Your Doctor's Epi Pen?!

 So this muh fuckah takes his NYU doctor wife to Disney World and shit! Her doctor ass trust muh fuckahs outside thah home tah cook thah shit without her severe alergies killin that ass! Yah can't make this shit up Sonshines! God damn! Anyway...

She dies from eatin some allergic shit!


But shit! My thoughts don't stop there because I'm like,

That husband set that ass up! 

And talkin bout brilliant!

She dies and he sues Disney!

Gets thirty-three million dollahs aftah it's all said and done!

And lives thah rest of his sorry ass life with his mistress,

Now wife, 

The waitress that served her doctor ass that fatal shit,

Happily evah aftah!

Now ain't that some shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Zig Eyewear"


Jean Reno by Cendrine O. 1874/C2/41-24-145 $325/ Envy PAL $220/ Transitions Xtra-Active Gray $185/ Blue Flash mirror $160/ Backside Anti-Reflective Coating $100. Contact your local downtown Indianapolis optical offices for prices and availability...

(Peace! More to come...)

Every Day. 10 PM EST. (Our Father's Speed!)

 Shit I come from a Apostolic/Pentecostal background! Believe it or not?!

Shit! I undahstand! Anyway...

There is 

"Power in Prayer"!

Fuck yes!

And thah more thah muh fuckin prayerful!

Thah more US can change this shit!

Ye! US has tah be on one accord!

So let 

US set ah time and day tah pray with one anothah 

my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

I mean not with each othah, but in our own individual secret closets,

And pray to 

Our Father



The time and day is in the title....

(Peace! More to come...)

"Cam Newton"

 God damn niggah! God damn!

Just look at the muh fuckah's eyes and shit!


That muh fuckah done took thah wrong ass


And stupid broke Black ass muh fuckahs still steppin tah 'im!


We all learn!

In US own muh fuckin sorry ass way!...

(Peace! More to come...)

lord Jacob Rothchild! Dead! It's A Beautiful Muh Fuckin Day for US!

 These old ass evil elite degenerates don't give ah fuck!

They want this shit tah go tah hell in ah handbasket while they still got some short ass breath left!

Very fuckin short!

But God damn 

Our Father is 


Ol sorry ass lord Rothchild ain't gonnah witness ah 

God damned thing any fuckin more!!!


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, February 25, 2024

New Joints


Altair/Joe4101/ (036) Smoke Crystal/ 56-17-145, $285; Essilor Natural DS PAL $280; Crizal Easy Anti-Reflective Coating $120; Transitions Xtra-Active Gray $185. Contact your local downtown Indianapolis optical offices for pricing and availability.

(Peace! More to come...)

"Alex Rodriguez Explains Why His Viral Tan Looks 'Dark': 'I am Dominican and I Went on Vacation' - US Weekly"

 Nah muh fuckah!

You's ah niggah!

Dominican?! my old ass Black wrinkly ass nuts!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Sit Next to Me - Foster The People" III

 "It's over/ It's over..."

Come on naw!

Get in the ride!

And ride...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Feel Your Weight (Poolside Remix) - Rhye" III

 Talkin about gettin high!

Twirlin with gay appeal! Thah Holy fuck!

And don't give ah fuck!

Bad ass muh fuckin shit!

Don't know why this joint gets my ass elevated?

But fuck it!

Let's hit that 



Oh! There you go!

"Feel your weight!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Fuck Else Can I Say???

 Every muh fuckin time I think my life is soon to end!

There's some shit that says,

"Hold up you Black broke old ass muh fuckah! Yo ass created! Yo ass married! Thah Holy fuck!? Yo ass thinks yo ass can check out so easy like that?! You do understand all these Human tangibles are of your own muh fuckin choice?! You do? Okay! So, I guess we cool? Right!?"

We cool!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Nora Van Elken" Hey Human DJ! Whaddup Sis!?

Bad ass muh fuckah!

Her shit

Touches thah Human spirit!

Big ups Sis!

Keep keepin on!

This old ass Black broke muh fuckah appreciates your laborious 

Gift shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Sequoia - Nora Van Elken" III

 Follow me!

And be free!

See the seas!

Feel the breeze!

Appease and at 



I'm not too fond of 


Or evil elite gross gigantic


Good Lord!

May I


No child, sit down and have a cup of 

Black oolong 



(Peace! More to come...)

"Today - Zero 7" III

 Feel the intense heat?

Not to defeat!

Just to seat

The fact of our


Humans' infinity

In this 

Cellular ill fated

Human programmed


(Peace! More to come...)

What did ol 'Pac say? "Woke up and said fuck the..." Fed!

 They ain't shit!

Ain't none of them lookin out for 





Sorry ass,





Dumb ass



(Peace! More to come...)

"Die Hard"

 The best action movie 


Bruce Willis was thah shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Russell Wilson" and "Ciara"

 Thah fuck's up with them Black ass biological male muh fuckahs?!

Fuckin weird as fuck!

Got two words for that fucked up ass shit:



(Peace! More to come...)

The Comment Section

 You know?!

I read thah muh fuckin headlines on these various websites!

And fuck whatevah the headline is!

If yo ass is interested,

Go directly tah thah muh fuckin comments!

Talkin bout spittin out yo precious beer!

Thee Holy fuck!

Some of these muh fuckahs are funny as fuck!...

(Peace! More to come...)

COPUN (Chief Of Police/United Nations) TAFG

 I was watchin this interview between "Stew Peters" and "Brother Nathanael". Bein educated and shit about this fucked up mess them evil muh fuckahs done got US in! Anyway...

The Brother starts talkin about in Idaho and that they have militias and 'The militias ran that BLM (Black Lives Matter) stuff out of the state.' I said to myself!

Shit Bro! BLM! Ain't no muh fuckin 


And the UN is comprised of every local police agency in your muh fuckin Idaho and every othah God damned police agency in every muh fuckin 

US state!

The COPs are just awaiting 

"The All Fucking Go!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Standing In Judgement II

 There're no syntax or punctuations in videos!

In writing! 




Mean everything!

Makes some sense out of some shit! 

In yo own muh fuckin sweet ass time!


Speed up thah shit tah

Blur the 


(Peace! More to come...)

Standing In Judgement

 US shall!

The only muh fuckin way US gets this shit on thah way tah 




What thah fuck is goin on inside 




And fuck thah bullshit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

An Human Change

 I'm sure thah fuck you've noticed it my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

US has changed!

They whipped our sorry broke assUS into 


No chains. 

No whips. 

No guns. 

No bombs....

Just old school sorry ass bullying 




Men shitty as fuck! Men thinkin they were in control of their lil happy space with their family and shit! Them evil elite muh fuckahs castrating thah lot!

Now the NWO and soon UN steppin all ovah that testosterone ladened shit and said, 

"Wear a mask! Take the shots! Or you won't have a job!"

Hardcore manly muh fuckahs havin tah succumb tah othah men's whimsies! Uhm!

Shrinkin thah testicles like the brutal humanity of coldness US is goin through!

I smile a lot now!


It's just anothah muh fuckin day for


(Peace! More to come...)

Je Ne Comprends Pas!?

 I fucking don't!

I was readin some shit just awhile ago!

Thah muh fuckah wrote,

"One percent of the population owns eighty percent of the wealth. And the other ninety-nine percent goes along with it? It's living absurdity!"

God damned


But fuck that shit!

Time for ah muh fuckin



my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Why Did I Lie?" III

 It's fuckin therapy for me!

Always has been!

Always shall be!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Why Did I Lie?" II

 I mean I never started this shit tah try tah make any money off of thah content! I mean ah niggah ain't that special and shit! But if ah muh fuckah wannah pay for some of this shit? Hollah attah niggah! Don't know why ah muh fuckah would? 

Shit, jUSt start writin some shit in your own muh fuckin voice and yo ass will be surprised of what you have written?! Fuckin fascinating! Yo ass be like, "Am I writin shit like this?!"

Fuck yes! That's thah real fuckin you! Not thah fake you! In real time muh fuckah! Writin on thah fuckin fly! No do ovahs! Well, maybe a couple of edits but fuck it! Thah muh fuckin one yo sorry Black ass gots tah suppress tah pay you bills and shit! And tah be Beautifully civil!...But while yo broke ass writes some shit! Writing is fucking freedom! Even when they censor thah shit like I'm sure they will do with my ol Black sorry broke ass again! Fuck it! 





Going to



And with my ol Black tired broke muh fuckin ass,

A lil soonah than most!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Why Did I Lie?"

 Uhm! Damn! Okay...

I didn't...uhm!...

Fuck it! Okay, I show thah fuck did 


Back on this shit again!

But I missed the one or two of you that drop by every once in awhile so we can noodle with one anothah! Gettin those brain synapses firing at ah blistering pace!

Shit my broke Black old ass got my ass out there and start gettin my feelins hurt and shit! The monthly charges for ah fuckin spot on thah net can be very fuckin costly. With all thah security features and shit yo website has tah have tah be able tah moderately be secure!

I mean I got my lil feelins hurt with "Blogger" cause they said in so many words, "This is our shit niggah! And some shit yo ass just can't write!" Cool. It's y'alls shit! I'll leave! Shiiiought! 

But check it!? 

Ain't it funny how ah muh fuckah can write and say niggah all they fuckin want but thah muh fuckahs will censor thah words "fuck, shit, kike, wetback, adrenochrome..." shit like that?...

I was watchin some shit thah othah day on ah vlog and thah muh fuckah said, "Man, (Bleep) that niggah man!" Thah Holy fuck did I just hear? They bleeped out 'fuck' and not 'niggah'? I said tah myself, God damn! Anyway...

But with thah word niggah! 

Shit niggah!

Write thah shit! Yell thah shit from thah rooftops and shit! But don't you dare say shit about that othah shit we dinged that Black old ass for?!


(Peace! More to come...)

Fuck The Fed! And, What The Fuck Is Wrong With US?!!!

 Shit! Those sorry ass Fed muh fuckahs still houndin me for student loans of upwards of forty-eight G's and shit! But throwin over a hundred billion at the Ukraine and Israel! And none of those muh fuckahs in any of those sorry ass countries payin US taxes! Uhm! Thee Holy fuck! Anyway...

I graduated from the university in 1990 God damnit! But instead of them lettin thah shit slide, they threatenin me with all sorts of liens and shit! And I'm ah muh fuckin US taxpayer!

US people writin that ill ass shit about, "These student loan people need to own up and pay for their education that they chose to do!"

But those same muh fuckUS ain't said dick about ovah hundred billion dollUS goin tah muh fuckahs that ain't did ah muh fuckin thing for US, nor live in US, nor pay taxes in US, nor gives ah fuck about US...


Kindah fucked up shit 

US smokin!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Mexico City Running Out of Water?

 Come on now?! Thee Holy fuck!

Got ah spot where 22 million muh fuckahs live on top of one anothah for decades!

But just now, them muh fuckahs runnin out of water?

Shit! I saw "Chinatown" God damnit! Local governances do this to US muh fuckin broke assUS! Them evil muh fuckahs are always fuckin with US! It's their sorry ass hobby! No, check that! It's their sorry ass 'raison d' etre'! 

And climate change? Uhm, my old broke Black ass wrinkly nuts! Anyway...

They givin those Mexicans an opportunity to move to wherevah thah fuck!


Them evil fuckin elite degenerates are goin to murder thah whole fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, February 24, 2024


 They always have these articles on this silly ass muh fuckah named, 

"Salt Bae"!?

Supposedly has all this muh fuckin money and shit that he fucks up!

Well, put that ass in the search engine. 

Hit images.


Just like all the othah so called "rich" muh fuckahs!

Got all this God damned money!

And ain't spendin ah fuckin penny on his muh fuckin


His joints all yellow and fucked up and shit!

Thah Holy fuck is wrong with these rich muh fuckahs with thah lack of 

Dental hygiene and shit!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

PeriloUS Black Ass Muh Fuckin Waters

 So I'm watchin this shit! Muh fuckahs talkin that "Going to the beach" shit!

I ain't evah got that muh fuckin shit! 

Like muh fuckahs talkin that shit about "Hanging out at the lake" shit! 

Thah fuck! 

Watchin water do what it do?! Kindah wastin time type of shit is that?!

But shit, I'm ah niggah! 

US Black muh fuckahs don't do that water leisure shit!


Why?! Shit! Water is what got US Black ass muh fuckahs in thah predicament we in now!

And why thah fuck are these niggahs hoppin on cruise ships and shit!? Muh fuckin ships past and present that enslaved US! Now thah sorry ass muh fuckahs wannah call thah sorry ass shit, "Trafficking"! Uhm! Anyway...

Again, that's what got US Black ass muh fuckahs in thah predicament we in now!

Fuck that noise!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Right?

Refrozen is what's up! 

I listen tah muh fuckahs! But the fucked up thing about that shit is that they don't listen tah yo Black sorry broke ass! But that's cool! Always has been, always shall be!

But fuck! Why is that?

Gonnah do some ill ass shit?! Keep being criminally off of the US grid!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Write Until...Dead And Fuck It!

 I said to my Wife,

"Shit! I'm just writing. Fuck all this pay for play bullshit! I don't want to make any money off this shit! I just need muh fuckahs tah know what muh fuckahs thinkin!"

"Oh Love. You've been miserable these past months. Write. That's what you love. That's what I love. I understand."

And here we go!...

Aaahhh! Fuck it! My Broke Black Ass Is Back!

 Okay, I lied! God damned! Free! Is free! I'm broke! Looked into some of these non-free muh fuckahs and I'm like, 

"Until y'alls muh fuckin asses kick me off this muh fuckah I'm cemented! Fuck that shit!" 

I've missed you all! Seriously! Muh fuckahs don't write any fuckin more! Doin vlogs and shit! 

"Oh, We can make you more visible! More entuned with your audience! And for only $34.99 ah month, we can make it happen!" 

Goddamn! I don't give ah fuck! I just love to write! So, whenevah y'alls sorry asses continues this bullshit of censorship? Make it work!

But until then? Let ah niggah undahstand some sorry ass shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)