Wednesday, August 31, 2022


 Let ah muh fuckin electrical grid go out in an elite's place  of living space!?


Ain't gonnah happen!


But fo damn sho!

It's gonnah happen tah

US spaces!

On ah muh fuckin regulah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Difference Between Being: Flat Out Crazy!? Or Just A Lil Crazy!?

 No fucking body knows the intricacies of your mind except


Like ah sawed off shotgun that goes off in so many directions!

The range is too variable!

Hit any fuckin thing that may harm the verbal ejaculate victim!

That's why yah gottah learn how tah use ah fuckin pistol!

The aim is pointed at a specific target of conversation!

And not so broad!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Thee Holy fuck that black blob on Serena Williams right face cheek?!

Shit look bad lady!

Looks like leprosy or some shit!


Is your clone breaking the fuck 


If so?!

Tell that bitch tah get her shit togethah or yo sorry black ass will have tah replace

S' him!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, August 29, 2022

"Jailbreak - AWOLNATION" II

Breakin out this muh fuckah!

"Now I'm living in a dream!"

But it isn't a dream!

"You see I've been working on a Jailbreak!"

Bars are mental!

What the fuck are US going tah do?

Scale the walls?!

Or keep living in the


Dream that's just ah muh fuckin

American old ass tired fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)


 "Maybe I should kill myself! Myself! Myself!..."

But my ADD is tah blame muh fuckahs!


" oh!"...

Bad shit!

"Burn it down baby! Burn it down baby! Burn it burn it down baby! Burn it! Burn it down!"...

Hidden in plain sight!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Human Finality Afoot

 My Wife and My Daughter listens to my lucid shit and I say, "Thank You!"

My Daughter will say some shit like, "Oh Dad! Really?!"


My Wife will say some shit like,

"Meredith. Really?! Love please?!"

Yeah, really!?


Muh fuckahs when I'm long and fuckin gone!

I hope the shit my crazy ol Black broke sorry ass will come into

Favor with You both!?

But for now!

I'm just a crazy ol Black broke crazy sorry ass muh fuckah sayin some shit that is just,


And I'm fine with that Our Father's righteous


(Peace! More to come...)

Who The Fuck Are You!

 Like Howard Beale (Peter Finch) would have said in the movie Network!

"Who the fuck are You people God damnit?! Who the fuck are You!?...People!?"

God! Damnit?!"

C'est tout!

And after the the query is heard and You have answered!

"What the fuck are You people going to do 

About it!? 

God damnit!"

Beale passing out!...

(Peace! More to come...)

We Are Never A Lost Cause!

 I was talkin to a patient today. A young Brothah. He made me realize, that it is never too late! 

Yo ass has tah believe the truth from within!

Not without!


My ol Black broke sorry ass was listenin Beautiful

Young School!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Don't Circumspect!

 Quit fuckin around.

It's all around and


Found is sound!

Bound to be a derelict to suspect!

Contagious viral old insects to inspect!

We'll All be fine Sonshines!

Me twist to proven


(Peace! More to come...)

The Slider "Crave" Is Real!

 I love "White Castles"!


Eat them bitches for breakfast, lunch and dinner!

With extra pickles, onions and sometimes cheese!

Good lawd!


Love those shits!

And them muh fuckahs will give you just that with yo ol Black sorry broke ass,

A good ass well needed


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, August 28, 2022

Defibrillators?! If It Gets To That Point...We're Already Dead!

 There's a Oneness pulse to Our Human Heart.

Beating beautifully, rhythmically from Our actions.

And that pulse has been sped up by the elite, with the current diagnosis being tachycardia.

Palpitations setting in because of the forced stress they have manufactured for far too long.

It won't be long now before We go into 

Cardiac Arrest!




Take some drastic measures against them,

To get Our Oneness Human Heart back to beating


Once again!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Russell Carrington Wilson And The Denver Broncos Will Win Super Bowl LVII!

 I used tah be into sports in a bad fuckin way!

I played four years of football at Crispus Attucks High School and was a Letterman in three of the four years!

I ran track at Crispus Attucks High School for four years and was a Letterman in all four of the years!

I went to college and ran Track at Butler University and was a Letterman in all three seasons that I ran!

But with my old ass that shit don't mean too much to me any longer!


When I see a gifted Black quarterback in the National Football League, like 

Russell C. Wilson surely still is!

And has nevah gotten thah respect he most assuredly deserves as a player, as a human being, as one of the best players, not just as a quarterback, in NFL history!?

And no one talks about him with greatness at his chosen profession?!

Like they do with the likes of Tom Brady et al who had cornfed beefy offensive lines that protected their almost immobile asses!

Mr. Wilson's acumen is solid!


Fuck this shit!

Something is terribly wrong with thah NFL system and its analysts!...

And the Denver Broncos will win Super Bowl 


Barring any season ending injury to 

Mr. Wilson!

But Ciara is a fuckin tranny for real!

Run from that man Russell! 


(Peace! More to come...)

Indiana "Governor" Eric Joseph Holcomb

 BP's Indiana oil refinery shutdown will affect Our beautiful state!

Holcomb ain't did shit!

He ain't ever done shit unless thah fuckin elites tells his ass too!

He ain't no damn Republican!

And he sho nuff ain't for US Indiana denizens!

He ain't shit but a wannabe President!

That doesn't give two fucks bout




We witnessed that shit during thah sorry ass "Pandemic"!...

And here comes gas prices over five dollahs ah gallon just 

Around the corner in 

Our beautiful state of


(Peace! More to come...)

"C-SPAN.ORG - IRS Targeting Of Conservative Groups - Circa 2013 - Representative, Xavier Becerra, D-California 34th District And IRS Commissioner, Steven Miller"

"Respect the fact that we have a voluntary system of paying our taxes." Representative Becerra.

"Agreed." Commissioner Miller.


Yah can't make this shit up Sonshines!




(Peace! More to come...)

"The Night Strangler - 1973" And Adrenochrome

"Hidden in plain sight!" 

People talk about its a preposterous conspiracy!


It is written that from the 1950's to the 1970's the shit was researched hard!

Read some of the shit out there?! Ain't no damn conspiracy!

Talking bout harvesting from the adrenal glands just before death?!

Thee Holy fuck!

That fight or flight shit starts in the brain! Where the shit is more potent, a more pure extract than the maker of the shit, the adrenal glands!

Which leads US to this Blog's title!

The movie never mentioned Adrenochrome!

But We be intelligent muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, August 27, 2022

Vaccine Mandates

 Muh fuckahs think I'm crazy!

I'll tell yah without hesitation Sonshines,

Certifiably so!

And I don't give ah fuckin shit!

Cause it is, what it is!

Introduce me to One not crazy muh fuckah!? I'll tell yo ass they are fucking clones!

This life makes ah real human muh fuckah crazy! my ol Black crazy broke sorry ass be!

But I speak truths! My truths!

That's all I can tell yah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Far be it from me tah try tah speak othah muh fuckahs' truths!

Ain't gonnah work!

Cause there ain't no muh fuckin intimate truth in that shit!

I know my shit!

Don't know nobody else's!

But check it!

The first three days of Basic Training you're really not doing too much! Gettin fitted for your uniforms. Taking pictures for the "Basic Training" yearbook that you can buy aft. Being told the realities of what yo sorry ass signed up for!....

But the damndest thing happened to me with these COVID shots they forced Our asses to take in the US!

I remember!

We went into this healthcare facility in the first week of Basic Training. There was this room with maybe twenty benches with no backs to ''em. We were told to straddle them. So, yo fellow Brother In Arms dick was literally touching yo ass! It was that tight in that muh fuckah.

Well. There was a male and female with this pistol injection like apparatus in their respective right hand. We were told to unclothe from the shoulders down. Well, we were never told what was going on except, "Come on dicks! Yah about tah take your shots!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

Blood Oath?

 I look at some shit now based on the research I've done and shake my ol Black sorry broke ass head!

Tom Hanks, Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Jennifer Lopez, Jenny McCarthy, Jamie Foxx, Dua Lipa, Elton John, Vin Diesel, Dwayne Johnson, Sylvester Stallone, Ben Affleck, Anthony Kiedis, Chris Rock, Dave Chapelle, Eddie Murphy, Harry Styles...!

I think...


Thah Holy fuck!

Did y'alls sorry asses really understand thah shit yah signed yo muh fuckin sorry asses selves into?!

Just for fuckin fame!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Rechargeable Vapes

Don't waste yo muh fuckin money on regulah disposable vapes!

Rechargeable vapes is the way to get thah most bang for yo broke ass buck!

"Mr Fog" et al advertisin 2000 puffs or more without bein rechargeable!?

Niggahs listen!

Them shits only gonnah lasts 1500 puffs at best!

Just suggestin!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Marjorie Taylor Greene

 How did Austin Powers say it?

"That's a man baby!"

Got a thick ass neck and broad shoulders that would make an American football professional linebacker jealous!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Complications In Creation

 I don't know!

And until I die I'm convinced I nevah will!

But that's cool!

Quite copacetic in fact!

But thah one muh fuckin thing that vexes my ol Black sorry broke ass is:

Will my daughter ever will?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Spiraling Downward And Praying For An Updraft.

 They say "Age is relative". And he picked up what they put down so long ago. But he also understood age is relative to the conditions around and the conditions One puts in. No One person ages the same. Diet, vices or no vices, hydration...all had to do with a person's health and overall outward body presence. And he smiled at the thought that environment had a lot to do with age. Abuse, mentally and physically will destroy Ones' health and appearance. He smiled at simple narratives of so-called professionals and so called leaders who used cookie cutter human beings for examples. That was the easiest thing in this firmament to do. We are all so damned complicated. No mind thinks the same. Nor reacts the same... Not at all!...

And that's where this short story shall begin...

Cadences (Basic Training - Bravo Company - Bigfoot Platoon - Drill Sergeant Marnell - Fort Knox, Kentucky- Circa 1990) III

 Fred and Barney on a Friday night!

(Fred and Barney on a Friday night!)

Trying to get to Heaven on a paper kite!

(Trying to get to Heaven on a paper kite!)

I said, "Freddy, Freddy what 're you going to do?)

(I said, "Freddy, Freddy what 're you going to do?")

He said, "Yabba-dabba-dabba-dabba-dabba-doo!"

(He said, "Yabba-dabba-dabba-dabba-dabba-doo!")

They heard a scream! They heard a shout!

(They heard a scream! They heard a shout!)

And it was Mister Slate busting Wilma out!

(And it was Mister Slate busting Wilma out!")

I said, "Freddy, Freddy what 're you' going to do?

(I said, "Freddy, Freddy what 're you going to do?")

He said, "Yabba-dabba-dabba-dabba-dabba-doo!"

(He said, "Yabba-dabba-dabba-dabba-dabba-doo!")

Your left!

Right and left!


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, August 26, 2022

Cadences (Basic Training - Bravo Company - Bigfoot Platoon - Drill Sergeant Ingram - Fort Knox, Kentucky- Circa 1990) II

 Hey, hey diddly bop-bop!

(Hey, hey diddly bop-bop!)

I wish I was back on the block-block!

(I wish I was back on the block-block!)

With that scabbard in my hand!

(With that scabbard in my hand!)

I'm gonnah be a stabbing man!

(I'm goonah be a stabbing man!)

And I'm gonnah stab all I can!

(And I'm gonnah stab all I can!)

Re-up you're crazay!

(Re-up you're crazay!)

Re-up you're out of your mind!

(Re-up you're out of your mind!)

Hey, hey diddly bop-bop!

(Hey, hey diddly bop-bop!)

I wish I was back on the block-block!

(I wish I was back on the block-block!)

With that dice in my hand!

(With that dice in my hand!)

I'm gonnah be a gambling man!

(I'm gonnah be a gambling man!)

And I'm gonnah gamble all I can!

(And I'm gonnah gamble all I can!)

Re-up you're crazay!

(Re-up you're crazay!)

Re-up you're out of your mind!

(Re-up you're out of your mind!)...

Your left!

Right and left!


(Peace! More to come...)

Cadences (Basic Training - Bravo Company - Bigfoot Platoon - Drill Sergeant Ingram - Fort Knox, Kentucky- Circa 1990)

 I used to wear my faded jeans!

(I used to wear my faded jeans!)

Now I'm wearing cammy greens!

(Now I'm wearing cammy greens!)

I used to wear my faded jeans y'all!

(I used to wear my faded jeans y'all!)

Now, I'm wearing cammy greens!

(Now, I'm wearing cammy greens!)





Drill Serg I gottah go!

(Drill Serg I gottah go!)

I used to stay out late at night!

(I used to stay out late at night!)

Now all I do is train to fight!

(Now all I do is train to fight!)

I used to stay out late at night y'all!

(I used to stay out late at night y'all!)

Now, all I do is train to fight!

(Now, all I do is train to fight!)





Drill Serg I gottah go!

(Drill Serg I gottah go!)...

Your left!

Right and left!


(Peace! More to come...)

Thee Holy Fuck Wrong With US?! II

 They fly in private jets and shit!

And gots thah nerves tah be tootin some Global Warming shit!

Gots thah nerves tah be avowin aloud and proud bout "Going Green"!

Got private yachts pollutin thah damn oceans and seas!

Air Force One cost $206,337 ah fuckin hour tah fuckin operate!

With at most only 70 sorry ass no count political figures bein passengers and shit!

A regular commercial aircraft operates on $2,180 an hour with 188 muh fuckahs stuffed in thah shit!

Got motorcades of five or more vehicles, each eight cylinder vehicle chokin some mighty fumes intah thah atmosphere! And yo sorry broke ass ain't evah gonnah see those sorry muh fuckahs on no damn public transportation! 

But US got tah carpool, walk, ride a fuckin bike...for thah sake of Our "eroding" atmosphere and Our "eroding" environment!...

We gettin starved while they eatin in their private suites, eatin in their country clubs, eatin in their secret societies, eatin on their private islands...all paid by 


Do We not understand that We are their Employers!? And them lazy muh fuckahs stealin Our company's time! 

And stealin Our muh fuckin company's money tah boot!...


And We ain't sayin or demandin shit from Our 




How thah Holy fuck they still fuckin


And how in thee Holy fuck can We evah call Ourselves responsible constitutional


(Peace! More to come...)

Interests Based Student Loans Have Been Nothing But Government Backed Debtors Prisons To US Broke Sorry Asses! II

 A funky ten thousand dollahs!


Check it!

I'm 56 fuckin years old and still bogged down with them shits!

My total: $48,000!

So thah last muh fuckin statement said!

But check it!?

The principle on thah muh fuckah is: $14,000!

Yo sorry asses read that right!

Talkin bout muh fuckin usury!?

Talkin bout predatory lending!?

I ain't nevah seen thah likes of these miscreants, these no count sorry ass thieves!

Evah in my ol Black sorry broke ass life!

"Well you signed the documents to take the student loans!"


"Disney" has been doin it since its inception, the business philosophy being

Get US while We're young!

Solidifying the future lifelong imprisonment, ideology!...

Even if I applied for thah funky ten thousand dollars in forgiveness!

Them muh fuckahs gonna put it towards thah interest!

Not thah muh fuckin principle!

They're just payin for nothin but air!

Because interest is made up of air!

Tah pay these sorry ass lenders and banks back for you guessed it,

Farting in the fuckin wind!

And US catchin thah fetid malodorous perpetual lifelong scent they ripped a long fuckin time ago!

While the putrid interest/air keeps accruing...

And ain't nobody said shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Interests Based Student Loans Have Been Nothing But Government Backed Debtors Prisons To US Broke Sorry Asses!

 Student loans my ol Black sorry ass!


US gives over thirty billion dollahs tah othah countries every fuckin year!

Just gives them thah shit! 

And ain't nobody said shit!

US done spent ovah three billion on these sorry ass COVID at home test they sendin tah US stupid muh fuckahs fo "free"!

And ain't nobody said shit!

Companies file bankruptcy every fuckin year!

And ain't nobody said shit!

Trump's filed at least four times on his respective companies!

We file bankruptcies every fuckin year!...

Who thah Holy fuck yo sorry ass think payin fo thah deficiencies of that shit!?

That's right!


Broke tax payin sorry asses! ...

And ain't nobody still said shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Thee Holy Fuck Wrong With US?!

 I shake my head oft times at US!

So much so, I'm gettin some pain in my fuckin neck on both sides!

No mattah thah evil shit they want done to Our sorry broke asses tah get their agenda expedited!


There are still many of US, that are willin tah actuate

Their evil muh fuckin sorry ass agenda against


(Peace! More to come...)

"Sylvester Stallone Gives Real Reason Why His 25 Year Marriage Crashed - Yahoo News"


I'll give you one simple reason with yo no count sorry ass!

You should've been out of 

Hollywood with

Yo old, ugly, haggard, stupid muh fuckin 

And sorry ass, ah long fuckin time ago!

And I didn't even have tah click tah read yo muh fuckin real reason!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, August 24, 2022

The Elite Shall Die By Lethal Injections!

 The old saying goes:

"Live by the sword!

And die by the sword!"

Fuck those 



And shit!

I suggest an 

Injection of 

Six-hundred and sixty-six milliliters of


(Peace! More to come...)

Give Some Of US Muh Fuckahs A Pass!

 The awakened think that all thah muh fuckahs involved are guilty!

Well my ol Black broke sorry ass has tah humbly disagree!

Some of US muh fuckahs just got caught up in this messy 


Bein used!


"But they know what they are doing! They are grown learned professional people!"

And I humbly undahstand what yo ass is spittin!

But check it!?

There are some of US that actually think that thah powers that be are workin toward Our greater


Come ohn naw!

Yah just gotstah feel all warm and fuzzy bout that





Our sorry ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Answer Just One Fucking Question?

 It doesn't mattah 

What they are doin!?


What they are goin tah do!?

Them muh fuckahs doin thah damn thang!

Fuck it!

What does mattah is

What thah fuck!

Are We goin tah do about their 



(Peace! More to come...)

Big Global Fecal Matter Hunting!

Planning is crucial!

They can't see US comin!

Fuck that!

Stealth is thah key!

Ol school style!


With grassroots meetings and shit!

In righteous churches,

That's if We can find any righteous churches

Any longer!?

Setup thah major elite targets! 


Get yo shit on!

Arm yo self tah thah muh fuckin max!


It's time fo US tah tell these sorry ass elite muh fuckahs

Fare thee well!

It's time!

Time tah go big elite


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, August 22, 2022

Monetize? Fuck No!

 Righteous information is supposed, 



Tryin tah make some ends off of some shit yah didn't make or yah didn't fuckin formulate is


But puttin shit on yo platform muh fuckin shit free!


Thah muh fuckin 

Inventors can't even argue in court bout that shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thine Troubled Truths!

 The thing about these muh fuckin "Truthers" is that it's like ah muh fuckin religion tah them muh fuckahs!


And like most religions!

Muh fuckahs gottah show US


"My sorry broke ass knows more than yo sorry broke ass knows!"

But yo sorry ass still muh fuckin broke like me!?


Will We evah fuckin learn!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, August 21, 2022

A Must For Harvesting Adrenochrome From Adults By The Elite


Them sorry ass inhumane elite muh fuckahs just torture Our children tah get thah shit!

But have you evah saw thah video or listened to "Zhu - Generationwhy"?!
There'll be some pitiful children that will fight back! 

Alas; not too many of the more than a hundreds of millions of thah weak, kidnapped, raped and tortured children have escaped their evil predatory asses!


Thy awakening and 

Thy reckoning cometh!


You see? US grown muh fuckahs will fight back and cause problems that they would have tah clean up! Even though they eat shit and othah shit! They don't like tah clean up their sorry ass messes, their own sorry ass fetid shit that they have made and have excreted!

"Michael Palmer" wrote ah book ah while back called: 


Of course I read it a while back. I tried to read his others but he was like John Grisham, there was no breadth in his writings. It felt like I was reading the same shit just with a different title on thah muh fuckahs! So I happily moved on...

But the shit I'm researching now, that book makes all the sense in the fucking world for these elite lunatics amid US!

Nee 1906:


In the Healthcare community, it's just referred to as:


(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, August 20, 2022

"Executive Order 14067 - Ensuring Responsible Development Of Digital Assets"

You sorry, lazy, no count, filthy, cowardly, sad while...

Mother Fuckers!

By December?!

And muh fuckahs around US worryin about Monkey Pox, COVID and shit!


We gettin played 


(Peace! More to come...)


 They talk about an ether. I can feel it. It runs through my body devoid of everything tangible. A spirit if you will. 

Amalgamating Our souls into a whole! Human electricity all around, yet not ready to start flowing just yet.  

It is time.

Thursday, August 18, 2022

Prenatal Choices!

 You can walk!

Muh fuckin parents yippee-kyaying because 

US took


First fuckin


That ain't no thing really!?


That's just one step into this muh fuckah!


Ain't no thing!...

But the real shit about this thing is thah muh fuckin

Answahs to the absolute only two  muh fuckin sorry ass 

Queries!? :

Yo sorry broke ass walkin intah thah



Yo sorry broke ass walkin intah 

Our Father's


(Peace! More to come...)

You Really Believe That Evil Shit You Spittin?!

 Muh fuckahs givin too much credence to this dark side of this fuckin 


Fuck that noise!

Ain't one of 'em wants tah really live in darkness!


Thah Holy fuck can ah muh fuckah see without Light!?

You know how We know what they are doin is fuckin wrong as two left shoes?!

Cause thah shit is all in secret societies and shit!...

But just keep this close to yo heart Sonshines!

"We shall live by Our choice of  fuckin truths!

And We shall surely die from Our choice of fuckin truths!"


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, August 17, 2022

"But The Law Clearly States..." FAX! II

 Them muh fuckahs gonnah want 

Mercy and shit!


Niggahs listen!?

Like ol J.J says,

"You can't come in front of a court with 




Y'all chose tah do this shit willingly in spite of yo sorry ass ill selfish




Muh fuckahs 

With yo no count havin asses 're in some heap of fuckin legal and 



(Peace! More to come...)

"But The Law Clearly States..." FAX!

 Fuck that shit!

They worked in 


Outside of

The Law!





And for their sorry ass sentences!...

So too shall We!:


To y'alls sorry no count 

Fatherless, cowardly, lazy, ruthless, non-human...muh fuckahs! 

By Lethal Injections!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Am I Black Enough For You - Billy Paul"

 When yah define yo sorry ass as White!

Let me tell yah somethin Sonshines!

I'm glad tah tell yah,

That's some borin sorry ass shit right there!


"That's rude! Why would you say that Meredith?"



If my Black broke sorry ass is sho nuff Black!

Why in thah Holy fuck if I'm White?

Living in a zero percentage crime neighborhood!?

Driving a nice dependable vehicle?!

Makin some major coinage in this muh fuckah...

And fo some damn reason yah listenin tah 

Rap fuckin music,

Talkin thah niggah talk...

Bein ah Black ass muh fuckah must be cool as shit!...

Believe me Sonshines!

The mainstreamed cool narrative shit!

Ain't thah muh fuckin true narrative fo most of


Black ass muh fuckahs!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Three Strikes And Tarrying To Get The Fuck Out!

 I don't argue with muh fuckahs any-damn-mo!

Fuck that shit!


Too damn old!

Too damn Black!

And too damn fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, August 16, 2022

US Individual God Given Perspective!

 Don't give ah fuckin shit!

That's thah way yo sorry Black broke ass gottah look at this sorry shit

Fo sustainability sake!




Fuck no!

Gottah look at this shit 

"In a team concept",

Fuckin sort of way!

It's a global world Sonshines!

And it's high time fo Our sorry broke asses tah fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, August 15, 2022

Absorption Rate!

 Yo sorry broke Black ass can't infuse shit intah ah muh fuckah immediately!

Fuck no!

Knowledge takes howevah long it takes with ah perspective individual!

But fo some damn reason, muh fuckahs think they can speed that shit up in their own individual time!

And it didn't work fo yo ol Black broke sorry ass!

So why in thee Holy fuck is it going to work now for othahs!?

Cause yo ol Black broke sorry ass is special!?

Yo sorry ass has some type of unique charming charisma!?...

We all take Our sorry ass broke time!

That Our sorry asses need to absorb the


Even if it is too late for 


(Peace! More to come...)     

Real Work!

 US in America talkin crazy and shit!

Thee Holy fuck!

We done been through this stupid muh fuckin shit befo!

When muh fuckin stupid ass individuals have a ridiculous amount of money and don't lift ah fingah tah fucking work no damn time in any fucking day!



We get what We fuckin get!

It should be a law in Our US Constitution that every single one of US aftah the age of majority has tah mothah fuckin work at least ten hours a fucking day!

With no fucking exceptions!

And talking like these elite muh fuckahs do all thah fuckin God damned time!

Ain't fucking working!

Rich muh fuckahs done redefined labor!

Board meetings and shit!


Ain't fucking working!


My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Are goin tah be just fine Sonshines!

Cause we do real fucking


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, August 14, 2022

"Declaration of Independence"

Oh, please read thah shit Sonshines!?

Make yo ol' broke Black sorry ass

Proud tah be an 


Beautifully written!

But let me give ya ah lil insight

My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Them muh fuckahs were eloquent as hell in the

Written prose given the legalities!

Shit was heart felt by all attending!

Serious fucking shit!...

A legal fucking document!

For US!...

I don't know the law!

Big Ups to Our Juris Prudence US community!

But I undahstand thah muh fuckin difference between!


And muh fuckin,


God damnit!


Is whatevah muh fuckahs!?



Oh, yo sorry broke asses

Gottah do this shit!

For thah muh fuckin 

Future of



(Peace! More to come...)

Isra-El-ic, "Law Of Return"!? Got That LOR Son! (You're Being Used! IsraHell! Time To Smote! Some...)

 Thee Holy fuck!?


Undahstand some shit Sonshines!

One can't serve two masters!

Black, White, Brown...

You are just ah muh fuckin no count sorry ass muh fuckin

Goyim tah them muh fuckahs!

Read some of the "Talmud"!

Yo Goy ass be sayin tah yo damn ol Black sorry broke ass self,

"What the fuck is goin on in Our US!?"

But thah sad apart about this shit is!

Y'alls tribalism uncivilized bad bullshits' comin to yo local sorry ass

IsraELi plethora of neighborhoods 

Real fuckin soon!

I mean


In Isra-


Cause even in their home country!

That didn't even stop their:



And evil, asses!

Fuck no!...

From bringin that evil shameful shit intah the sanctuary!


Our Father's! 



(Peace! More to come...)

The Fucked Up Marketing Of "Crystal Pepsi" (In My Humble Opinion.)

 I remembah when the shit came out!

I loved the shit!

Then about two years latah couldn't find thah muh fuckin shit any-fuckin-where!?

Wondah why?

I'll tell yah why God damnit!

Muh fuckin stupid ass companies think their fuckin name rules supreme!

Yo fuckin name don't mean dick at thah onset!

Aftah some success yo ass can always rebrand thah shit and rename it, guess what?

"Crystal Pepsi"!


Then the branding slogan could have been, 

"'Pepsi' with less additives! Clearly the right alternative!"

Why thah Holy fuck yo sorry ass put thah name "Pepsi" any place on thah shit!

Just name it "Crystal"!?

Or like yo sorry ass did in 1999 and name thah shit "Sierra Mist" without the lemon-lime flavah!

Same company!

But different branding!

It wasn't thah muh fuckin look of no damn "Pepsi"!

Thah niggah look was not present absent ah caramel colah!

Why y'alls sorry asses gonnah confuse consumahs like that?!

Fuckin dumb corporate non-grassroots muh fuckahs!

Just fuckin stupid! Corporate executives just lookin at fuckin numbahs and shit!...

Or shit, I'll tell yah ah bettah branding marketing name!

Fucking brilliant in fact!

"White" made by "Pepsi"!

With thah muh fuckin branding slogan being:

"Pepsi has turned from being all Black to being all White!"...

Fuck it!

The shit would make some helluva waves in thah sorry ass worthless advertising, media and consumer industries!

Fo sho!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Dr. RaShall Brackney Ex-COP (Fired 9/2021 = 3x3/3+3)

 Charlottesville, Virginia's First Black Woman Chief Of Police! 


Them mothah fuckahs don't undahstand how much of a sweet retirement plan this woman just got handed!

Don't even have to worry about the suit!

Them mothah fuckahs have to worry about payin that enormous

Doctor's bill for

Discredited services!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, August 13, 2022

The Truth In Conspiracies

It's some flip-flop shit!...

"Oh, that's a conspiracy! There is no way, even remotely, that the presidents of Our United States throughout Our US history would have in any shape, form or fashion to even remotely have, the propensity to be able to sexualize children!?"

Hold up now playah!

I know my ol Black broke sorry ass didn't just hear from yo no count havin sorry worthless piece of shit of an ass just say that:

"Oh, that's a conspiracy!...?"...

( Peace! More to come...)

US Doct-Whores!

 How the Holy fuck yo ass gonna be talkin tah my ol Black broke sorry ass about some diet?!

And yo ass visually bein overweight!?

How the Holy fuck yo ass gonna be talkin tah my ol Black broke sorry ass about taking a muh fuckin vaccine with boosters tah boot!?

And yo sorry ass ain't even vaccinated!?

Not one fucking time!?

How the Holy fuck yo ass gonna be talkin tah my ol Black broke sorry ass about the efficacy of medications!?

And yo ass tells me with mighty pushback, after my subsequent question to yo sorry ass, you say, 

"Well I don't take any medications! I'm healthy!"...

Says who?!

Another one of yo greedy no count sorry ass havin peers?!...

Don't Our sorry broke asses see the hypocrisy of it 


(Peace! More to come...)

It's All About Civility: The Meek!

 Ninety-nine percent of US are civil!

So why in the Holy fuck is the "Mainstream" and US, with Our sorry broke asses, always reporting and talking about the uncivilized?!

One percent of US?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Follow The Money!"

 I guess We'll all be in a quandary many times in Our perspective life's time.

But what has me so vexed is that what I am witnessing and the fluidity of it all...takes a shitload of US compliance.

I mean really think about the breadth of the agenda that's going down?!

On a massive scale to say the least!

The courts can't evah be trusted again!

Law Enforcement Officials can't evah be trusted again!

Doctors can't evah be trusted again!

Neighbors can't evah be trusted again!...

Were these ruses really worth it?!...

God damn!


I mean how in the Holy fuck can this be happening to US?!

And ain't nothin happened to thah sorry ass muh fuckin liars to US!

While US still

Slowly and pitifully drownin in Our own muh fuckin


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, August 7, 2022

Stuck In A Quandary For A Little While.

 There's something eerily cold about this place now. Maybe it has always been that way and I couldn't discern it then. I don't think so but One has to problem solve. If I didn't look at things any differently than the way that I'm viewing them now then what's the point? 

I used to have good days every once in awhile. Now I struggle everyday to see some type of positive element that will help US somehow. People say, "There's nothing stopping you?" And people would be correct. We all think that the evil that was done to US for over two years now and counting that One can just hit the Up switch and illumination instantly. We don't work like that. The time that it took to get Us to where We are now is going to take the same amount of time for that light of humanism to at least flicker again.

But there's no stopping them. They want Us to suffer! Feel their pain. Feel their emptiness. Feel their sorrow. Feel the darkness. Fill their void! (Which is an impossibility)... 

For Their ill adult choices!...

So My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs. Until I can help Us in this darkness We all are amid,

There's nothing more to say and there's nothing more to  write really.

But I'll be back...

One day.

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come much later...)

Saturday, August 6, 2022

MAGA (Fifth Degree Of The Church Of Satan)

 Make America Great Again (MAGA)!

You mothah fuckahs!


Politics are fuckin evil!

Don't yah see?!

Left is Right!?

Right is Left!?...

Confusin that broke sorry ass all day er day!..


Yeah, I'll vote for US!

I'll vote for these sorry ass muh fuckahs and their underlings to fucking


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, August 5, 2022

It's All Our Own Fucking Muh Fuckin Fault!

Yah evah heard thah old maxim My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs?

If yah want thah shit done right? Do it yo fuckin self!


Often than not othah people don't know no shit!

Don't know what thah Holy fuck they're talkin about!?

Shit no!

They ain't researched no shit,

They ain't been through no God damned shit they spittin,

And they definitely ain't read no shit!

Fuck no!

But what they have done


They have heard some shit!


They have seen some shit!

Muh fuckahs lazy as fuckin shit Sonshines!


And that's Our own fuckin sorry broke ass fault for listenin to their no count sorry

Ignant lazy havin asses in thah first fuckin place!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, August 4, 2022

Alas; A Cloudless Heavenly Firmament

 I smile at thah written word My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs!

Fuckin smile proud!

When I see ah fuckin book or volumes of books that shit makes my ol Black sorry broke ass so humble!

Because yah see, as long as the various numerous texts are in tact!

Them muh fuckahs can't be adulterated! 

Like ah hidden gem!


But thah muh fuckin evil "Cloud" is takin thah fuck ovah!

And it won't be too long before the "Cloud" is removed and the



(Peace! More to come...)

Tooling Money (The Luciferian Approach)


You can turn water into wine!

You can feed thousands of people with just one ear piece of fuckin corn!

You can make good people bad people!

You can make a broke sorry ass muh fuckah a rich sorry ass muh fuckah!

You can make a talentless muh fuckah have talent!

You can make good news bad fuckin news!

You can make the learned fools!...

You can even make 

Our Father

Seem like a worthless piece of shit of a


As long as you have the right fuckin

Tools workin on


(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, August 3, 2022

Taking Back Our Streets One Mangled Or Dead Sorry Ass Criminal At A Time!

 They tearin these sorry ass infidels up in Brazil!

Muh fuckahs think they can go round in Brazilian streets causin chaos, commitin crimes on motorcycles and ghostin away!


Again, "Jim Crenshaw" on 'Bitchute' has this video where these muh fuckin Brazilian citizens are tired of that bullshit!

They tearin those no count sorry ass heathens up with their vehicles subsequently!

I have zero sympathy for those no count sorry ass muh fuckahs!

Sweet fuckin righteous street justice!

And blessedly comin to US streets real fuckin soon!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Fucking Start Thinking About US!

 Keep calm!

Ain't no thing!

We've been through this bullshit before time and time again!

They have US thinkin about only one instead of thah fuckin totality of US!

Divide and conquer on a macro/micro scale!


Yo sorry broke ass evah watched thah muh fuckin series "Alone" on 'Netflix'?

Fuck what they tryin tah preach!

We are social Beautiful beings!

And We need one anothah more than any othah time in Our Human 


(Peace! More to come...)