Saturday, July 24, 2021

Have Not The Faintest! But Thank You My Dear Sweet Romanian Sista Or Brotha All The Same!

 I don't speak Romanian! Shit! I'm just here ta tell ya! 

Too old ta learn. 

And if I decided to embark on the shit?

The fuck my Black ass gonna do with the shit?!

Talk to you all day?...That might be cool!...

But shit a nigga lives in the real world!

And a nigga gotta work!

Ya know!?

For real!

Nigga speakin Romanian workin fo the United Nations?!

Wouldn't that be some sugar!

"The fuck mahn! These Americans! The fuck! A nigger telling people what Romanians have to say! Translated by a nigger! On their national television no less!...."

 Uh, I think I'll pass!

Come on naw!

You know me?

Just fuckin witcha!

And recognizin!

Love ya!...

(Peace! More to come...)

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