Saturday, July 31, 2021

The Globalism Hiccups-Fuck-Up!

I remember, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, I was watchin one of those cooking shows that Zimmern does on the F-Network. 

And I do believe he was in Sardinia, Italy? (When yo ass gets old, oft times, I've found it best to question. Not boast.)

Well, the guide(?) took the motha fucka to some Sardinian eatery.

Zimmern stated, if I can remember, "This needs to be available to the whole world! It's so good!"

And the guide(?), if I remember correctly said to Zimmern emphatically:

"No! Only here!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Easily Influenced, First! (A Global World Agenda)

 Fuck the Olympics!

You see the way the shit's goin?

Check it:

I'm watchin the "German-Australian Olympic Men's Basketball" game...

Bout three minutes went bye until I caught it!...

When the fuck we get Black ass Germans?! 

Hitler saying out of the ashes and shit,


And when in the Holy fuck we get so many nigga Australians?!

The Aboriginals, especially, Cathy Freeman, screaming,

"Can Native Austalians get some Love!..."

But...let me tell ya My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas!

You see the Japanese caved with their sorry ass "Hafu" shit!...and an African nigga now on a Japanese motha fuckin Olympic Squad for the first time in Olympic history!...

Do you see what's coming?

I hope.

But let me tell you somethin,

When a nigga infiltrates the Chinese National Team;

Or a nigga infiltrates a Russian National Team!...

That's when the shit gets real!


Motha fuckas!...

Are you ready?...

(Peace! More to come...)

They Did It! Not US! Niggardly! II

 ...Only individuals got fucked and traumatized; ergo,


Not them!

Them motha fuckas still playin Politics, Masonry and Tribalism!

Our sorry asses just tryin the best that we can to try to stay afloat;

While continuing to just try to be a good consumer,

A great American!...


Don't give a shit bout cho sorry ass Americanism

No fuckin mo!...

The proof 

Is going on right in front of US!

While We being an unwilful accomplice;

Witnesses to a senseless, absurd, psychotic...

Greatest Serial killer ever...

Murder of US


(Peace! More to come...)

They Did It! Not US! Niggardly!

 Don't fall for it My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! 


They...decided to do what they inhumanely did!

Not, based on The Truth

Or, fuck me times two, Science!

They did it based strictly on 

The Agendas: 2021, 2030 and Beyond!...

Now, they want to sit up there and make it Our problem!

"It's up to every individual to keep the other safe and wear a mask!"

US didn't have shit ta do with the ultimate decision ta shut US down!

You did!


Fuck you!

You fucking Hypocrites!

You fucking sorry ass


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, July 29, 2021

You're Always In My Thoughts!

 I see you!

Even when you're not seen,

I see you!

When I wake up,

I see you!

Throughout these hard ass days, even when I know assuredly,

With more to come,

I see you!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Just ol school I guess

 If I'm not bloggin, 

I always keep some kind of paper around to jot down some shit that came into my mind at the time. 

Some use electronics ta do that shit. 

Speaking into yo cellphone with the thought...

I have found, it's not quite the same. 

Writing, to me, is supposed to be about the mind and putting those words that are in your head on paper, or on what the three of you are reading now. 

Once electronics come into play, 

The thought is without, now replaying within. 

Instead of doing it properly:

The thought being contained within 

Then, replaying without....

(Peace! More to come...)

Reset: The Elites Global Solution

 I talk to many people throughout the day given the profession which I'm employed My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas.

I smile sadly afterward thinkin of the various conversations during the workday that I have had with given patients.

And I have come to the conclusion:

Maybe it is time to "Reset"!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I love being at home. 

Some can't stand it!

Can't stand to be in the environment which they have chosen to habitat.


We chose the shit!

But can't stand the shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, July 27, 2021

The Hype Men...And Women! And The Elites' Rationale of Legalizing Marijuana.

 "Coming out strong!

Get high! Hit that bong nigga!"

That's what the motha fuckas do!

Get niggas hyped!

"Ya gonna die nigga! Ya gonna die!..."

Of course with that bangin beat!

Start bobbin yo Black sorry ass head ta that

Bad ass bangin beat!...

"Believe me!

It ain't worth it!"

But...that beat bangin Son!

Get vaccinated

And be Globally Reset Free!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Just Telling You About "Truth"

 They can gangrape and fuck the Truth all they fuckin wantsta try ta do,

Trying to be the Father of, Truth!

They will never succeed

In impregnating the Truth

With the adverse Lies...

(Peace! More to come...)

Not Feelin Too Good! Are We?

"They wouldn't do that!"?"

They're doing it!

Now what?

Right in front of Our sorry motha fuckin eyes, noses, ears, hands...!

And between just you

and between just me!

How yo sorry ass feelin bout that bullshit?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Science: A Fucking Shit-Show!

 And they call themselves: Experts, Professionals...!

Motha fuckas can't get their lies together ta save their own fucking lives!

We just taggin the fuck along! Cause we some lazy asses that don't want ta do just a lil research our damn selves that just might save Our own Sorry ass lives! 

I's just wantsta keep swipin and just wantsta keep on bein entertained!

Go head with you sorry Black ass motha fuckin self!

Science is fucking flawed My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! 

They throw around the word "Science" like it is some deity!

Science is fucking manmade; ergo, flawed! 

God damned!

You're witnessin the shit live and in color!

Thinkin motha fuckas lookin out fo yo sorry ass! 

"What is thine reward?" in that shit!

 And they's even gonna save yo fuckin sorry ass life because...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, July 26, 2021

Who's Fuckin Whom?

 CDC is tryin ta force motha fuckas ta do somethin they don't want ta fuckin do! They some sorry asses! Fauci, Walensky... et al! Who in the Holy fuck is Fauci? The little prick dick don't know shit bout shit, not even science! Worthless piece of shit! The fucker! And motha fuckas listenin to his "not goin heels' sorry ass. He'd need that gat too! The mother fucker is shorter than my Black ass! All Napoleonic and shit! The fuck! 

And who the Holy fuck is Walensky! Lookin like a fuckin man in drag! Get a better stylist bitch!

Motha fuckas comin out of the woodwork and shit talkin that shit, "They are specialist in their perspective field!" 

Kinda fields yo sorry ass talkin bout? Human fuck-fields!...

They do that mask mandate shit again...all yo Black ass gotsta do is go ta work and then ta go home. And stay yo Black ass at home! Until its time ta go ta work again...

Start readin motha fuckas! Shit, grow a garden! Learn how ta play a fuckin instrument...any Goddamned thing but spend fuckin money! Put the brakes on that shit! Fuck'em!...

Until they start understandin who really is in charge!

It's not too late! Until it is!

They not fuckin up!

We are!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Unfortunate "Man"dates!

 I don't like the dark. 

Embark on a journey to never find if...

You can whiff the sniff?

Quit the rift!...

A grain of sand...

Bereft of the human 

God given lift...


(Peace! More to come...)

Move Over!

 Music moves. Music grooves. Music soothes...

Takes me into a mode of subliminal conscientious beyond.

Maybe still here with the cheers of beer!

But I understand,

My life has really

Just begun!


Witnessing the  effulgent Son!....

(Peace! More to come...)

But waking up, is hard to do!

 Sometimes my mind goes blank. Don't know why. But it doesn't blank out for long. Maybe six seconds or so. Rejuvenating. 

Taking the good with the bad! Absorbing. 

We oft times do not appreciate the blissful state of rest! 

The body needs it! Not an option! If you want the motha fucka ta run properly throughout the many days yo sorry Black ass thinks you will be here in this life as a witness! 

One hast to rest! 

One hast to sleep!...


You have to get prepared for what's coming!

Then, there'll be no time to sleep...

(Peace! More to come...)

Have Not The Faintest! But Thank You My Dear Sweet Romanian Sista Or Brotha All The Same!

 I don't speak Romanian! Shit! I'm just here ta tell ya! 

Too old ta learn. 

And if I decided to embark on the shit?

The fuck my Black ass gonna do with the shit?!

Talk to you all day?...That might be cool!...

But shit a nigga lives in the real world!

And a nigga gotta work!

Ya know!?

For real!

Nigga speakin Romanian workin fo the United Nations?!

Wouldn't that be some sugar!

"The fuck mahn! These Americans! The fuck! A nigger telling people what Romanians have to say! Translated by a nigger! On their national television no less!...."

 Uh, I think I'll pass!

Come on naw!

You know me?

Just fuckin witcha!

And recognizin!

Love ya!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 ...Did we tell you about your public water? Well, I'm sorry you didn't get that update! We were putting parts per billion of fluoride in your drinking water! Well, we noticed an upswing in the bacteria that had built up. So, through science, we have to start putting parts per million. You know, to keep our drinking water without pathogens. What? Oh, no. Totally safe!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Prayer and fasting is a motha fucka!

Whah! The way you talk nigga?!

Shit, what cho Black sorry ass thinks, 

I'm a heathen?...

I am! 

Loud and proud motha fucka! 


But I know how to talk,

When I'm speaking with Our Father!

No matter who or what you are...

You just have to show respect!

And that is My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas

A Beautiful thang!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US of A in Decay!

 I can see it burning down like a candle. 

And like the burning candle the aftermath just pools....

Pools into nothingness. 

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, July 22, 2021

All Bout That Whip! (Rapper VIVIVI, Holla Rap Music Awards, 'All Bout That Whip!") Best Rap Song 2023

 ...Got me a Covini son!

I'm here today!

I'm not done!

Ya heard may!

Six motha fuckin wheels, sucka!

Four my ass!

I got six son, 

You sorry motha fucka!

Smokin that grass

Six! Bitch!...

Just Live Motha Fuckas!

 You just may need a booster!

Oh, and did I mention?

The shit comin ta yo muh fuckin neighborhood 

Or a neighborhood near yo sorry Black ass real soon!

You will need a vaccine for that shit!

Oh, shit! 

And that shit too!...

Whateva shit yo Black sorry ass dies from...


That's what yo Black sorry ass s'posed ta die from!


Ya pickin up what I'm layin down?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

You Ready?

 It's easy work. 

Yet, hard work.

The Garden is Yours!...

The Garden is Mine....

And we really need to start taking care of it?

Ya know?...

(Peace! More to come...)


 You ever wondered, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, about the certainty of yo sorry ass existence? I mean sometimes, not too many, my Black ass while talkin ta a muh fucka thinkin, while still listenin to their words, mind you: 

"I wonder what would happen if I took my fist and try to make it go through your face...what would happen then?"

Butcho overworked ass just wonderin! Ya know? 


The fuck!


That's the million dollar answah!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Humboldt County" / Monk Gets Thrown Into An Environment of The Absurd

 Worth a peek. For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, July 20, 2021

The Human Sadomasochistic Disease

There is something to say about the world today, in decay. 

But that's okay not to stay. 

The way throughout Our human history is no misery 

Only an absurdity into the revelry

And the reverence to the unknown. 

Quite insane!

We have just loved the pain.

We have loved to the utmost certainty,

We just Love to get stoned!...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Sault, 'Wildfires'"

 ...Just like fasting! 

I hate fucking fasting!

Butcha see

That ain't got shit ta do with

What needs ta be ultimately done!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 16, 2021

Again And Again by Morgan Lambert Hopson II, 2015 (Lettersfromtheunderprivileged Flashback, mon-12dec2011)

While walking past your house,

I stopped in front,

Saw you come out;

You turned and waved

And smiled warmly....

You walked to your car,

Got in, and backed out of your driveway;


Another wave;

Another smile.

I reciprocated these actions,

As I watched you turn and

Guide your car down the street

And fade away.

Thinking of you;

Taking deep breaths;

I realized I was daydreaming;

But it was all just as real.

I took a step;

And a step usually leads to more steps;

I was walking again;


Now past your abode;

Left in my wake;

My steps are lighter now.

I have had another pleasant thought

Of you once more.

Wednesday, July 14, 2021

I wake up every morning because of...You! IV

...But that was befo the time my sorry Black ass just started understandin some shit! Yo ass gotsta be patient with these pharmaceuticals. 

Them motha fuckas work!

For real!

A motha fucka, black or white, can call you, "Fuckin nigger bitch! Mother fuckin bitch! Yeah! Bitch!"

And believe me My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas  you will not pay that usually accusator a bit of mind indeed.

 You might even get cho ass beat cause: sans response! 


But fuck it!

The shit works!..,

(Peace! More to come...)

I wake up every morning because of...You! III

 ...But I remember like it happened the last minute, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Ya know?

Been floatin fo awhile without the "Effexor" and was too damned expensive at the time once I lost the job, now with no insurance.

"How much without insurance?"

"One-hundred and thirty dollars," The Pharmacist said.

I said to myself, "Shit I might as well buy an ounce of green at these prices!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

I wake up every morning because of...You! II

...What do I mean by, fix?


I'm sorry I thought one would overstand...

I'm sorry...

 What I mean by fixing is this:

There is a purity in every single one of US My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! This wonderous, God-given purity that is being extinguished quickly!

It's called: Individual Beautiful Beings!

Now, I'm not talkin bout motha fuckas showin their big fake, silicon asses or some nigga showin his big ol genetically altered johnson ta everyone that wantsta swipe...I ain't talkin bout none of that vile hedonistic bullshit we have sorrowfully succumbed to! 

Fuck no!

We don't treat one another like that! 

Oh, no! 

Not in this unidirectional forum!

Believe me...

(Peace! More to come...)

Whoremongering. And now they have ta kill US bitches!

 The shit they doing, got my Black ass thinkin more than once! But this shit is a lil diff'rent! I mean you ever read and saw some shit where they give these motha fuckas, that's gonna die from some fatal disease or a motha fucka bout ready to get juiced they give them their last dream come true or meal requests and some shit. Gonna give ya something good befo yo sorry ass gotsta die or I hast ta kill ya. 

Fuckin ain't that Human of ya!?

Fuck yo alms motha fuckas! No, and fuck you! Mother fuckers!

But check it? My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, they's givin out these stimulus checks while pushin yo sorry Black ass ta get vaccinated?! They don't give a fuck! They gonna bankrupt this bitch any fuckin way!...

And not one of the vaccines, over a BILLION people served, is fully approved by Our USFDA! 

Now that's a good ol Neo-Non-American fuck-fest fo sho!


(Peace! More to come...)

An Epiphany: Welcome to The New Road World Amid US

 Drive without music.

Drive without listening to an audiobook.

Drive without your cellphone being on.

Drive without anyone else in the vehicle....

Take out all the tertiary bullshit and do the damn thing...

Just fucking Drive!

The next thing you'll notice 

The road will seem alive, new and totally chaotic.

You will be saying aloud or to yourself after just a little while down the road:

What the fuck is goin on!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, July 13, 2021

I wake up every morning because of...You!

 I've never been able to fix myself!

No matter what I've tried in my fifty-five years old motha fuckin life!

I've never been able to fix myself...


I have had assistance from some outside influence in the Homeopathic medicaments prescribed 

And of course the good-good from the General Practitioners.

Shit what yo Black ass wants me ta tell ya? Some lie? Shit! Tired of that bullshit!

That's not why the three of you who reads this Blog on a regula, reads this shit. Y'all know:

Cause my Black sorry ass ain't got too much more life for the bullshit of lies! 

There is no human growth that come from lies! 


(Peace! More to come...)

Sunday, July 11, 2021

Sonshines: "The Ends Always Justifies The Means!"

 It don't take much my Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas. It just doesn't.

Oft times in an encounter, let the conversation be about one other than You!

Let the otha motha fucka talk! Express themselves ad nauseum. 

I'll even help yo Black sorry ass out! 

The responses are composed herein:


"For real?!"

"I hear ya!"

"That's a shame!"

"You all right?"...

 I mean fuck it! 

Shit!...What's the fuckin rush?... 

If its in a social setting.

If yo Black ass at work? Well, Sonshines I hates ta break the bad news ta yo broke Black ass too! But a nigga gotta get back ta work! 

Ya know.

But otha than that! My time is vast! 

Until it ain't!

Unlike my ends!

That shit just ain't! 



Yo Black sorry ass can't have everything!

We'll be just fine,


(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 9, 2021

Totally Corrected!

 I can put a refraction in front of your eyes and make you believe what you see, however fucked up distorted sight I prescribe to correct for yo visually impaired sorry ass that may be. 

"But Doc! I'm gettin all nauseated and all!"

You'll get used to it! That was your prescription buddy boy!

And prescribed perception you will for at the very least at  the expiration date of two years, be seeing life in a whole new perspective!

I doth prescribe...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Hopped Up IPA/Old Town Brewery" (Beer Blogger, Frederick Svenson, Author of the Blog "What No Hop Head Fred Said") July 04, 2021

 I'm kind of a pilsner type of beer drinkin motha fucka. And if you understand beer, the least little bit, you should at least get an idea of my tastes. 

I saw this 4 pack at Dinner Bell down on Shelby Street. Had my name written all over it! One, it was interesting. But totally against my beer-buds. Ya know? 

And two, a nigga was low on some ends; so the motha fuckin 4 pack had the nerves to be $2.99! Did I tell y'alls Black asses, I was low on some ends?

Shit! Done!

Got the shit home...

And what a fucking refreshing surprise!

God damned! Even...

Thursday, July 8, 2021


 I mean yo Black ass blacker than me and  some shit, tryin ta act like ya don't understand some shit. And that's totally fine!  

A-the-fuck-o-kay! Betta Bettcha Black sorry ass yo Black ass gonna pay a motha fuckin hard hittin inflationary price!

Oh, yes We are!

Not me?!


Especially You...

and Me!

They handin out money like motha fuckin candy! 

And like candy..., candy so gives yo Black sorry ass diabetes!...

So what's that tellin ya?

They're tryin ta kill lil ol You?


They're Tryin ta kill US...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Not Thah Fuck. Thee Fuck!

 I'm goin ta get this out ta the universe, then my Black ass gotta go ta bed! Tired...

Anyway, I was thinkin...

Motha fuckas will eat bootyholes, lick hairy balls, eat pussy, lick toes (after a motha fuckas feets been in unbreathable leather shoes for over eight hours or more)...

Playesses! And Playas!

Come ohn naw!?...

I think ya get what I'm layin down.

Okay, here's my vexation:

How in the Holy Fuck! Yo nasty mouth done did one and or all those motha fuckas with yo God damned, did I say, nasty ass mouth on a regula!

And yo sorry Black ass gonna have the nerves ta say out of that nasty, shitty'd, ballsy'd, pussy'd smellin...mouth:

"I don't drink or eat after anyone!"


(Peace! More to come...)

The First To Jump Into The Lake Of Fire! And "AWOLNATION, 'Burn It Down'"

 Motha fuckas think its bout'em all the God damned time! 

God damned it!

Ain't no way in hell this big ol' shit We call 'Life' is bout cho sorry broke Black ass!

Ain't fucking possible Sonshines!

Some One had to die in Order for yo ungrateful Black ass to be able to live and breath on this terra firma!

Fuck that shit!?



Strike that motha fuckin match right the fuck now God damn it!

And let this Bitch burn!

Believe me! This nigga can take the heat!


I'll be screamin like a bitch while my Black sorry ass turnin into a Black ass crisp!

But some shit,

Yo Black ass just gotsta take the motha fuckin pain!


And mercifully!

Get the fuck out this Bitch foreva!

Y'all got this!,,,

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Defining Myself

 I absolutely love words! Some I love more than others. 

But that's cool!

My favorite word ever is:


I read the definition of the word, 

And as trite as the joke is, whateve motha fucka!

Not ta my surprise,

My Black ass motha fuckin picture was right next to the motha fuckin word!

Now that's some shit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Like... I 70 Turning Into 465

 Well, in my opinion, where people mess up is that they doubt their own mortality. Some would say a Dream State, maybe even an Altered State, to ignore the inhumane shit that is going on right in front of Our perceived "Woke" beings.


There has been a shift in time!

Not  an acceleration, to get US to where we are now! 

Time has shifted! 

Something unmerciful is coming!

Cause this highway is fucked up!

And in dire need of repair...

(Peace! More to come...)


 I don't get the affection niggas got for "Maze"! I don't get it at the fuck all! Can't stand the shit! And when you round niggas playin this shit! If ya just sittin up there drinkin your beer, and ain't got cho sorry Black ass up even when the motha fucka says, "Before I let gooooooooooooo..." They will try to coerce you ta get up and join the party, the vibe...that space where you were enjoyin yo'self at the time the shit was poppin!

Well, the shit don't pop like that fo my Black ass! Can't stand that shit! Whenever I even hear that shit, I will find someway not ta hear the shit! Motha fucka like "Jimmy Buffet"! I don't get the gravitation ta that non-singin motha fucka eitha! But to each their own.

I remember I was goin through some shit back in the day. And for some reason I looked through some of the albums that I had. Ran across, "The Clones of Dr. Funkenstein". For some reason I pulled it, slid the album out of its sleeve. Put it on the turntable. Programmed T-4. The arm and stylus tracking across the album finding the groove to start T-4. Lowers...

"We are Children of Production/ Produced in conjunction with the urgency of our Dr. Funkenstein..."

Now that shit!

I can relate!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, July 2, 2021

It's The Greatest Race in the world happening on Our Indianapolis streets and highways.

 In a year and some change! Has motha fuckas just lost all fucking knowledge of "Share the road"?

Good, God damned!

These motha fuckas can't drive no fuckin mo! 

For real! Scary shit!

And what's up with all these sorry ass paper plates on these so-called whips?

I mean shit, motha fuckas still gettin their refund checks and shit?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Nigger Shit!

 I look motha fuckas straight in the eyes when I'm talkin ta'em.

"Oh, yo ass thinkin yous a bad motha fucka and shit!"

When the Holy fuck! Has addressing another when one is speaking to that other, become some disrespectful shit!?

Now that's some straight up...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, July 1, 2021

The Fourth! (Thirty-Nine Years Old, Patriot, John Payne)

 You know what kicks me in the ass?!

The hypocrisy of all the shit! I mean these old mother fuckers older than me in The House, The Senate and the fucking Presidency!

Independence Day! 

Isn't that some oxymoronic shit!

Or what?!

"The Pangea Effect"! And Breaking The Human Self Mutilation Cycles!

 The mists were ubiquitous. 

They were like infinitesimal spirts of hydration all over this firmament of Eden.

But like most things that changed, drastically.

There were certain parts of this firmament that didn't want to wait their given turn. Didn't want to feast and survive.  Causing "The Pangea Effect"!

No, it was elitism, Feast and Feast!

They knew the Cycles within the Cycles. But they didn't want to wait their turn of feast because they wanted perpetual feasts. 

So what did they do? Started manipulating the weather. Going against Our Father's plan for the progression for US all is lethal!

When are we going to ever understand:

We just have to get along with

One and another!?

And it don't have dick, ta do with lil ol You...and most definitely, 

Lil ol Me!..


We're going to be just fine Sonshines!

Believe that My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! 

"This ain't Our first Rodeo!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

From A Chaldean Minister In An Earlier Cycle (15Dec2008; Letters From The Underprivileged, Flashback)

 We thought we had enough time. Oh, some, like our family moved high in the mountains. We were some of the few who survived. The forecasters were speaking of perpetual rain. "Perpetual rain?" We had never heard of such a thing. We had read about such a thing in the Great Book of Humankind but nothing that we would ever experience. But the devastating droughts came. Affected the whole firmament. 

Everyone praying for the Heavens to open up and give us some reprieve. Be careful for what you pray for because our prayers were answered. The rains came. A deluge in fact. And yes, perpetual rain for some forty days and forty nights...

No More Mea Culpas! And The Telling Of Works, Kills! Kills absolutely!

 We far beyond that My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas!

Way far beyond!

And since we are at the place which we are in with complicit acknowledgement based on our actions and mostly inactions! 

The situation we done got Ourselves into is critical!

To the point ain't no mo mutha fuckin talkin ta be done! 

Or regret any God damned thing!...

We had choices and made some bad motha fuckin decisions...choices!

Now, We gotta go to real work!

We just gotsta get some shit done!

But with one another's back!

By not tellin those sorry motha fuckas shit! 

Ya know? What we's be doins!

Ya heard may?!


(Peace! More to come...)