Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Why Nocturnal?

 I have always loved to just watch people sleep. They have always seemed so peaceful. So...sleep filled. I used to watch Chloe sleep for an hour or more and just marvel. Never stirred. Just peaceful, wonderful, God blessed sleep!

I'm sure if one has ever looked at me there has always been some type of pained affect. I've always wanted to just go to sleep...and sleep. But that has never been what has been foretold for my pitiful soul. 

I've always had a problem with peaceful sleep. And even when sleeps mercifully succumbs to me, my dreams are not worth it. 

"That's fucked up!" Might be going through your mind right now.

But... for what it's worth...I don't understand any different...

(Peace! More to come...)

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