Thursday, April 22, 2021

(in the works...) II

 ...I guess she was a fool because she straight up told me, "Fuck that ring nigga! You could have offered me an engagement band and I would've been more than impressed! If...a motha fucka knew how to keep his dick in his pants! Now get yo ass off the floor. You're embarrassing everybody including me. Now. Take that shit back to the Jewelers, and if you really want to impress my ass, and 'Yes' I guarantee I will say and you don't even have to get on a knee, is to ask me, "Will you go with me to Hawaii?" Now that nigga...that's what I will say 'Yes' to. But what chew proposin? Yo Black Ass already shown you ain't ready..."

At this point all I am sayin in my mind, "A simple, 'No,' would have sufficed." But I had to keep listening to the truth...

(Peace! More to come...)

Words ta live by?

 "Man, ya just gotta play the game, until you get your name on some shit."

(Peace! More to come...)

Life or Death and no in-between

 You remember in Stephen King's 'The Shawshank Redemption," where ol Red said, "Get busy livin. Or get busy dying. Damn right about that..." Member that shit? That's what it's all about, you gonna live or you goin ta die? C'est tout! We take this life too much for granted but we give too much credit to this thing we know as Death too much credit! 

You are still here as a witness Sonshines! And why is that? Why are you still here? To bitch and to moan about the injustices this life has in store for you and has given you? To bitch and moan about how unfair this life has been? To bitch and moan about the money you don't have because of your motha fuckin Black Ass skin color?...We can go on and on with that bullshit, ad nauseum. Motha fuckas been doin that shit for eons. 

So, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, we come to a proverbial fork in the road, and whatever road you choose to keep keepin on, do it properly. And if you choose the road of Life, shit get busy motha fuckas! We need yo awakened ass now! 

And if you choose the road of Death, see you on the otha side motha fuckas! 

Ya understand. 

And it will always be, A Beautiful Thing My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Holla...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

Who Are We: MN Citizen Accomplices

 You had at least four grown ass niggas that didn't do a goddamned thing when the motha fucka got murdered. You read that right! Count'em, four!

Shit! All them motha fuckas should be in jail right the fuck now for just sittin back and not doin shit just wantin to watch, I guess, anotha nigga gettin murdered! 

Oh, and check it! You even had a MMA fighter, Donald Williams, that could have choked Chauvin out within twenty seconds that...didn't do a goddamned thing to stop a murder of a Black man!? 

But...them damns white policemens! The fuck!

We! Some sorry Black Ass motha fuckas! For real!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, April 19, 2021

You! Are the Only reason! Only You! And all the racial shit aside!

 Niggas kill me how they get mad at a Jew soundin too close to them? MC Search, Action Bronson, The Beastie Boys, Eminem...they callin it now: "The Vulture Culture." Whateva motha fucka! Vince Vaughn can do a hellafied nigga persona!  Shiiiought! Whateva! 

Where did that motha fucka get such a stringent Black affect from? Anotha jew? Fuck no! He got it from you...and me! The fuck My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas!...Anyway!

Okay, that shit been goin on foreva! Don't get mad at any race, religion...that You let get too close!  Or from stealin yo shit fo free! 

Because US niggas loves ta advertise,  loves ta work and loves ta be free! "So Our Sorry Black Ass Legacy can live fo eva!" 


Ya heard may?! Holla!...

(Peace! More to come..)

Saturday, April 17, 2021


 There's this dude I work with he loved him some "Patron"! Swore by that shit. But that motha fucka flipped the script and brought some otha shit in, so we could all indulge in afta work? Shit, I forget the name of it! But the shit was quite copacetic and Not some fuckin sorry ass twangy overpriced Patron! Chil please! Smoother than shit! And didn't have that funky, rotten, twang you get with most Tequilas, uh did I say before: Patron. 

Hell no! Smooth as shit! And afta two shots!  Chil', Yo Black Ass betta recognize!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Ya done made me loose my train of thought!

 You know what burns my ass up! You don't give a fuck. Shit, I understand. But if you are still reading, I'm so sorry to impose of such a critical surgical time of your tenth, Sex Reassignment Surgeries you have directed but write I shall. Go back to work. Or not! Where was I? SRS. No! Shit! Burning my ass up? Yea that's it! This gettin old shit ain't no joke! For real! Finish this lil thought lata. Holla...

(Peace! More to come...)

We're Just Fucking...Dumb!

 You can't sue the motha fuckas! That's why they tryin their fuckin bests to make you wish you had a chance to get that vaccine chil'! Tryin ta make that money! 

Oh shit! I'm sorry, you can, but they would have to be a party to: 'Willful misconduct!' 

Y'all ever heard of shreddin! Payin the Russians a shit load of money to  hack yo shit?... Or, lastly: "Fuck it. We'll just change the laws you sorry motha fuckas! You! Y'all some suckas anyway!"

Don't do it...willfully! Ya understand? Gettin it, then yo ass has caused the, "Willful Misconduct" yo damn sorry Black Ass self! Ya heard may!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, April 12, 2021

(In the works...)

 "Will you be my wife?" He asked her, as only a playa would asks, on his knee, with the three carats blingin son all over the fuckin place! Shhiought! Biiioutch! Ya be ah fool, not too! ...

Black Age Gracefully! Not!...Black Aged Disgracefully.

 A relationship is, are you reading My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas? Good. A relationship is never about yo Broke Black Ass! Cha get that? I hope ya feelin me on this. I really do.

Whateva the genda or race! It is! What it fuckin is! In my humble opinion. When one marries another, one must love another's life more than one's! If not?! Than stay fuckin single! Fuck it! Point yo dick or pussy in any direction and there'll be all types of cummers! Ya know?

But if Geeg told me, to this day, for whatever reason she said, "I'm tired of you! I need to move forward from you!"

My response would be: "Can you give a brotha two weeks?" Shit! Shouldn't be no damn ill will! You didn't, with yo clueless ass, see it brewin. But it brewed none the less. So fuck it! When you love another's life more than yours that makes all the difference in the world! In my humble opinion! 

"I love you! And more than any other thing in the world, I want you happy! And I will humbly deduce, that is not with My Broke Black Ass I'm doin fo yo Beautiful ass. I'm sorry." Amen!

But yo Broke Black Ass ain't no porn star! And you sho nuff don't have the equipment! So where the fuck yo lil life go from yo many sorry ass past trysts? 

And where be yo ol fifty plus years old sorry ass go from here?...

(Peace! More to come...)

"5G", You and Me

 They try ya! They really do. Them motha fuckas just loves fuckin with yo broke ass! Check it! Oh, you need more internet speed you need "5G." Okay? Where I buy the shit? Well dear sorry ass consumer, in this case mind you, you don't buy; I'm sorry to tell you, you have to rent!" Well, shit motha fucka I be knowin what 5G brings! What else ya got?

"Misery!" Those motha fuckas retort in a such vile (and I'm sure you do know vile is an anagram of evil? And live. anyway) evil way! Ya know?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, April 10, 2021


 I often times ponder, About what? Shit that depends on what I'm doing or not doing; shit! So pick your poison muh fucka! It is what it is! Anyway, I was workin at "Sam's Club," at the time as an Optical Manager in their newest opening in Columbus, Indiana. It had just opened and shit and this maybe, thirty-ish young white man approached me and said, "You're athletic." Not a question. Uhm? 

"Well not now of course. But in my day," I responded.

"But you've always wanted to practice some form of martial arts haven't you," he said matter of factly. Uhm!

"Most definitely," I said.

"Well?" He asked.

"I'm too old to start all that," I said.

"You gotta start someplace," he said...

(Peace! More to come...)

I Pledge Allegiance?

 How far are you willing to go Sonshines? How far? But you do know, with your Black ass, it never stops! Oh, no it doesn't! History has taught US that time and time again! Shit! Ain't nothin new...only the playas involved! Yao Ming? But check it! Steps lead to more steps. A played out allegiance is done! I remember muh fuckas used to talk bout Mexicans all the damn time! Shiiiought! What about all these African niggas runnin round! The fuck! I wantsta tell those rude motha fuckas: Stop speaking so fucking loud! And, please, you Black ass motha fucka! You! Get! The! Fuck! Off! The! Fucking! Cellphone! Goddamn!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Non-Habit Forming

 I go in and out! That's the only way you can do shit anymore, not be a constant. Consistency kills! The greatest serial killers in the world are: Consistency and Time! 

Alas; we still doth not a credit!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Beta Ethiopian Jews

 Research the shit! Then...Holla atcha ace boon-coon! Soon! Hah! Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Way That I Walk III

...let me tell you something, if I may. There's  something humbling being dressed down into an interest, a sport...that you really didn't understand...until now. Cause Coach Grundy crackin wise and the truth bout ready ta go down! And is yo punk ass ready!? Oh, I'm always ready! The fuck you want me ta do nigga, say: "No!" That! In! And, of itself! Would've been absolutely un-fucking-acceptable, according to Grundy's rules...

(Peace! More to come...)


I Aint Shit!

 '...A grain of sand Meredith! A grain of sand!...'

Thank you Mommy!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Black Crunch

 I'm old! Shit! What ma old Black Ass gonna tell ya! Shit! 

"The truth is the truth ta the motha fuckin truth!" Get yo ol ass on the motha fuckin flo and do some crunches! 

While yo sorry old ass listenin ta music by yo damn self or with friends, and maybe it'll catch on with those motha fuckas, "Crunchin and sho nuff Crackin!..." who knows! But, yo sorry Black ass gotsta move! Even when it hurts!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Why Nocturnal?

 I have always loved to just watch people sleep. They have always seemed so peaceful. So...sleep filled. I used to watch Chloe sleep for an hour or more and just marvel. Never stirred. Just peaceful, wonderful, God blessed sleep!

I'm sure if one has ever looked at me there has always been some type of pained affect. I've always wanted to just go to sleep...and sleep. But that has never been what has been foretold for my pitiful soul. 

I've always had a problem with peaceful sleep. And even when sleeps mercifully succumbs to me, my dreams are not worth it. 

"That's fucked up!" Might be going through your mind right now.

But... for what it's worth...I don't understand any different...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Ain't No Shame of Being A Broke Black Ass Motha Fucka!

 The old sayin used to be: 'How much candy you want for a nickel.' 

Not asked, but definitely rhetorical; hence, the period instead of a question mark. 

Yo ass only got so much money and wants more than what yo Black broke ass can afford! Maybe...just need to live within yo Black ass means. 

Now that, definitely's with a period motha fuckas! Most definitely! With all do respect! Ya heard may?! Holla...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, April 5, 2021

Our Abnormality.

 They callin this shit, "The New Normal!" You did read that shit right, "The New Normal!" Not: Normal for Now; Going to be Normal soon; It will be back to Normal soon...Nah! They ain't sayin none of that shit! Their pinning the phrase: "New Normal!" And after awhile so they have forever researched, studied and tortured, if we go for it: the Abnormal shit becomes Normal! And we done fucked ya again! You sorry motha fuckas! You...and Me! 

And in my book, for what it's worth, in Our Great Country of America, not the company:The USA (The United States of America)! A motha fucka gotsta go back to Our roots to find an answa to Our problem! But this My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, this...what We all are going through in Our Great Nation! Is very fucking ab-fucking-normal!

Here! In Our Shit! In 2021! And we's be free! And cans reads!...The Holy fuck! 

Uhm! Shame fo Our Father!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, April 3, 2021

A Little Bit of Country (Fifty-six years old, Retired Gunnery Sergeant, Malcolm Ingram Assisi (MIA)) Sunday, June 06, 2021

 They say "Disney" perfected the ultimate PsyOp of controlling human behavior. 

Shit! Who knows? But what I do know with My Old Black Ass is the number one absolute: 

Somebody done lied their motha fuckin drawers off! 

Semper Fi! My motha fuckas!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The Way That I Walked II

 ...Well, Monday came. After Track practice I headed up the stairs from the field to the Attucks' parking lot and was going to traverse on into the gymnasium doors, go down another flight of stairs once I entered the building, take a shower, put on my street clothes, get into my awaited Father's vehicle of choice a 1982 Mercury Cougar commandeered by he himself. But...; alas, life, once again has its own destinal plan. There he sat, on top of the hood of his 1982 Light Yellow Oldsmobile Toronado. 

"Damn y'all practice Track that long and have the nerves to bitch and moan about the ninety minutes we take away from y'alls youthful lives?"

The fuck man! I ain't got no answers with my young ass! Fuck you want me to say? Oh, he didn't want me to say anything. That was Coach Grundy being Coach Grundy. 

Then he started telling me about my sorry fucked up so-called sprinters' walk...

(Peace! More to come...) 


 Who gives a real tired fuck? I mean really? I see these motha fuckas in their Hellcats, DHR's, BCH's...nobody gives a damn unless...

You do?!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, April 2, 2021

Longue Vie Au Roi

 Lastly. I don't know. And that's the shitter! Je ne sais pas? Can't you tell that my bucket list before I die is learning how to speak French fluently? 

Ya didn't? 


Shit, I don't know...

Okay, yes I do. You remember the Harrison Ford movie, 'Frantic'? Emmanuelle Seigner? In my mind, I was in love with what I considered an epitome of a Beautiful French Woman! Mais, oui, we shall have cocktails. Hennessy? Mon Dieu, jamais! Jamais! Jamais! Toujours...Courvoisier! Comprenez-vous? Aussis, la femme est l'homme! Tres interesant! Vraiment! ...

I try. I really do!(smile). Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

That...about says it all

 I remember a female friend of mine said to me, "You're an unintimidating nigga!" Fuck that mean? What? Because I have common sense? What because with my ol ass I understand, looking back at the ill times, that whoever I beefed with I never ran into them eva again! 

Shit! Believe me! I can't speak with these otha motha fuckas who for some reason run in very small circles. Wind up killin a motha fucka cause that's the same joint ' body goes to...' All I can tell you about are about my truths, and the truth of it all with these four phrases:

Misery loves company!

Go, learn in school. "Don't be no fool."

You stupid!


(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, April 1, 2021

The Way That I Walked

 I remember this coach I had in high school football in our fair city. He was a stone cold dick! Hard as nails kind of gettin in yo face kind of coach! But after it has been all said and done, that dick, taught me a hell of a lot about this life when he coached me, back in the day. Thank you Coach Grundy! For real!

He wasn't Crispus Attucks' Track Coach, that was Coach Sam (Martin Sam); but Coach Grundy said something to me way back then because at the time I was not only fast but quick and I think he saw something in me? Coach Grundy was a hard case, you didn't know whether you were doing well or tanking, whatever the case, he was going to tell yo Black ass what the fuck you were doing wrong, not right. "Because with the right you can't recognize the wrongs." Thank you Coach. 

And Coach Grundy was good at that in your face kind of coaching and he knew who to push and who not too. He had... discernment. He would have made a great Head Football Coach, but the world will never know...Anyway it was Track season and I saw Coach Grundy leaving Attucks as I was walking out to the Football Field/Track Field for Track practice. I hollered at him, "Hey Coach Grundy!" He looked at me while I walked toward the field for practice and said, "Hey Hopson!" I turned to Coach Grundy and he said without hesitation, "You're a sprinter Hopson! And you walk like shit! Sprinters are graceful! And you don't walk fuckin graceful. Come see me after practice on Monday. I'll talk to you about it!"...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Letter To The Young Playas and Playesses

We all eventually our own sweet beautiful time. We do.

It makes me smile oft times how silly I once was when I was young, through the shit I'm witnessin from you motha fuckas today. 

But what makes me flummoxed is; yes, as I nod and smile, I was a lil nuts with the shit I did when I was learning, when I was in my fleeting youth. But I still smile and shake my head after I'm witnessing some of the rest of the shit y'alls young silly motha fuckas gettin y'alls sorry young asses into! 

Na young playas and playesses, Y'all done lost y'alls rabbit ass fucking minds! For real! But...

I still think about YOUth with a smile. 

And that is...A Beautiful Thing My Dear Young Sweet Sistas and Brothas...

(Peace! More to come...)