Monday, August 12, 2019

"Rules To Live By," Marques Matthews aka 'Rocky Mountain High' Blogger, Article Submitted and Published by Weekly Publication, Denver, Colorado based, "High On The Mountaintop," Sunday, August 2, 2020

She said I could hit it.  So I hit it!  Good!

Took the aforementioned hit from my hangin partna Toshelle, she handin it to me solidly, respecting the proper etiquette of passing: it, situated between one’s index and thumb; extend hitting hand and arm to passee, the passee should have or either’s should have already extended the hand which Passer is of course passing at this point to said Passee, shit.  Maybe I should have called you with this shit.  This texting this bullshit is a fuckin bitch for real!  Well…fuck it! And when the Passer feels the Passees’  index finger and thumb against the Passees,’ the Passer retracts thumb and presses the contacted tip that is against the index finger tip of the hit against the Passees index finger, so Passee can secure it with their given now closed upon thumb, secured.  But if the motha fucka you hangin with is left handed the opposite would be in play.  What's that?  Shit!  Come ohn naw!  Yo ass shouldn't be high this early and on a fuckin, for most of US, a fucking worship day!  But proper pass my Brothas and Sistahs like I was sayin before I was so not coolly interrupted.  But anyway, old school for real.  You can tell a person is old school or hangs around old school just how a person passes hits and take hits, ain’t that some shit?

...Anyway, It was Toshelle’s shit, not mine.  She supplyin the shit for the both of us.  That was the cool nature of our friendship: when she was up I was up and when I was up she was up.  Beautiful right.  So I pulled hard as fuck, shit nigga ain’t had shit in a while, now come on naw, it ain’t that I was tryin ta be greedy and shit like that.  This motha fucka ain’t the fuck like that at all!  That’s bullshit any time of day!  But it’s part of my story.  And the whole reason I’m telling this story is because of the point.  Without a point one could not pierce they would be left only to bludgeon.  And like my daughter used to say, “That not nice...”

Back to the hit…Inhaled mightily like I was sayin, held that shit and proper passed Toshelle.  Now she hittin the shit, but kind of light which I am takin notice of.  She extends the hit back to me, I cut my right hand across my throat, as to say, I forfeit my hit this round.  She smiles at me and says, “Boy you still holdin that shit?  Goddamn!”  

I nod at Tosh, and start to speak to her around the held inhalation, “My Mommy used to say: ‘Treat peoples’ shit better than your shit.’  And I wouldn’t expect anything different from you, Tee,” while exhaling I continue to and say, “Words to live by,” with a period put on the exhalation by the exhaled hit now pristinely pure again, sans fumes. Exhalation now complete.

Toshelle just looking at me like, 'The Fuck."  She finally hits the hit again, still while looking at me, now smiling.  I liked when she smiled.  She wasn't attractive at all looking at her face,  one had to look beyond her face to see how beautiful Tosh is and the even more pure beauty about Tosh is that she has not a clue of her stunning essence, and Tosh says,  "I really like your ass!  Well, shit, I can honestly say...I love yo ass!  You my motha fucka!  But I hate you all the same nigga!  And I hope to hell I'm makin some sense to you," as she extended her right passing hand to my receptive right hand. I nodded again at Tosh. Proper pass complete. And just before pulling, I winked at her and said, "And I understand..."

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