Sunday, August 18, 2019

Let's Take A Ride ( Radio Broadcast: #334/Sunday, December 1, 2019) MSHCirca 2000, FM 103.3 WYOY, Indianapolis, Indiana

What kind of music do you like?  Chill music?  Solid.  Hop on in.  There you go.  Take a load off.  You gotsta roll with leatha baby!  Ya heard may!  You comfortable and shit?  You are?  Excellent, even?  Well, you ain’t said nothin but, “Go!”  It’s a four-hour journey, two hours there and two hours back.  You cool with that?  Now, that’s what I’m talkin bout!  You mind if I put the top down, it’s just a beautiful night?  Your hair?  Hah!  With hair or without hair, yo ass is fine!  So, top down or top stays up?  Now, that’s what I’m talkin bout times two!  I let the top down along with the side windows and instantly the blessed Summer semi-cool breeze came rushing into the ride.  We look at each other.  She nods.  Time to roll…Put the turn signal on, cue the music: The Doo Bop Song by Miles Davis… 

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