Monday, August 27, 2018

The Knowing of The Quick, Quench and Quirk (Anonymous) Saturday, June 6, 2020

We knew something was wrong when there were never any days without an overcast.  The sky that used to be azure blue throughout some days now overshadowed by a man made gray matter; gray matter that appeared to be aerosoled, making cloud-like plumes jettisoned across the landscape by the erratic oft times violent winds.

The media reported what the government wanted them to report: contrail, or condensation trails.  The very few that were still aware were not fooled one bit.  Weather modification had been around historically written since the 1830's believe it or not.  Farmers', botanists, scientists...making huge bonfires with wood to cause an overcast to catch the vapor rising from the earth and to catch that same moisture into that cloud of smoke to dispense over arid areas of this Eden.

Humans are evil at their very core.  The gender of man even more so. 

And it came to no surprise to the Knowing that they had been manufacturing our various seasons.  No surprise at all to understand how famine came to the land of the historical lush and bounty came to the land of the arid.  (to be continued...)

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