Friday, August 3, 2018

An Online Shopping Company By Any Other Name Is Still A Sears And Roebuck (BBP) August 3, 2018

Muh fuckah!  Muh fuckah!  "There is nothing new under the sun."  And again, I didn't coin that shit.  Fuck naw!  The fuckin preacher, my man, Ecclesiastes talked that shit so long ago biblically.  But what I say, goddamnit, is :  Yo ass can tell the fuckin future while in the past!  Right the fuck now!  Yah heard my sorry Black ass!

The fuck niggah?  The fuck back niggah!  Shit times ten!

Let me give yo lil sorry ass a lil anecdote tah noodle.  Richard Warren Sears and Alvah Curtis Roebuck, better known as, Sears and Roebuck.  I'm sure yo ass has heard of the two, or at least what those broke bitches today, who started the company stated previously; now, just Sears goddamnit and fuck the Roebuck!  But anyway...

They started out as a mail-order only company back in 1892.  Then what the fuck their sorry ass do?  Well you guessed it!  They fucked up!  They went and built a brick-and-mortar the year of our lord in 1925.  They didn't foresee it then...but that decision began the demise of the company which they created.  Oh, don't get it twisted.  Up until October 1989 they were the largest retailer in this here United States.  In that same year Walmart put a boot in that ass and became king of the retail realm.  And Sears been losing ground faster than a leadin marathoner whose plantar fasciitis decided to say, "how yo tired ass doin motha fucka," at the eighteenth mile.

Now yo ass may be confused and start sayin, "The fuck!?  What?  Where yo Black sorry ass goin with this cause you done lost a muh fucka fo sho!"  Duly noted!  Out-fucking-standing in fact!  Just goes tah sho a sorry muh fuckah like me yo sorry ass payin hella attention.  Big ups muh fuckah, fo real!

So lets get down to "The Rub."  Drum roll please muh fuckah...Thank you. 1989 when Sears started taking that ass kicking on up to this very day, just five years later, a little known on-line shopping company was formed at the time founded by none other than Jeff Bezos known as Amazon.  Don't chew see it my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs.  This mothah fuckah, Bezos, is nothing but a plagiarist if he were a writer.  A copycat if he were a serial killer.  But in the world of corporate america he is deemed a "Maverick," a "Genius," a "Visionary,"...and all he did was foretold the future while researching the past failings of Sears...The fuck times fifty!

Niggah whah?
You definitely heard my Black sorry ass!  Peace!  More to come...

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