Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Shiiiit! Vote For Me! And Get The Fuck Outtah My Way! (BBP) February 16, 2008

This is the only thang that pisses me the fuck off about old Obama. He sits up there and patronizes mah fuckahs givin them political correctness and shit, "I want to have a coalition of Democrats and Republicans. Where we can reach over the aisle and shake each others hands and agree on some things about what needs to change in America..." Blah! Blah! Blah! Blah! Asshole! Soundin like the adults do on the Charlie Brown shows, "Wanh-wanh-wanh-wanh-wanh!" I'll be shit! You a niggah mah fuckah, kick ass and take numbers! Fuck it! Tell us, "This shit is fucked up! And I'm goin tah change a lot of this fucked up shit!" Yao Ming? Fuck this Republican and Democrat Bullshit, lets get to the grassroots where I've been and was raised. And what my Black ass, I don't know about you My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, wants tah do is wake y'alls sleepy asses up with the alarm of getting our foundation in tact of: What is fuckin right! And what is fuckin wrong! Ain't no party lines can touch that shit. That shit is the truth for all Americans. Basic, fundamentals of American life. Let's get away from these adhering to party truths. And start again the building of American Truth. What the fuck else needs tah be said? Shiit! McCain could kiss my ass! Hillary could kiss my ass! I know what yo ass is needin, some goddamned old school structure. Something that you have been missing for a very long ass time...the fuckin truth!

And the truth has nothing to do with Dems, Reps or Independents. The truth transcends all that bullshit. Trumps that shit in a huge mah fuckin way. I remember old George Sr. sayin, "K.I.S.S. Keep It Simple Stupid." Damn right bout that, he who is the Father of such a disgrace of a president. Shiit! If Cheney and Bush were mah fuckahs in the hood, those mah fuckahs wouldn't last a damn second with their given credo. The news media steppin all over the truth. Those two mah fuckahs are fuckin liars and un-the-fuck-trustworthy! Same damn thang they say about crackheads and drug dealers. But won't say the same damn thang about this sorry ass President and Vice President. Then they gotstah nerve to wonder why society is gettin out of control? Call a spade a Black Ass mah fuckahs, that's all I can tell yah ignant asses! Yao Ming? The fuck more needs tah be said? Criminals! Straight up! Crimes against humanity in a big mah fuckin way! The fuck son? The fuck? Just because they have the title of President and Vice President doesn't give them the absolution of being what they condemned and killed Suddham for, killing innocent men, women and children. Et Tu Bush et Cheney! Et Tu!

And are we any better than who we deem transgressors? For the first time in my fuckin life I am really ashamed of being an American; though my Black ancestors were brought here in distance past, this is my home. The only home I and three to four generations before me called righteously...home. My Black American ass! I stand before you as a people that have been through turbulent times in this here...America! I used to stand proud because we used to be a people striving to give this world hope. To see a people comin together in this great land, that used to stand and stood for something more than just about you greedy, rich, elitist mah fuckahs! We stood for something around the world. We stood for: Hope! Now we don't stand for nothin! Around the world mah fuckahs shakin their given fists denouncing America and, alas, Americans. Sad-the-fuck-a-while! While yah playin.

We Americans are a piece of work. What other leaders do are wrong. But what our leaders do...well...needed to be done! And I'm glad tah tell yah My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, that shit ain't right. Basic human teaching of right and fucking wrong. We have tah pay for our transgressions of self-righteousness. And we are going to have to pay in full! And that is a goddamned shame! But...when it comes into its fruition, because that is the only thing we Great Americans do. We admit when we are wrong! And we were wrong to all of you Iraquians, Koreans, Japanese, Vietnamese...We were fuckin wrong! And we plead for your Mercy for the Heavens that are among us! We plead for your mercy! Give us a chance to make amends! And we are your servants once more, My Mother Earth!

Oh, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs! I feel a change comin, oh forget the slogans, a change is comin. Good or Bad! A change...oft a Good thang! And it will be...a Beautiful thang! Oh, yes it will! Peace! More to come...

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