Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Nothin But Ho'es Up In This Bitch, Here! (Clancy Joseph, Fifty-Two Years Old, Washington, D.C., Pimp) 2018

Now what you think, oft times, is not what's the truth, the lawful or the shit that needs tah be done.  Fuck naw!  With yo stank ass!  Society has lulled US into a state of docility.  Don'ts yah makes any troubles lil' niggah you!  Yah heard me?  I heard yah, you supersillymothahfuckah, you!  I-the-fuck-heard-yah!  Loud-and-the-fuck-clear!  Goddamnit tah hell!  Great googly-moogly! I gua-rohn-fuckin-tee there's ain't no damn mo earwax in these tired listening buds!  For real!

But they can't leave it at that.  They have to humiliate you and shit.  Cause why?  Cause you's a Black Ass niggah that needs constant negative trainin with yo monkey ass, cause you's not shit but a damn animal, a fuckin monkey and ape primate; buts you's sho nuff not ah human primate.  No, I reckon yo Black ass's not cause that's be special fo US white folks!  You Black chimpanzee you!

Mothuh fuckuhs make my ass laugh...hard!  Yah heard may?  Everybody thinkin their asses are apart of, "The In Crowd."  And yo stank ass ain't shit!  Just like the rest of US.  If yah ain't makin the pimps money, then the pimps hollah out, "Next mothuh fuckin booty on duty!  You stank bitches!"  And we all keep complyin!  And I'm the one that has tah serve some mothuh fuckin time?

No, pimpin ain't easy for a street pimp. But for a Washington, D.C. political pimp...all I can say is...must be the money!  Same game, just diff'rent mothuh fuckin stank Ho'es.  That's all.  Hey-hey!

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