Monday, March 31, 2014

Murdering Death by Killing Time (Forty-Eight Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Near Salvation) April 1, 2014

The absurdity of man.  Voltaire wrote about it.  Sartre.  Camus...all those mothah fuckahs.  Existentialism; the fuck is it good for?  And like Edwin Starr sang, "Absolutely nothin!  Say it again..."

The same ol' shit, just ah different mothah fuckin day.  Damn right bout that!

All the knowledge in the world ain't gonnah save our sorry asses.  Doomed in its purital state.  Because, yah see, we don't wantstah hear it or read it.  And by "it" I mean, the truth.

Fuck the truth!  Fuck it!  Fuck it!  And if yah didn't undahstand me the first three times, let me say it again, fuck it!

Since we have come into being we have forevah made the same fucked up decisions and fate for us all.  And our decisions and fate are symbiotic, if yah didn't know it.  It's what the old school scholars have been callin, "causes and effects" since, again, forevah.  And we collectively, to that age ol' mantra, still sayin, "Fuck it!  That shit ain't the truth!"

And, I, for one would have to concur tah that fucked up idiocy.

"Well, Broke Black Prophet, that's why yo Black ass is broke!  Cause yah done gone and drank the mothah fuckin Kool-Aid!"



But I doubt it very fuckin much so.

"Explain yourself dear sir?  If you would be so kind.  Please?"

And I quite appreciate your indulgence in this mattah of madness.

I can only tell you, my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, that it comes down to two truths that man has fell  victim to throughout humans' time, that are the individual sole problems that has lead us to our destinal  fated path again and again:  Time and Death.  Just two absolutes that we have perpetually and forever agreed upon.

Time leads to death.  And with that death becomes the non-existence of time.  Take time out of the equation, death is no longer a factor in humans' existence; because time has now become an illiteracy.  Time is no more.  Now the shit, just is!

And we have successfully murdered Death by killing Time!

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