Monday, March 24, 2014

Blue Black (Thirty-Nine Years Old, Broke Black Prophet) 2005

Let me tell yah somethin My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, you can talk tah yah Black ass is Blue in the face, suffocatin like a muh fuckah from all the life yo sorry ass expellin tryin tah make a mothah fuckah understand some shit! But cha see, they ain't listenin nor do they give a good solid fuck!

Why? A lot of fuckin whys goddamnit! Shiiit! Pick yo poison mothah fuckah! But the one thing that comes tah my sorry ass mind is that yo Black ass is Black! Shiiit! How anothah mothah fuckah s'pose tah know yo ass can't breath and shit? Cyanosis settin the fuck in, gettin ready tah check the fuck out, been talkin so much tah the hard headed mothah fuckah! They lookin at chew like, whah?

Cause, yah see, it's hard tah see the tell-tale sign of the bluish hue yo skin takes on cause you's ah Black ass muh fuckah! They just thinkin yo sorry ass gettin darkah right in front of their eyes and shit. Interestin the hell outtah of 'em, while yo pitiful dumb ass talkin yo sorry ass tah fuckin death and they ain't listenin cause they just lookin at cho skin colah gettin darkah. Seein yo Black ass pink lips movin but they too caught up in their own mystification of yo skin tone turnin this bluish Black. Sayin in their mind as the colah is changin, like Spock used tah say on Star Trek, "Fascinating!" And ain't heard a goddamned word, your bout ready tah die Black ass, has said!

Shiiit! Fuck that noise! Get cho Black ass just Black again! Shut the fuck up! Breath! And live! You stupid Black, now Blue Black, mothah fuckah! Yah understand?

Peace! More to come...

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