Sunday, May 19, 2013

"I Wants My Freedom!" Really? Mothah Fuckah! (Sixty-Seven Years Old, Ex-Black Panther, Singaporian(American Expatriat)) 2013

White people are the most excuse riddled race in our history.  Everytime I see those mothah fuckahs throughout our history they always making an excuse on why they have failed or why things didn't turn out the way that they have planned.  But they always talkin bout how niggahs done fucked the shit up.  Quite hilarious.

You sorry ass mothah fuckahs!  You!  Yo ass makes me laugh so bad.  I look at Libya and Benghazi, Nigeria, Chad, Hong Kong...white people done fucked those places up because of the viability of what those regions could bring to the various white coffers. 

"But I wantsta bees free," those plethora of indigenious people have said to the various powers that be that are working, "in their best interests." 

And all I can say as a Black American, "Do you really mothah fuckah!"  Cause, sho nuff, freedom comes with a stiff ass price if yo, "Libyan, Chadian, Nigerian, Hong Kongian, Panamanian...asses aren't willin tah stick togethah." Other than that, y'alls asses are about to be in the world of serfdom and slavedom.  And I'm glad tah tell yah sunshine, "Welcome tah my fuckin world!  With...yo ignant asses!"  Fo real!

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