Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Dirty Laundry (Fifty-Year Old, Wife of Ex-Chrysler Foundry Worker, In Indianapolis, Indiana) 1997

Mothah fuckahs wantsta sit up there and tell yo sorry ass some bullshit! Cool. Cooler than cool. But don't sit up there and think the shit is gonnah wash with my Black ass! For real!

"What? You don't believe me?" Hell no, I don't believe yo lyin ass! But as long as yo silly ass is believin that shit you excretin, that's all that fuckin mattahs goddamnit! But don't think for a fuckin second yo ass gonnah think I believe those blueberry stains, wine stains...are gonnah dissapear because you tellin me they ain't there and my sorry, broke ass lookin dead at'em! Shiiiit! Mothah fuckahs think if they keep on tellin yo ass their laundry is clean, and yo ass seein for yourself the shit is still dirty, that they can convince you by keep sayin the shit ovah and ovah, that it is in fact, clean. Puh-leeze muh fuckahs! The fuck!

But the truth...will clean the shit out of that dirty fuckin laundry yo sorry ass got hangin round! No spot removah needed! Best believe that shit! Guaran-fuckin-teed!

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