Friday, May 10, 2013

I Just Have To Say Some Shit (Anonymous) 2015

Children.  What can anyone add to that one noun.  Succintly definitive.  So ap-PARENT-ly blatant factoid of this circuitous life.  And we are constantly fucking that circle of this God given life up!  A perpetual negative causative effect transpiring throughout our human's history.  But the hits just keep on coming!  Over and over we witness the slow fatality of the beautiful human essence because of just one other word, self.  We are selfish!  We might as well be a four legged animal instead of a two legged one, because of our sans of sympathy and empathy oft times.  Nothing ever changes with us.  We share the characteristics of the insane and the absurd.  We are all just waiting for the time for this whole thing to blow-the-fuck-to-hell-up...and I, like you, can't stand the anticipation.

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