Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Irreversible (Twenty-Seven Years Old, White Male, Paralegal) 2004

The most troubling thing I have encountered to date is for me to love a woman and she does somethings that are irreversible. Putting me in the position where I cannot begin to try to patch things up nor make the things she has done manageable. Things that have been taken to a whole nother level and she has given me no other choice but to say goodbye, forever. Things that I cannot forgive or forget. Crossing the lines, the boundaries that should have never been stepped over. Not my choice, but totally hers. It would be different if I were culpable in some facet but how can I be if she did not include me in the decisions that she has made and carried those said decisions out, without any input from me? I have heard people say, "You made me do it," then give some type of sorry ass rational of why they did the things that they did. How can I ever make another do anything if I am not even in the negotiations or folly? How? If one knows what another has told them about one's threshold, one's boundaries and consequences when another oversteps those demarcation lines, what does one actually think the other should do? Think for some reason the other loves one so much that what they tell them is all horse-pucky? Then what happens to one? What happens to me as an individual? Where is my respect of myself if I stay? And if I do then I will be forever grasping for what I have lost due to my unaccountability to my own life. But what accountability does she have then? Must I carry the weight for as long as I am with her for her misdeeds and infidelities? What be me then? I do not want to become an enabling enabler. How does that help the one who I hath said carries thine heart? A very heavy laden heart. I am left with only one choice to save myself because she is not my lifeguard any longer.

No, just like all the rest that have been sirened by the whimsical ocean of life, I must say goodbye to her, as she is carried out amongst all the rest. And I with only a few looking longingly from ashore.

Dirty Laundry (Fifty-Year Old, Wife of Ex-Chrysler Foundry Worker, In Indianapolis, Indiana) 1997

Mothah fuckahs wantsta sit up there and tell yo sorry ass some bullshit! Cool. Cooler than cool. But don't sit up there and think the shit is gonnah wash with my Black ass! For real!

"What? You don't believe me?" Hell no, I don't believe yo lyin ass! But as long as yo silly ass is believin that shit you excretin, that's all that fuckin mattahs goddamnit! But don't think for a fuckin second yo ass gonnah think I believe those blueberry stains, wine stains...are gonnah dissapear because you tellin me they ain't there and my sorry, broke ass lookin dead at'em! Shiiiit! Mothah fuckahs think if they keep on tellin yo ass their laundry is clean, and yo ass seein for yourself the shit is still dirty, that they can convince you by keep sayin the shit ovah and ovah, that it is in fact, clean. Puh-leeze muh fuckahs! The fuck!

But the truth...will clean the shit out of that dirty fuckin laundry yo sorry ass got hangin round! No spot removah needed! Best believe that shit! Guaran-fuckin-teed!

Sunday, May 19, 2013

"I Wants My Freedom!" Really? Mothah Fuckah! (Sixty-Seven Years Old, Ex-Black Panther, Singaporian(American Expatriat)) 2013

White people are the most excuse riddled race in our history.  Everytime I see those mothah fuckahs throughout our history they always making an excuse on why they have failed or why things didn't turn out the way that they have planned.  But they always talkin bout how niggahs done fucked the shit up.  Quite hilarious.

You sorry ass mothah fuckahs!  You!  Yo ass makes me laugh so bad.  I look at Libya and Benghazi, Nigeria, Chad, Hong Kong...white people done fucked those places up because of the viability of what those regions could bring to the various white coffers. 

"But I wantsta bees free," those plethora of indigenious people have said to the various powers that be that are working, "in their best interests." 

And all I can say as a Black American, "Do you really mothah fuckah!"  Cause, sho nuff, freedom comes with a stiff ass price if yo, "Libyan, Chadian, Nigerian, Hong Kongian, Panamanian...asses aren't willin tah stick togethah." Other than that, y'alls asses are about to be in the world of serfdom and slavedom.  And I'm glad tah tell yah sunshine, "Welcome tah my fuckin world!  With...yo ignant asses!"  Fo real!

Friday, May 17, 2013

A Dying Prayer (Female Spirit Leader, Third Cycle) Year Unknown

I look at thee with saddened eyes oft times.  We are doomed at thine core.  Whilst thou allow us at least a chance to please you, our Lord of Hosts?  We have travailed through thy harsh penances; yet, thy still gives us pause. 

Oh, Great One, we pray to thee for even more strength but it too lies in vain upon thy altar.  Our spirits are weary and we have begun the broken stages of that same spirit.  A spirit you righteously set upon each one of thy seeds soul; and verily I pray to thee, mercifully grant those seeds to grow in thine glorious garden once more? 

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Some People Just Want To Hit; And Lucky You, My Arm Is Tired (Twenty-Seven Years Old, Out of Love Baseball Enthusiast, Black Male) 1992

You were the hitter.
I was the pitcher;
Going against you.
I never would strike you out;
You, always foul tipping or
I would throw a "ball",
Showing you my flexibility as a player.
Frustration set in and you tired of me;
You could not hit me
Nor would I strike you out.
"Relief!" you bellowed.
The next three pitchers showed you no mercy:
Three strikes!
You're out!
Feeling beaten, down;
You called me to pitch again.
Looking at you,
I saw the determination in your eyes.
You had to hit someone.
And you still couldn't see it.
I can do anything I want to with this ball;
I love pitching.
And I love pitching to you!
Showing you my skills;
Any good mediocre pitcher can strike you out,
If they choose to.
I wanted to show you my endurance, my stamina.
I wanted to give you something you had never experienced before.
I thought that you would see me as unique, a keeper,
And as one hellafied you;
Arm tireless;
In a zone...for you.
I did not want you to get a hit;
Nor did I want to strike you out;
I just loved the exchange;
We owed it to one another,
To get to respect each others talents.
But you just had to conquer someone;
I noticed the look.
You just had to hit someone in your frustrations.
As, always, I saw what you needed.
So, I reared back, and smoked one waist high across the plate.
"Crack!" is all that I heard;
I did not have to see where it was headed.
I knew it was going over the wall,
With the fierceness in your swing.
I just stood on the mound and watched you smile with total glee;
You relishing in your unmerciful and dour accomplishment.
So, I did your job for you:
"Next!"  I called out, with a smile;
And a tip of my hat.

Friday, May 10, 2013

I Just Have To Say Some Shit (Anonymous) 2015

Children.  What can anyone add to that one noun.  Succintly definitive.  So ap-PARENT-ly blatant factoid of this circuitous life.  And we are constantly fucking that circle of this God given life up!  A perpetual negative causative effect transpiring throughout our human's history.  But the hits just keep on coming!  Over and over we witness the slow fatality of the beautiful human essence because of just one other word, self.  We are selfish!  We might as well be a four legged animal instead of a two legged one, because of our sans of sympathy and empathy oft times.  Nothing ever changes with us.  We share the characteristics of the insane and the absurd.  We are all just waiting for the time for this whole thing to blow-the-fuck-to-hell-up...and I, like you, can't stand the anticipation.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

"You Can't Handle The Truth!" Well, Not After You Have Told Us A Shit Load of Lies (From A Learned Poor Person) 2019

We have found out...well...that we were lied to.  Over and over throughout our lives, we have been pacified, lied to, mislead... so that we would continue to be good consumers.  Seventy percent of this great United States of American company's profits come from consumer spending.  Now, once any person with any kind of literacy understands that, one has to understand that when people start loosing jobs at an astronomical rate, like we Americans have been doing since 2005, some ugliness is coming our way.  While the powers that be, the media, our misinformed peers, economists...during the same time, were selling false light to a bulb we knew had gone dim so long ago; and like all bulbs, they eventually discontinue illuminating. 

The pseudo-emittance of light worked for a while.  But when the time had come when children and adults of the poverty stricken started dying of starvation at an astronomical rate in real time, in real life, by those same poverty stricken people who had kept the economy at least solvent.  Well the best things happened in this American, catering to the rich, company:

1) The rich and the media were never to be believed again.

2) Anarchy, violent strikes spread throughout the land.

And the best part,

3) Not even the rich were safe any longer.

Monday, May 6, 2013

A Conversation With Just One Jar (Broke Black Prophet, Forty-Seven Years Old, Near Salvation) January, 2013

Well, lookie here!  Company!  What brings you round these parts?  Just surfin, you say?  That's good, real good! So glad you came and visited.  Really!  I ain't one to shine you on.  No!  I'm speakin truths.  And when I tell you I am so glad you have come to see me, you best believe that would be the truth.

So what can I interest you with?  Oh, I'm sorry, bad manners.  Would you like anything to drink or eat?  Drink, you say?  Got it right here for you.  Big Wave Golden Ale by Kona Brewery, that's in Hawaii.  You already knew? So you are my type of people, beer drinkers.  Now, you know now I'm so delighted to have you come visit my humble abode!  For real!  Well I just bought this six pack from the store just a couple of minutes before you arrived. 

Go head, sit down.  Take a load off.  Been a long day like Mondays usually are.  You agree? Just look at chew, I hope you are telling me the truth because you saying all the right things for me to be friends with you.  Really?  Damn straight, really.  You know it's not too common to meet common folks like we surely are. 

So where you from?  From all ovah, you say?  Well that's just fine by me. Like my Daddy used to say, "Everybody is just everybody."  I always liked when he said that.  You like it too?  Well we are going to get along just fine.  Just fine indeed.  Hold on, let me pour that in a glass for you.  The bottles just fine?  Naw, indulge me a wee bit, let me pour it in this Mason jar, it'll taste better.  Now, go head...see.  I told yah.

Why am I drinking mine out of the bottle, you ask?  Well, I only have one jar.  And you are my company!

(to be continued)

Friday, May 3, 2013

A Woman Scorned And The Bottleneck Effect (Anonymous) 2018

She will set fire to Herself to make herself pure and pristine once again, a prairie fire for Her entire world; which is sure to come...very soon. We have taken most of the wood, her raiment, from her body, raped her, and defiled her virginal characteristics. There is always a penance one has to pay for such an heinous act that has been perpetually enacted. Now, it is Our turn to be the kindle; Our sentence for Our abhorrent inexcusable inhumanity. And Mother Earth will again have mercy and save only a few.