Monday, April 15, 2013

The Diminution of Civility (Unemployed, Thirty-eight Years Old White Male, After The Boston Marathon Massacre) 2013

"We're in a war!"  The man cried out as he watched his wife being stretchered out with half of her left leg missing. 

No we're not, I thought as I watched the latest of mistidings on this American soil.  When you take work from people this is what you get, cha-fucking-os!  The fuck!  Ain't no devil, some evil gnome roaming around the mothah fuckah.  Hell no!  Just lil ol US!  C'est tout!  Bitches!   Rich mothah fuckahs still eating caviar and shit and I don't have no way to feed my starvin family?  Oh, somebody's gotstah fuckin pay!  Goddamnit tah hell!  Misery loves company?  Well, let me sho yo sorry ass the company yo ass gotstah keep fo bein greedy!  Not wantin tah share! The fuck who you think you dealin with? The slaves have been edumacated!  And emancipated!  While yah playin!  Le roi est mort!  And keep that mothah fuckah dead!  And with more to come!  You know?

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