Monday, April 29, 2013

Carpe Diem! (Thirty-Five Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Pre-Salvation) 2000

I've never seen society reversing like it is today. Lived thirty-five fuckin years and ain't witnessed the type of shit I'm seeing. Mah fuckahs talkin bout, "Well what about me? I have a life too." Boo-the-fuck-hoo mah fuckahs! Shiiit! Those children didn't beg your ass tah be born. In no shape, form or fashion. With your dirty faces! No! You were too busy gettin yo mah fuckin freak on without protection to fuckin realize what this freakin will bring to bare for some eighteen years or more. Steep price. Quite hefty. But yo ass had a choice. Protection? No protection? And guess which one yo sorry ass chose? So you gets no sympathy or empathy from the populous, talkin that shit, "Well what about me?" What about you?! Fuck you! Fuck! You! No count mah fuckahs! The child first and yo ass...well... I'm glad tah tell yah, but now, yo ass comin in a distant second! And if you didn't understand that after birth, then give the mah fuckahs up or get with the fuckin program with yo selfish ass!

Yo ass is single. No, doubt bout that shit. But the one word that you always fail to realize is the most important one of all that goes along with the single: parent. Yo ass is a single fuckin parent. Nobody told yo ass tah have children and still wantin tah act like a real single person, like a damn fool. No responsibilities or obligations except to yourself if you don't have a chick or a child. But what are these mah fuckahs doin now? Fuck those little mah fuckahs I gave birth to; or, implanted the seed, to cause the birth to...! It's all bout me, damnit!

The fuck wrong with us? Then we wonderin why this younger generation shootin up some shit? Killin mah fuckahs for no other reason, but for...because. Wonderin why they are so self centered, hedonistic and lazy asses? Wondering why their asses have no hope for the future and shit. Because yo ass didn't condition them to have a future, mah fuckahs! So worried bout yo damn self and just forgot about the integral rearing, the foundation of your...child. Not, instilling in them what they deserve, to look forward to a fucking future goddamnit! It's our actions that have taught these little miscreants, "Seize the day!"

And look at where we are today? Holy shit! Scar-the-fuck-y! You-better-recognize mah fuckahs! There's still time. Time for what? Well...that answer is totally up to each one of us. We had a choice of what we have done with lost, selfish and wasted time. But we also have a choice of what we do with this here present time, for the future of these lost and hopeless children. They are the only entities that should matter, with our past time asses!

And that, My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs, is a Beautiful Thang! Oh, yes it is! Peace! More to come...

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