Friday, July 1, 2011

A Revolt Is Imminent, Laid Off Auto Worker, 2013

Do you want a revolution? Is this what we, the American underprivileged, have to resort to once more? Hasn't this society progressed further than to have to succumb to some archaic form of dissension to make the powers that be recognize the unfair treatment to US, the underprivileged? Times have changed, yet, the chasm between the rich and poor has stayed the same. Why is that you think this is righteous, all of you who take monies from US through taxes which you say we owe you for existing, subsisting, to live a normal life in this United States? One must pay a fee to work in this land which is all of ours, but the rich get to keep all that they have through the various loopholes of the law, a law that has always been so unjust to US, the underprivileged. A law we cannot afford nor trust. A law which is owned and operated clandestine by those who have oppressed US since the beginning of time.

Do you want a revolution? A rhetorical question which needs no audible answer. The only answer will only come through our actions, we, the underprivileged. But this time, we will have no mercy on any affluent person, man, woman or child. And our anger and frustration will be exacted.

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