Friday, July 29, 2011

Jersey "Girls" , Black Stand Up Comedian and Satirist, 2008

Gottah woman lovin the shit out of that ass and shit! Oft times fuckin the dogshit out of yah! Down fo her mothah fuckin man! No mattah the circumstance! Shiiit!

Then what does yo sorry ass go do? You go put anothah mothah fuckahs name on yo sorry ass back, male no less, with corresponding team and number tah boot! The fuck?! That's some gay ass shit, with yo hypocritical, homophobic, no count havin ass! Like Ol Seinfeld said, "Not sayin there's anything wrong with that!" No! Hell no! Not-the-fuck-at-all!

But don't sit yo happy ass up there and condemn gay men for lovin men. And yo ass sittin up there havin: Manning; Addai; Wayne; Jordan; every damn body tah see and tah witness, on the back of yah damn shirt! And payin good fuckin ass money for the shit! The fuck you think you foolin?

Yo woman's name ain't proudly silk screened on the back of that mothah fuckah! And she's tearin yo shit up! Gratis! Oh, No! A man's last name is on the back of yo shit that you paid, at the very least, fifty fuckin dollahs and the mothah fuckah ain't even suckin yo damn nasty, smelly ass dick and balls! The fuck wrong with y'all "bitches"?

Brings a whole new mothah fuckin meanin to, "I gots that name and number!" Really? Uhm! You sorry mothah fuckin "real" men! That shit ain't sharp at all! It's gay as hell! And I ain't mad at cha at-the-fuck-all! Belee dat son!

All I'm sayin is, just step the fuck out that mothah fuckin closet! And tell that Beautiful woman yo ass been foolin, she's relieved of her womanly duties. Cause I gotsah man to take care of my needs and fantasies. Right cheer ons my back! And tell all the gay men, "I'm sorry!" Cause you are!

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Corporate Welfare Is Corporate Stealing, Poor Middle Aged Caucasian, 2012

We keep thinking that things will get better. Thinking, for some reason, the rich, who have always gotten welfare, will quit digging into Our pockets, the Underprivileged. But the affluent continues to take from US with their greedy, niggardly ways. And they do it without shame or conscience. Our taxes do nothing but pay for their ostentatious lifestyles. Then they have the nerve to get on some of US who really need the help of some 400 dollars, more or less, in food stamps and subsidies per month. And they ask for tens of billions of dollars in bailouts; yet, they have Ivy League educations and still they fail in their given business and whine when they have screwed up the money which they borrowed before and ask for more and get it. The Corporations and the affluent are stealing from US. And have been doing so since the beginning of human existence because the affluent have always been a corporation. Rich people need to feel some pain. Every one of them needs their given ass kicked severely, and then, maybe, they would start understanding some things. Getting one's ass kicked gives one pause, it's always worked in Our neighborhoods. And I guarantee the rich would be no different.

Oft times I think I am in a deep slumber, nightmarish about this life...the sad part about it is...I am totally awake...and mad as shit!

Monday, July 25, 2011

Degradation, 2013

What is life without sympathy? Empathy? Sympathy and empathy are the two emotional characteristics that make US, humans what we are...humans, differentiates US from any other living entity under the Heavens. Yet, this life has become lifeless. And rabid animals are starting to take over this Eden.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Male Teenage Survivor, 2027

We speak to no one except amongst ourselves. We are around no one, that is by choice. It's just the day that we are in. The position that Mother Nature put US in. Society is in a mess.

When a catastrophe happens at this magnitude it always brings out the worst in humans. And this one was no different. Our Father had prepared for this. He had weapons and ammunition for those weapons that would probably last for five years or more.

We knew others were out there, but our Father knew what these types of times did to people. He would only help children or women who came up to our door or approached US when we were out gathering. Any man...he would just shoot, with no questions being asked.

Monday, July 18, 2011

Hunting: That's What Y'all Men Call, Sport? (Black American Satirist) 1983

Now, in America, they did studies, sayin that if a woman has lil titties, they can't fuck. Talkin bout some kind of insecurity, not measurin up. Some bullshit! I hear that on the opposite side, women talkin bout lil dick mah fuckahs. So, what's the fuckin point?

I mean, in China, I ain't heard no man talkin bout those lil titty Asian women. Or the lil titty Asian women talkin bout lil dick Asian men. So again, what's the fuckin point? Your fuckin environment and it's people make up your beliefs. And your fuckin points! That ain't nothin scientific. Fuckin fact. No science involved, just fuckin natural, is all.

If I were a deer, I'd be laughin my ass off at the mah fuckah with his camos huntin garb on waitin, thinkin he blendin in and shit. But yah see, my ass is a full-timer, mah fuckah! I see yo pathetic, part-time-havin-nature-sorry-ass, but a mah fuckah needs his sustenance, needs tah fuckin eat! Just befo my life as a buck ceases.

But my ass is human! So fuck those mah fuckahs tryin tah fool Nature's Angels! Yo ass ain't gottah do that shit no mo! For real!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Heart Attack Victim, 2009

I felt the first sign in my left upper arm. Maybe fifteen minutes later my index and middle finger felt numb. I knew something was wrong. Like anything else, its about the process, and I wanted to find the truth about what I had been reading about and hearing about all this time was correct. I know it sounds absurd, but absurdity, I have found, is the fundamental flaw in US humans. So I kept doing what I was doing, workin in my garden. Then the truth was known maybe about five minutes after that, when it felt like a powerful person had wrapped their arms around my chest, squeezin...and I couldn't breath after that. Yes, at that point I knew the truth. And I wanted like nobody's business for either for me to catch my breath or the Lord just let me die right then and there. Not being able to breath is a horrible position to be in, and to make the situation worse, I had no idea how to get my breath back.

Luckily or not, I saw my wife running toward me, I reached out to her with all the strength I had left, and fell helplessly in slow motion, watching my wife getting taller as my torso and face headed south toward my garden, finally hitting home and nothing really mattered at that point.

I woke up with tubes all in my mouth. It felt like pain was streaming through my body like a fluid river...

It's been a year now. I'm still here. I can still kiss and see my babay, my Lovely wife. But there is one thing I rue every day, being alive witnessing all these medical bills. Good Lawd.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Discolored Heroes, (Black, Elderly Tribe Person, From Humboldt, Tennessee) 2014

People kill me about color. Then they wansta watch Superman! Shit, wantsta be Superman. Whateva! You stupid ass! Superman, for all you comic folk and not, loves the Sun. Gets his strength, from the Sun...well...seems to me...he should be a Black ass motha fucka, just like me, spendin that much time in the damn Sun.

I'm just sayin.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Today's Fashion, (Elderly Tailor, Tribe Person,) 2010

Oh, I remember. I remember a time when people would care about what they looked like. I remember a time when the material, what you made suits with, meant somethin. You took pride in your crafts-person-ship. Every time you made something, you took pride in it. Standin tall! Who cares if you're underpaid, I made this! Or at least...had a hand in it. I would like to make money but I want everyone to understand, by means of quality, I will make and sell you a suit at a reasonable price that will last you forever. And forever meant when you were six feet under because that's what forever is, until you die, not the human race, but until you die. Because this suit's for you. Tailor made...for you. And I understand..feel the material, the quality. Yes...I made this...for you. And once that person really started understanding what I was telling him it made sense but it still didn't matter at that point. I knew and once the contract had been understood, once again, he understood, and I always fulfilled my contract with not one person being disappointed. That's how you do it., everybody's trying to make money by selling these disposable clothes. And quality be damned. Um! Shame before God.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

From A Majority Righty To A Minority Lefty, Black Female Aspiring Writer, July 7, 2011

I have noticed, but maybe I'm wrong, but there is some kind of elegance to a left handed person. The way that they hold their cigarette. Or the way that they hold a pistol or a rifle. The way that they shoot in the game of basketball. The way that they serve on a tennis court. The way that they throw a football. The way that they write. The way that they gesticulate...yes, there is something most ultimately delicious about witnessing something so natural to those who are left handed and to the majority of US righties, find it so damned odd; yet, wondrously visually appealing.

A Thought From A Sensient Tribe Member, 2016

It's all about memories. That's all life is when you really look at it philosophically. When I am going through my travails in this life, those would be better characterized as experiences. But once one, like myself, goes through said experiences, then they become memories. We are nothing but memories and future memories. Don't you see?

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Revolt Is Imminent, Laid Off Auto Worker, 2013

Do you want a revolution? Is this what we, the American underprivileged, have to resort to once more? Hasn't this society progressed further than to have to succumb to some archaic form of dissension to make the powers that be recognize the unfair treatment to US, the underprivileged? Times have changed, yet, the chasm between the rich and poor has stayed the same. Why is that you think this is righteous, all of you who take monies from US through taxes which you say we owe you for existing, subsisting, to live a normal life in this United States? One must pay a fee to work in this land which is all of ours, but the rich get to keep all that they have through the various loopholes of the law, a law that has always been so unjust to US, the underprivileged. A law we cannot afford nor trust. A law which is owned and operated clandestine by those who have oppressed US since the beginning of time.

Do you want a revolution? A rhetorical question which needs no audible answer. The only answer will only come through our actions, we, the underprivileged. But this time, we will have no mercy on any affluent person, man, woman or child. And our anger and frustration will be exacted.