Friday, October 22, 2010

From Ecclesiastes (The Preacher) Old Testament from The Great Book of Humankind

"12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

12:14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Unknown Year Post Fall Out From A Male Survivor

Preparedness. How can you prepare for something that we humans had never dealt with before? We were one of the lucky ones. If you can call it luck. My wife, child and I stayed in our home. Everyone around us getting into their vehicles and going away. Trying to escape what no one really understood what they were escaping from? We got news reports on up until 25 hours after the gray ash started coming down. Then the power shut down. It was like a mist, a perpetual fog, very fine particles of grayish ash that came down on Earth for seven days straight.

People didn't understand that getting into their vehicles wasn't a smart thing to do. Mostly all vehicles had breathing elements and those same breathing elements getting clogged from the ash as they drove their vehicles. After maybe ten to twenty minutes of their vehicles running, it would shut down. Now, the vehicle being inoperable with no way of fixing it with the chaos that was going on. They having to walk in the ash raining down. Dying subsequently from their lungs turning into concrete from the elements in the ash. Bodies lying all over the place, covered in ash.

We still have food. The ash stopped coming down two months ago. I stepped out onto our porch, while holding my breath, and it is so eerie. Dead silence. No sound whatsoever except the sound of death. Everything covered still with the gray ash that's maybe a foot deep in some areas. We haven't seen the sun. Sky a constant grayish black.

We sleep a lot. Trying to just maintain until we can possibly go out to see what is still living. If anything is still living. My daughter stays in a good mood for some reason. Being seven, maybe youth does have its benefits. My wife and I get so much hope from her.

We still drink water out of the tap. There is no other option for hydration and we hope it continues to look as though it is safe to drink. Even if it starts looking undrinkable, we will have to drink it and take our chances.

I wish I had more to write about. My mind is still spinning. All I can think is that my family and I are going to die. It's very hard to deal with every day. I look at my Beautiful wife and daughter and it saddens me so. We haven't seen another living soul since the raining ash. I told my wife when it rains, if it rains, It will wash some of the ash away. I don't want to walk in it for fear of it being kicked up and possibly doing to me what we witnessed breathing in the ash did to people, it was horrible. I am going to give it until the last can of food that we have, and if it hasn't rained by then, I will have to leave to find food in the homes that were vacated by our neighbors.

I wish it would rain soon.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Female Observer of The Sky 2010

She was just one of many that saw the signs for what was to come. The Monday morning of October 11, 2010, 7:53am. That morning was the beginning of her enlightenment of where this Eden was headed, the end to which we knew it.

She was out on her deck, like she did every morning, drinking her first cup of coffee along with the first cigarette of the day. She had taken a long drag thinking about the day and subsequent week she would have to endure. A long week awaited her. She had exhaled and looked up at the sky and there was a plane high up in the atmosphere and a jet stream, so she surmised, that followed. Then a minute later another plane, the same altitude was crosshatching the other's jet stream. Then she started looking at the sky in its totality. It was not normal cloud formation. Then she started noticing something else, the many interlaces of the plethora of jet streams. And the jet streams not looking as though they were dissipating as usual. Almost like a mist coming from the formation and a subsequent fallout. But fallout of what?

She went into the house and got on her computer and looked up jet streams and chemicals. What came up on her screen scared her because she noticed all of these entries that were entitled, "Chemtrails," or "Chemical Trails." As she read and researched the plethora of information that was out on the Internet about the subject, all she could think of was, "Oh my God!"...

When the morning of Sunday, December 06, 2020 came, she wasn't surprised at all of what was transpiring on Earth and in the Heavens, raining down around her. No, when the beginnings of the first sign of her breath being taken from her chest while walking from the parking garage to her job on Monument Circle in downtown Indianapolis, she got on her knees, right in the middle of Meridian and Washington street, cars passing all around her, and began to pray.

The sky had turned an ominous grayish black, as the shower of ash cascaded on everything and everyone, including her.