Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Anonymous 2017

The Earth, we have found, was a third of its size than what it is today, an half a million years ago. Just like any organism, it continues to grow, to expand, to sustain itself in its environment. It took over a miilion years to get to its current size and breadth; maybe more, maybe even less. No one really knows except that we understand it was diminutive, like Mercury, in its toddler years.

The Earth is always growing, expanding. Conditioning, preparing itself to be the next Sun once our Sun has lost its last rays. No one understands that. Each planet having its own time to shine. Now, all but Earth being able to be the last planet standing. Eventually as a means to the end, engulfing all of the other planets in its gravitational pull that will cause Our universe to be no more. The other universi benefitting from this, perhaps.

We never could imagine life living on the Sun with the intense heat it radiates. That's because life cannot exist on its surface. We found out the Sun was way more interesting than that. Our Sun, that we are seeing, getting life from, is nothing more than an elaborate blazing protective shield for the inhabitants who dwell inside its fiery environment. Impenetrable from anything that might try to pierce through it's ingenious, spherical hellish outer atmosphere. We, when we look up at Our Sun, are looking at nothing more than an inside out Earth.

And Earth, we have also discovered, is aspiring to be like it's older sibling.

Friday, November 19, 2010

March 14, 2012, From An Average American Citizen

Humans have thought, the elitist that is, that they can create anything that they want to come into fruition. Even, now, trying to create a man made atmosphere with its scientific belief and actuation of Geo-engineering. Messing with nature has always gotten humans in terrible peril. And it is no different to this day.

The media are constantly displaying people and talking heads stating that Global Warming is a joke. Well...I really don't know what to say to that. I really don't. We are in grievous peril and have not a clue. A cataclysmic event is sure to happen, just read Revelations. The Book of Revelations tells US all what we are going to experience if we do not stop what we are being selfish of and start paying more attention to the living and breathing entity which brings US humans all life...Earth.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Voice of God, Interpreted Through A Writer, November 2018

A clean page. Pristine in its essence. Signifying purity of spirit. What world would you like to create today Mister Man? Hmm? Since I am playing God in this scenario one must choose wisely, prudently, less one errs. And God does not err. Does God not? Definitely no! He made humans; that was definitely not an egregious error. Humans were made just right. And just to my liking. Fallible in their purest nature because there is only one God you see. Make you in my likeness? Sure. Make you perfect? Uh, no. Can’t have that. Oh, no. I cannot be God if I make one just like I. Likeness is not I. Likeness is a euphemism meaning, you’re going to look and appear like me but with not the same substantive nature. That wouldn’t be God. No, then there would be Gods. And there is only one…God. I Can’t have plurality. That’s a definite no-no. I have given you enough options, choices. So…be well with what I have given you. A God without vision is a God who is doomed. And that is not an option. I must succeed in the task of creation and Your doom. Not My creations and subsequent errors. Did I say errors? No, I did not intend to speak such untruths. I meant, My creations and Your subsequent errors. What in the world was I thinking? Well, anyway. I created this Eden, this world with which you live and breathe. I have given you choices to see that when things go wrong You are the one or ones at fault. Not I. I am God. I do not error. And when all else fails, blame it on my friend, you know him well, The Devil. But there is no such friend or thing or person or entity, of course, named The Devil. I amuse myself so when I hear his phantom name, The Devil. There I go again, that name of a figment of Your imagination to blame someone else other than who is really responsible for the misdeeds to all of you humans, You; gives me so much laughter, so much…Joy, if you will. And I do love a good guffaw. I will hate to destroy this world again. But such is life, which I made for you all. The preciousness of it. The purity of Your existence, which I also brought forth from deep inside of my bosom. You all are a queer lot, in so much as, this life, which I have given you freely is one which You take so much for granted. I shake my head so at all of You. Never appreciating life but appreciating the things of this life. I muse so often of where I went wrong? I don’t mean for you to ever believe that I was wrong in creating You…but…Why do I have to keep on destroying most of you for what is left after Thy destruction to understand what it is to live? Time and time again I have had to do this but for some reason You take this life that I have given to You and throw it away like yesterday’s refuse. And, yet; I keep trying. I keep letting some live to start anew, for the Love of humans; to have given You a gift which I thought would have been so treasured and treated priceless. You never cease to disappoint me. Not one time have you given me pause, so predictable in your nature. The modern day church…I laugh at thee as well. Most of you thinking I have something to do with that? Please! You do me so much disservice. Churches are man made; ergo, fallible. And again, I do not error. I am God. Those so called preachers who avow, on the various pulpits, they were sent by me. Do you not believe or even think I could send you some one more credible, some one more…pious than an ex-drug dealer, fornicator, whore monger…with which you have fallen ruse to? You are a funny lot. I have given you so much knowledge and yet most fall prey to absurdity. There is, or was, only one real Preacher and he went by the name Ecclesiastes. He was the only one of his kind who never took my name in vain, the only true Preacher. Alas; digressing, I will have to destroy most of you once more, to get this Eden back in balance. A pity though...but I must. So be it! The end is nigh.

Friday, October 22, 2010

From Ecclesiastes (The Preacher) Old Testament from The Great Book of Humankind

"12:13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

12:14 For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."


Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Unknown Year Post Fall Out From A Male Survivor

Preparedness. How can you prepare for something that we humans had never dealt with before? We were one of the lucky ones. If you can call it luck. My wife, child and I stayed in our home. Everyone around us getting into their vehicles and going away. Trying to escape what no one really understood what they were escaping from? We got news reports on up until 25 hours after the gray ash started coming down. Then the power shut down. It was like a mist, a perpetual fog, very fine particles of grayish ash that came down on Earth for seven days straight.

People didn't understand that getting into their vehicles wasn't a smart thing to do. Mostly all vehicles had breathing elements and those same breathing elements getting clogged from the ash as they drove their vehicles. After maybe ten to twenty minutes of their vehicles running, it would shut down. Now, the vehicle being inoperable with no way of fixing it with the chaos that was going on. They having to walk in the ash raining down. Dying subsequently from their lungs turning into concrete from the elements in the ash. Bodies lying all over the place, covered in ash.

We still have food. The ash stopped coming down two months ago. I stepped out onto our porch, while holding my breath, and it is so eerie. Dead silence. No sound whatsoever except the sound of death. Everything covered still with the gray ash that's maybe a foot deep in some areas. We haven't seen the sun. Sky a constant grayish black.

We sleep a lot. Trying to just maintain until we can possibly go out to see what is still living. If anything is still living. My daughter stays in a good mood for some reason. Being seven, maybe youth does have its benefits. My wife and I get so much hope from her.

We still drink water out of the tap. There is no other option for hydration and we hope it continues to look as though it is safe to drink. Even if it starts looking undrinkable, we will have to drink it and take our chances.

I wish I had more to write about. My mind is still spinning. All I can think is that my family and I are going to die. It's very hard to deal with every day. I look at my Beautiful wife and daughter and it saddens me so. We haven't seen another living soul since the raining ash. I told my wife when it rains, if it rains, It will wash some of the ash away. I don't want to walk in it for fear of it being kicked up and possibly doing to me what we witnessed breathing in the ash did to people, it was horrible. I am going to give it until the last can of food that we have, and if it hasn't rained by then, I will have to leave to find food in the homes that were vacated by our neighbors.

I wish it would rain soon.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

A Female Observer of The Sky 2010

She was just one of many that saw the signs for what was to come. The Monday morning of October 11, 2010, 7:53am. That morning was the beginning of her enlightenment of where this Eden was headed, the end to which we knew it.

She was out on her deck, like she did every morning, drinking her first cup of coffee along with the first cigarette of the day. She had taken a long drag thinking about the day and subsequent week she would have to endure. A long week awaited her. She had exhaled and looked up at the sky and there was a plane high up in the atmosphere and a jet stream, so she surmised, that followed. Then a minute later another plane, the same altitude was crosshatching the other's jet stream. Then she started looking at the sky in its totality. It was not normal cloud formation. Then she started noticing something else, the many interlaces of the plethora of jet streams. And the jet streams not looking as though they were dissipating as usual. Almost like a mist coming from the formation and a subsequent fallout. But fallout of what?

She went into the house and got on her computer and looked up jet streams and chemicals. What came up on her screen scared her because she noticed all of these entries that were entitled, "Chemtrails," or "Chemical Trails." As she read and researched the plethora of information that was out on the Internet about the subject, all she could think of was, "Oh my God!"...

When the morning of Sunday, December 06, 2020 came, she wasn't surprised at all of what was transpiring on Earth and in the Heavens, raining down around her. No, when the beginnings of the first sign of her breath being taken from her chest while walking from the parking garage to her job on Monument Circle in downtown Indianapolis, she got on her knees, right in the middle of Meridian and Washington street, cars passing all around her, and began to pray.

The sky had turned an ominous grayish black, as the shower of ash cascaded on everything and everyone, including her.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

From A Learned Poor Person: 2010

This whole world, Earth started from the core and grew outward, insulating itself from the universe. Protecting its energy source and gestating its life forms subsequently. Building and building until the Earth spawned to what it is today. Islands still popping about because of the pure nature of its core, to produce life. Perpetually. The core, with it's intense heat, which it injects via lava, the blood of Mother Earth into the amniotic fluid, the oceans. Cooking up another land to start life.

You see, it starts at the deepest depths of Our Oceans. The lava, which spews out continuously, from Earth's core, gets extinguished, for a time, by the oceans which surrounds it. A layer of Earth is born. Then lava seeps through that layer and another layer of Earth is born. Then another, and another...larger, cascading out and up.

Earth will never die. Only it's people who do not take care of it. We failing at the sole reason Our parasitic human forms were put on this Heaven, to take care of Eden.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


It's cold. Severely so. All of us who survived were so worried about food, we didn't think about what the weather was going to be like. Some of the seas are now frozen. You can see people walking out on them, disappearing into the horizon, not knowing if the whole sea is of ice or partially iced. It is scary. Real scary. We all were just trying to survive the disaster. We didn't have any idea about the fallout. Bad preparation. It is a pity. We feel as though all of us are going to die eventually. It is so very cold.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Project Terminus and The Ones

The end was nigh. We all knew that. Based on the things we had witnessed up until this day in 1965.
The projection for all things to come to a startling and horrible reality was the year 2020. The people who made the year so were people who have had lineages since the beginning of Humankind. Entitlements. And they also knew what had to be done and how it needed to be done in order for their given families to continue to be The Ones.

Life to these people in control are about scales. Based on the diagnoses of Earth and Humans is relative to where their actions are imposed; akin, to a geiger counter which extrapolates information to determine the destructive power of any great cataclysmic event, this is what the families of The Ones do.

Once a month they get together on their designated island, eat, drink and be merry...while conversing about, is it the time to end most of the world's population so that their given families can continue to live on forever.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


We guessed it was always in our faces. The sign being there most of our lives. All the times humans have used the phrase over the years, "Hindsight is 20/20." Well, 2015 is when we should have known something. Global warming; volcanoes stirring; the human condition worsening; nature loosing its shield, the atmosphere thinning...But no one looked at the year that we were in. No, one!

20/15, as far as visual acuity is concerned, is better vision than 20/20. It was there, right in our faces all this time. 2015, we knew what was going to come in 2020. 20/20 is when normal visual acuity has been obtained. 2015 is when you see better than what is deemed "normal."

We witnessed it. Right in front of our eyes all along. But we didn't pay it any mind whatsoever. Clarity came in 2015. It hit the masses in 2020. But by was too late.