Thursday, October 17, 2024

US Transplants?

 It can be thirty-two degrees outside and these niggahs from Africa, wearin sandals and shit? No fuckin socks! Just crusty bare feet and sandals! And talkin loud in their native tongue on thah muh fuckin cellphone and shit!

"Well, what about all of these Ukranian, UK, Mexicans, Venezuelans, Canadians..."

Don't give one US solid fuck! Them muh fuckahs at least tryin tah blend in and shit! These black ass muh fuckahs from wherevah thah fuck, ain't even tryin!?

I mean, shit!

Thah fuck done happened tah US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

What thee Holy fucked-up, 

US fuck!?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Privacy: As A US Right?! Some of US Done Took An Oath To, "The US Commie Dark Side"! Fuck A Privacy!

 Thee Holy fuck!

US sorry assUS signed that fucked-up evil contract in US's own

Blood and shit!

And got six othah sorry assUS, unbeknownst US muh fuckUS on board that evil fucked-up shit


The Entertainment industry ain't, 

"All glitz and glamour" God damnit!



God damned, skippy!

That's some evil ass sorry shit

US done gave an

Allegiance to!

And it ain't evah gonnah be about

US broke assUS!



Just fuckin US evil!

Find anothah muh fuckin 



Sonshines!? God damnit!

I mean, shit?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

" 'My mother-in-law is now requesting we pay her to watch our daughter'. - moneywise"

 God damned 

Skippy! Y'all made thah lil muh fuckah! Not me! 

Sorry ass ungrateful muh fuckUS earnin 

230k between thah two!

I mean, shit!

Whatevah that G'Ma is askin for in compensation, give it gratefully tah her, keepin yo Child safe sorry ass for! Thah fuck?!

Like Daddy and Mommy said tah me, when I asked tah live with them again and shit, I was only makin 22k at Riley Hospital as ah Night-Shift Unit Secretary and shit after graduatin thah university...well Mommy said more than Daddy,

"That'll be four-hundred dollars a month."

'Four hundred dollars a month?!'

"Now you know, Meredith. You told US how much you were paying in rent! And you were paying close to five-hundred dollars in an efficiency apartment! Plus water, electricity and gas! And not one time, did I hear you complaining about their cost of rent."

Mommy was always makin some delicioUS shit! So, I got 

Board for free!


I shut thah fuck up!

And paid that more than fair agreed upon

PaRENTal RighteoUS shit!

Nevah missin ah payment! Fuck that!?

And could move-thah-fuck-out whenevah my fuckin grown broke Black sorry ass well pleased!

But I smile and always have fuckin wondered,

'What thah fuck would they have done, if I didn't pay thah rent?!'...

(Peace! More to come...)

"Liam Payne's Death at 31"?

911 call supposedly states,

"His life may be in danger. He is in a room with a balcony!"

Kindah fuckin absurd muh fuckin shit?!

Muh fuckUS ain't gonnah dive no fuckin place off of ah fuckin balcony and shit!

Have US evah looked down at "42 tah 45" feet off thah muh fuckin ground?!

I mean, shit!

Even fucked up!?

US assUS still be thinkin,

"That's ah long ass way down!"

And this crazy "Superman" muh fuckin shit 's gonnah 


(Peace! More to come...)

Oil of Oregano or O-o-O!

 Whenevah yah feel like yah catchin some shit US don't want tah get 


Take 1000mgs Oil of Oregano 


Aftah three fuckin days! Take it for six days and shit!

Hollah at an old ass muh fuckin broke niggah?!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Broken evil elite FED/FBI/CIA Conjured Entertainment?

 Witnessed some of US Black muh fuckUS watchin, "Duck Dynasty", "Honey Boo-Boo" and shit like that!

my old Black sorry confused ass asked them.


One hundred percent of US NiggUS' responses,

"I jUSt love watchin stupid White folks!"!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

The US-A! US's Still, okay!

 I mean, shit!

What does US want my old Black sorry broke ass tah tell muh fuckin



"Great day in thah neighborhood!..." some banal conditoned fucked up shit, like that sorry US shit?!

This US neighborhood is, fucked up!

Can't let this evil Commie Coup ovahtake





"Wouldn't you like to be, my neighbor?!"!

God damned muh fuckin, skippy!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Chemical Skies (A Satirical Musical): Act II (Ordinary man on lunch break looking up at the staged skies), Breezeway Park, Indianapolis, Indiana - Fall 2024 VI

 There always will be 

Blue skies!

Gray skies?!

Oh, no!

There 're gonnah be

Blue skies!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Ingredients?!

 Can't make ah three ingredient claimin meal of Pork, Cheese and tortilla chips; then, add

Salt, Pepper, Garam Masala, MSG, lettuce, tomatoes...

Three ingredients!?

I mean, shit!

Do US even undah-fuckin-stand what an



(Peace! More to come...)

"Dallas Love Triangle Murder"? No Muh Fuckin evil elite Propagandists' Minions, "Dallas Lust Triangle Murder"!

 So these muh fuckin two US niggUS fuckin thah same pussy and shit!

Well, I guess, thah 36 year-old muh fuckah was hittin it ah lil bit too good and shit!

Because, thah muh fuckin 22 year-old decided tah give him his daily doses of iron and minerals, and shot that oldah muh fuckah in broad daylight, with US NiggUS with cellphones recordin this stupid ass nigger, killin anothah nigger ovah pussy and shit! And thah oldah muh fuckah subsequently died and shit! Now, ain't none of those two idiot Black ass muh fuckUS gonnah be able tah hit that, "tah die for", Pussy evah again!

I mean, shit!

Kindah absurd US NiggUS' shit?! 

Ovah fuckin, pussy! God damn!? Ain't no pussy that mean! Fuck that!

US Pussy or

US Dick,

Ain't worth dyin ovah!



And thah Woman still kickin rocks and shit! Braggin that yeah, she was havin sexual relations with thah two dumbass NiggUS involved! Thah fuck?!


Sayin tah her stank ass self,

"Yea, I knew my pussy was good! Got niggUS dyin ovah it and shit! 




(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 16, 2024


 Druids?! Celtics?! Crazy ass White folks?! Thah fuck?!

I mean, shit!

Brings ah whole new meanin for that,

"Trick or Treat" evil complicit US


And have US noticed thah amount of money generated from US Halloween is getting very close tah


ChristmUS and shit?!

What thah Holy fuck!

my old Black

Ign'ant sorry broke ass learnin somethin new every-fuckin-day!

I mean, shit!

Who thah fuck else

US knew about this evil Commie Coup shit?!

But my old Black sorry broke ass has tah give it tah these 

FED Commie evil US muh fuckahs!

Y'alls's shit kindah tight!

And US Commie evil...


Shall forever


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

UnNatural Surfaces, Create UnNatural Number of American Football Injuries

 I don't give ah fuck about anothah sport!

I'm talkin about American Football and shit!

"Why are we seeing so many injuries?"!

I tell US, "Why"!

American Football was made to be 

Played outdoors!

On natural surfaces!

No mattah thah weathah,  potential fan base or money involved!

How thah fuck do US not witness, muh fuckUS on thah D-line and O-Line clockin ah 5.0 forty and shit?!

Put that big ass on natural grass!




InnumeroUS American Football injuries


(Peace! More to come...)

The US Human Manufacturing Dilemma

 "Italy makes it illegal for couples to have a baby surrogacy overseas - CNN"

God damned, US skippy!

US don't want tah have ah US child thah traditional and Human way!

But, wants one of US muh fuckUS tah help 

Their sorry broke assUS tah achieve that fucked-up


Thah fuck!

Figure that ill shit out yo God damned evil influenced

US selves!



Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

From 2020 to Present Day And The US Free Hits JUSt Keep On Coming

 I'm not feelin well my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!

Not thah fuck at all! God damn!

For thah past four fuckin years it's felt like I'm in ah bubble, slowly suffocatin and shit!

Weird ass US type of shit!

I mean, shit! my old Black sorry broke ass started researchin, listenin and watchin this FED shitshow for thah past four plus years and shit! And fuckin realized,

All of US have been 

Mentally tortured by this 

Global World Cabal!

And ain't none of 

US feelin too


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Alienated III

 So we made our way to a table with only two chairs. It was by the front windows of he restaurant. We started eating our subs and potato chips, while we washed it down with water. Maybe about six bites in she started talking,

"You might be asking yourself, "Why is this crazy old woman inviting me to lunch?". Well, the short answer is that, I like you. I like talking to you. And this is probably the last time I will ever have a conversation with you again."

'I'm sorry? I'm not understanding?'

"Well, when you have been here as long as I have. Been married as long as I have. You should know better? I'd gotten caught up with that I'd found a friend that I was connecting to mentally. And told my husband as much. He said, "That's good!". At first. Then I used the pronoun, "He" in a conversation about you? That's where I messed up. And why I'll probably never have a conversation with you again, Meredith. I even like your name."...

(Peace! More to come...)

Human Degenerative Blessed Nature

 Aftah awhile in this muh fuckah!

my old Black sorry broke ass has been



But, I mean, shit!

I'm cool with thah way this 

US shit's

Flowin and




But, I mean, shit! Thah way this US muh fuckUS' 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, October 15, 2024

A Global World!? Now, That's Some Stupid evil elite Sorry Ass Commie Funny Shit!

 Thah stupidest muh fuckin thing about these evil Commie FED sorry ass muh fuckahs is that,

Them evil lazy asses can't even take care of ah muh fuckin single

Country without fuckin it up!

And thah evil imbeciles gonnah step out here and try tah 

Rule this


It's like ah sorry ass muh fuckah tryin tah teach US how tah build ah 

Mansion and them broke muh fuckUS livin in ah fucking


Thah fuck's wrong with 

US my Dear Sweet SistUS and BrothUS!?

I mean, shit!

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

US Time Is Running The Fuck, Out!

 Like most everyone of US!

Shit, my old Black sorry broke muh fuckin ass done kicked fuckin rocks and shit too!

Ignorantly thinkin,

US is goin tah be 



And Howevah thah fuck 


I was cool with that RighteoUS

US free tah choose broke shit!

But, my old Black broke ass is havin panic attacks like ah muh fuckah!


I mean,


Did I evah have one thought that 

US will be taken thah fuck ovah!

Without ah 

US Revolution or

US Civil War!?



And here US broke sorry assUS


Gettin ready tah be taken ovah by evil fuckin degenerate

Commies no less!

And ain't none of these US evil Commies been

Murdered and shit?!

I mean, shit!?

Them evil muh fuckahs got 

US's sorry assUS!

Thah fuck!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Donald Trump FTM & Melania Trump MTF

Pick US's poison muh fuckUS!

President Putin called these sorry ass evil

FED muh fuckahs


No mattah thah fuckin vote!

evil Doth veiled



That's how US's



Coup FED shit

evil US





I mean, shit!?

Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, October 14, 2024

US Lives Are For US's Future: US YOUths!

 I write this blog on thah fly. Afterwhich I save it in all kinds of shit!

"Oh! You must think yo shit is that important?! Old ass muh fuckah!"

I undahstand!

But tah me it is!

my old Black ass actually visualizes this future human comin across this madman circa 2000's shit! I write this shit for therapy! But in thah back of my mind, this voice says, 

"But YOU're writing for US YOUths to cope with some future ill shit!"




And when my old Black sorry broke ass stops writin!!

Which would mean I've finally


Over some shit!

I shall hope until thine last old ass 


That there's gonnah be ah future child, future teenager, future young adult...will some day come across this shit! And say to themselves, like 'Spock',


I fatally 


Our Father's speed!...

(Peace! More to come...)