Thursday, October 29, 2020

(I'm still working on this one, so here's a peek with no peak) BBP 3rdDOC (1stDOC/Th-03-Sept-2020)

...“Jerrell! The fuck nigga! Who the fuck you talkin too! Yo man check this out, Jolee sayin ‘Tell that motha fucka in or out? But that motha fucka gotta cut all that goddamned noise out!’”

My dude shouting off of his porch at me as I look at my dude in disbelief. “Dee! My nigga! Don’t you see all of these motha fuckas around me? Please don’t tell me I’m crazy!”

“Ab-so-fuckin-lute-ly! You fuckin nuts! Buggin son! Motha fucka! Ain’t no one there…nigga!” Drake said to me with concern in his statements of his truth. Then I heard him say something else all of the sudden, “The fuck!”.

“Yeah! You see them too,” I say.

“Fuck yeah I see them! The motha fuckas all white and all naked and for some reason looking at you like a greasy succulent pork chop!”

“But you do see them!?” I say.

“The fuck nigga a bunch of naked white people around here in the fuckin dark, but yeah man I see them!”

“Yes!” I say to him triumphantly.

“But check this out Jay. You need to make yo Black ass this fuckin way cause somethin’s gonna go down that it looks like you will be the main attraction. Yo ‘Lee! Get the pistols!” Drake yelled up to his wife.

But what busted me up is when I hear Jo’ yell out in response, “Yay-yay!”

I looked at the now naked white people coming towards me and I was thinking how and when did they turn into white people. And out loud I said to all of the mass coming toward me while laughing my ass off, “Y’all done fucked up now! You done fucked with Jo’! Y’all in deep shit now! Y’all just need to stop!” I stop laughing abruptly because that is exactly what they did, they just fucking stopped…and stared at me…

(Still working on this one. We'll see how it goes. Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Stop Following The Crumbs...And Be Not Led Any Longer

The Democratic Party has been infiltrated. Compromised and cut down to a size of an imp. I cringe when I think about how I voted blindly, 51 years of my 55 years old life, Democratic. 

If the person is a Democrat, well he/she is alright with me, and you got my vote! Well my Momma and Daddy was a Democrate. And their Mommas were Democrats. So...I'm a Democrat too! Such fools are we. A pity. Then Hillary came along and understanding her and Bill’s history of lies and deceits. I said to hell with the Clintons! Male or female fuck those mother fuckers!  Hell, no! Another Clinton will be the end to this US of A. Can’t do it! Won’t do it! So, “Hi-ho/Hi-ho/ it’s off to the GOP I go…”  

Monday, October 26, 2020


So the bitch say,"I'm Indian and Jamaican." Then the bitch say, "I'm Black and Indian-Asian American." The fuck kinds of nigga are you? Damn! If you Black? You Black motha fucka! Straight up! Pick a side motha fucka! That's all I'm sayin! We Black Americans are unique because we are three or more generations in this Great Land Of The United States! All the fuck we know! The only thing we know!

Then you have some smartass spoutin off, "Go back to Africa!" Shit! Who me? Shit! The fuck! I ain't left nothin in fuckin Africa! I'm American born, bred and raised goddamnit! Proud and free motha fucka! And I have no nano-particulate inside my body that wants to even visit the continent, nor a country which it contains. No place in that motha fucka! 

I mean take Nigeria for instance. Put another 'g' next to the other 'g' and you got yourself a pretty good joke. Shit! Then Nigerians have the nerves to say, "In my country every family preaches education! One degree is not enough!" The fuck! Y'all motha fuckas, excuse me, "in my country," still traversing on dirt roads as main thoroughfares  motha fuckas! Is a Black fuckin American missin somethin here? Fuck your African purity! It means shit here! "Oh, that's mean." The proof is in the goddamned pudding goddamnit! The same motha fuckas talkin to me or I'm listenin too are over here clockin dollas and going back, excuse me, "in my country...," to fuckin floss. While your fuckin country looks as if it is still in the 1950's and shit! Simply put: "Lookin like shit!" Fuck your country Nigger-ia... 

(working on it...)

Peace! More to come..

Sunday, October 25, 2020

A "MAGA" Tale

 The motha fucka only takin a fuckin dolla ah yeah! Did you read me? One fuckin dolla ta be President of this here United States of America! Did you know that? He didn't want shit but to run for President of this fucked up country? The fuck!? 

That's four dollas afta it's all said and done and unda a fuckin penny a day!? Uhm! How can a motha fuckin American not vote fo a motha fucka like that? It's against the greatest American Slavery Credo in the world: If a nigga wantsta work for nothin...then that's a crazy nigger and he's fuckin hired! 

I don't wantcho fuckin sorry ass money! I's gots things ta do! God damned it! Now gets out my way and let me tag some ass! Excuse me. 

Somebody done pissed President Trump off somewhere in between when he was born until now. And fuckin believe-you-me it wasn't a fuckin nigga! Now...that's a motha fucka ona mission fo sho! Straight up! And my Momma told me in the most definitive way: "Boy! Let white folks, fight with white folks! And get out of the way!" And niggas still gettin in the motha fuckin way! Well. Mission almost complete!

So, sign me up! Let me get my gear and my Ninja outfit: and VOTE...and nigga, let's go fo a hellacious euphoric ride fo sho...

And let's...yes: Make America Great Again! 

Solid! Peace! More to come...

Friday, October 23, 2020

An Epiphany

 The next bet. Quit, and too quick to fret. Beset to the many texts hecks. But everything is fine as the Sunshines. Kindness binds US. What's the fuss? I'll tell you while I have to ride the bus. The wounds pusses, never discusses the: Whys and Who? They just do!

And so can we. 

Tuesday, October 20, 2020

As The Turntable Turns

When he listened to the song, it made him feel like writing. He couldn’t really explain it. It just did. And lighthearted shit, which he was totally adversed to. He was here to tell you. For real. Made him wanta vomick all over the place. Yech! But the strangest thing started to happen: he started reading the bullshit that he wrote while listening to this funky beat and found out, after rereading the shit, and rereading the shit again, that…it wasn’t half the fuck bad. Far be it. Solid even…

(I'm workin on it. Damn! Peace! More to come...)

Monday, October 19, 2020

HOPE/The Underprivileged

 Get on in. There's no sin or strife. Only life. Riding past the afterlife. On and on we go. Past the soul. Into another firmament meant to be Heaven not dissent. We're going to get by no matter the spry. No need to spy! 

We're all going to be just fine...Sunshine!

Sunday, October 18, 2020

We Are One With The Father And Son

Let’s take a long needed ride just you and me.  Feeling free. Watching life go bye so easily. Never giving in to the phony acrimony. Oh no, we are one in harmony under this fine firmament, Heaven sent. Graciously: We…are...forever present!

"...Leave Them Dems Alone" R.A.C.K.N. :First Single off of their third album in just over three months(Sample used by Quasi permission from Pink Floyd's "The Wall") Sunday, June 06, 2021

 "...Hey niggas!...Leave them Dems alone!"

Friday, October 16, 2020

Fuckin Around

 What do you think? In pink? Maybe of a black ebony sink? The slink to the ink. Stinks to the high heavens me thinks.

Thursday, October 15, 2020


 In biblical understanding we were created to work this great garden. Somehow like always we strayed the course and here I asses be...

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

GOTs and The GOP/Trump 20/20 (Corrected Vision from 20/300)

 Bein a Trump supporter in the Black community is a hard motha fucka. Straight up! But cha see niggas are hardheaded motha fuckas! Been bred that way! And still in 2020 can't shake the shit! Uhm! Feel ashamed and shit because you know Trump should win hands down! 

Biden (Snow Miser) will bring the Winter.  Any GOTs fans? If yo tired black ass is tired now, just you wait...yo dogs gonna hurt for real subsequent to a Snow Miser presidency. Just remember the warning from GOTs: 

"Winter's Coming!"

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

And So We Begin...Again.

 You want to fly...but you can't.

You want to ride and feel the breeze against your skin as you just ride.

You want to say, "Hi," to the various passersby.

You want to shake physical hands with your fellow Committed Americans.

You want to say goodbye, and die. 

But you can't because...


You just want to be able to fall asleep in peace. 

Thursday, October 8, 2020

The Real New Generation

"Gonna get that Dodge Charger Hellcat Son!"

"Niggah? Word!"

"I don't play when it comes to dollas son! Oh, no!"

"Damn niggah I didn't know yo ass gotten like that."

"Shit Moms cooler than shit yo. She lettin' me stay here and shit until I work some shit out."

"Buyin a Hellcat? Shiiiit! Shut your motha fuckin mouth negro!" 

(Nig...gas, please!)

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

As A Matter Of Fact...

 I see a collective. Not solid in nature. More like...let's say... just matter. And with that matter it is not spheroid. Oh, no. I think we have tired of that ubiquitous absurdity. And this matter flows forth, in equal spread across infinitum plane...

Monday, October 5, 2020

Our Own Absolutely One of A Kind Primal Intoxicating Unique Scent (BBP)

 She had a certain smell. Indecipherable. Inexplicable. Her own. And I started guessing I had a certain smell about me too unbeknownst to me, cause shit, I'm used to the damn smell. Been around it all of my goddamned fifty-five years old life. Plain and simple. We all have a certain primal smell. And she had hers. Quite intoxicating: one thousandsth parts booty juice, a dab of piss, two dashes of sweat maybe more, a hint of lavender... and do I detect a smidge of patchouli? Oil or spray? Uhm. I don't quite know, but definitely without infused, not from within. And that distinct umami of a pussy smell...

Quit playin! Pussies. Asses. Dicks and balls have smell. And I can definitely attest to the latter statement based on my sometimes sweaty, ugh, testicles and yes penis causing a tight crevice inside and outside of my drawls which in turn causes a slight irritation and moreover sweat pore combination which is adverse to a pleasant Biome...

Hope all is well My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Write atcha soon! Kay?

Peace! More to come...