Monday, April 30, 2018

Indefensible (BBP) December 21, 2018

Religion is the last bastion to life of humankind.  Confined to the wake of hedonism; a schism of dark mattered time in the sublime. Circumcision never a permission to listen and to go back to the evil days which are on display today; a lesion that has formed over the millennia from the perpetual psoriasis of the Earth’s epidermis being adulterated, by the scientific community getting immunity, with a false process we have ignored and been possessed by the numbers generated in the human code to explode the DNA address; a mess has been MANiacally conformed; never to confess our unforgettable sins; as the last fatal winds finally descend.

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

A Clean Flow

"Shit, I don't know.  Maybe three days, " I said to Marcus, my best friend and roommate.

"That's not good bro'.  Not good at all.  You're two times fucked bro'!  As in Peace,"  Marcus said and held up two fingers for a peace sign at me, trying to lighten the conversation up just a tad.

"Well, fuck man.  The fuck I'm s'posed tah know, when the fuckers gonna do a drop?"   I said.

"Yeah, I hear yah bro.  But I'm just fuckin whit cha Cal.  Never fear cause 'Cus is hear!  As long as those mother fuckers don't look right at your dick in your hand while doin your drop, you've got nothin tah worry bout,"  Marcus said with a mischievous smile on his face.  "I'll be right back bro."

Marcus disappeared into the back of our apartment that we had shared for some two years now.  He was what I always wanted in a male roommate, he smoked weed and he kept shit orderly and clean. Plus somehow he always was able to have drop dead lady friends.  He came back with a dark bottle, a dropper, a smaller clear bottle with fluorescent yellow liquid inside and a white box that when he placed on our coffee table it read: "Incognito Belt."

"Shit man I'm really not into any magic tricks right now 'Cus.  For real man.  I need a damn plan man," I said feeling kind of helpless.  If I tested dirty I would loose my job and my half of the bills would now be compromised.

"And a damn plan you will have bro'.  Trust me,"  Marcus smiled raised his eyebrows and started assembling the items he had in his hands on the coffee table situated in between the two of us.  


I am a retired Air Force Pilot. I have three beautiful children and a gorgeous wife, all four I love very deeply and would give my life to save. Maybe after I write this, I will not be the same person, hopefully. Maybe, I will save them with the information I am going to share with you today.

I retired December 06, 2005 from the Air Force of the United States where I was a pilot of jets and other aircraft for over twenty-five years. Coincidentally, or maybe not, I was contacted via telephone, December 06, 2009, about coming back to be employed by the DOD (Department of Defense) as a flight engineer. I had my own business, giving flying lessons, with a small aircraft I had acquired with the savings from my former military career and retirement thereof. I was hesitant because I tired of the structure of the military as well as the federal government. And I informed the administrator on the phone of just that. All hesitancy stopped when I heard his words, "It pays one million-five-hundred-thousand per year."

Needless to say, within a month, I sold my aircraft. And moved me and my family near a classified airbase in Northern Utah.

I have been working in that same capacity for almost ten years now. I have a good life. My family is happy and does not want for anything. will not last. I took this position to aid in bettering myself and what I thought my family would want and need, providing. But...I made a terrible mistake. A miscalculation. And, just like in any cockpit, flying multiple Machs (m&Ms), one miscalculation will end your life. I was not careful about the flightless journey that I was about ready to board without checking the destination, the flight log, to Our demise.

My job was to just monitor the flight of a UMAC (UnManned Air Craft). There were many in the sky at one time but a flight engineer is only responsible for one air craft. This is one of the reasons I retired when I did back in 2005, the technology had gotten to the point a person didn't have to be in the air craft to be flown. All done by satellites and computers. A commercial plane really doesn't need a physical pilot. The only reason a physical pilot is used is for the sole purpose of people's conditioning, having a physical pilot, being wigged out because the plane is piloting itself, which it does anyway.

Making as much money as I was going to make, I did not care why the plane was in the air, its purpose for flight, as a matter of fact the generals and administrators were very curt when speaking about the project. Not going over many details, keeping everything clean and glossy. "Just engineer the flight is all you have to do," would be the various superiors' mantra. And I did just that.

A.J.E.W. (Airman James Eric Walker)

Shaking The Cobwebs

I was in water assuredly, just lying there.  I could feel a little ground on my back, I guess that was the only thing keeping me atop water, not drowning.  My eyes closed, I didn't feel like moving.  Then I felt the rain on my face.  I felt as though I wasn't breathing but I'm quite sure I was.  What was I doing here?  Nothing really mattered.  I was tired.  Real tired for some reason.  'Daddy get up,'  my Daughter's voiced coaxed.  What are you doing here, I thought.  I dropped you off with your mother.  'Get up Daddy!'  I opened my eyes to see where she was, all around me darkness and the water dropping on me and surrounding me.  What the hell?  'Please get up Daddy,' her pleading voice.  'Where are you?' I felt my mouth move but no sound came out.  'I'm here,' she assured me.  I opened my eyes again, northing but the same as before.  'Get up, you can do it.'  I tried to move and the pain in my head shot down my right side of my body paralyzing pain.  'I can't, ' I whispered and started to cry as the rain picked up, ears clogged with water.  'You have to get up.  I need you.  You can't stay here and die on me.'  And that was all that I needed to hear.  I seized every ounce of strength in me and with one forceful push and got myself up to at least a sitting position.  But the pain was horrible.