Monday, March 6, 2017

Look What You DID! (Thirty-Three Years Old, Jacqueline Maycock, Fourth Generation MK Ultra Splitter) March 3, 2019

I was born into a shitty life.  My parents said that I was gifted, blessed, the sorry fuckers.  Blessed because I came from three generations of Splitters.  Well, I don't know about all of that, but all I can tell you is that starting at 27 years old things, nightmarish things, were overwhelming me.

I was being awakened from the trauma based mind control that I had been under all of my horrible existence.  Piece by piece, segment by segment coming to the fore of my mind.  And the powers that be were in trouble.  There are some things better off in a deep slumber than being awakened to the ultimate truth...and I wasn't even beginning to shake off the deep slumber I had been in.  But the pain was excruciatingly real.

It's been six years since I have contacted various authorities about my "perceived" reality.  Six years and the same sorry ass statement has been said to me and my various attorneys over and over, "Nothing can be done due to National Security."

Fucking fine!  Every fuckin body is fired, relieved of their fuckin so-called duties!  There is no justice save for the one I have in my heart which I am sure God put.  No more pain!  Just retribution and absolution for me and the rest.  God's will be done.

And the people in my relative pain are about to be visited with the utmost, "How you doing motha fuckahs?!" greeting that they will not soon forget...

( be continued)

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