Thursday, February 2, 2017

Oneness (Fourteen Years Old, Chloe Elaine Hopson) July 6, 2020

Discoursing about what is the truth is not the truth, it is not the topic of note. The truth is the truth; no matter the political affiliation.  So why do we have political parties if they are really working for the 'greater good'?  Why indeed!  Because the truth will prevail.  Always.  But we have forgotten that little truism that has stood the test of time.  But it is high time to remember it again.

Nothing can outlast the truth!  Nothing!  The truth is timeless, everlasting!  Tried and proven!  C'est tout!

Just pray!  And Our God will reveal the truth unto you; whatever life's human travail leads Us to "...let no man put asunder."

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