Thursday, April 28, 2016

Brother to Brother (Jay Price) 2015

"Morals and Dogma..." by Albert Pike.  Interesting.  An excellent example of eurocentrism; and ol' Albert hath not a clue.  But supposed to be the Bible in Freemasonry.  I wouldn't know that to be true because I am not a 'mason; and if I were I really don't think my fellow brothers would appreciate myself writing about this; hence the quandary.  But I guess there is no quandary because I am making statements about the writing contained within the book of lectures/essays compiled by Pike.

And you might be asking yourself, "Why the fuck you readin somethin like that with your Black ass?"  Well, you have to be armed with the truth no matter the circumstance or subject.  Fact checking.  Digressing...

All I got out of  "Morals and Dogma..."  is an understanding and an excuse:  for a group of people to be convinced, after reading texts, to treat the rest of the people differently because, "...after-all, we are the chosen few."  And, of course, the chosen few being: white Freemason males only; but... in an eloquent and loquacious manner.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Purple-Deal-Pickle Eater's Revolution... (The Symbol) 21-04-2016

“I’ll show you around.  A lot of the people here, I’m sure, you will already be familiar with.  So, don’t ever feel like you’re alone.  Like you, me and everyone you meet hereafter: we live, and we will live, in the new world which we all have envisioned,”  he said.  “Let me take you for a little tour into Genesis.”

I’ve always been skeptical about any and everything.  Even with my own existence, I question.  And this?  
Shit, skeptics, like I, would never believe what I was witnessing in a millennia.  But here I was a witness, far from the Jehovah type which I had physically…mentally…passed into…what-the-fuck-was-this? 

They said, in the transition room, “Mr. Nelson would you please pay attention to the monitor in front of you.”  I did as I was instructed. 

And shit.  There!... my image was; a male voice-over, saying that I had died…

From a fuckin overdose?  

Yeah, I partied, but everyone knows, I don’t fuck with drugs!  Don’t they?  Didn’t they?
I gave a drug dealer forty-kay every six months for…Dilaudid, synthetic heroin pills…and Oxy…?”

Come the fuck on!  


They believing that shit?...
So I turned to the two burly gentleman, dressed very gentlemanly I may add, and before I could get a word out of my mouth they both, imperceptibly nodded; suggesting, “We told you what  the deal was when you agreed to the deal.”

What a purple-pickle, indeed…

Friday, April 22, 2016

If Only For Today! (BBP) 2017

Today…is today. 

Yes-sir and yes-miss; 

And I am so glad that this day is named “Today!” 

Because that means, I’m alive Sunshine!


Thursday, April 21, 2016

Hillary Clinton, The Next President Of The United States (Elaine Hopson II/ Deuce) April 2016

One has to look at, if one wants to discern at least the most minute part of what is transpiring in this world,  paranoia.  One has to be paranoid.  Oh, not paranoid in the psychosis realm, this is where one must digress from what is suggested by the masses to be a mental disfigurement.  What one will find constantly in this social beast we call, life, is the fact when one finds a discernible way to find truth; society, will find a way to disparage said truth seeker.

How does society exactly do that?  You may ask.  Well, I don't know how to put it except, in the raw...most of society are idiots.  There, I said it.   Society, disproportionately does not have a clue of what is transpiring right in front of their given eyes, and it is their for them to witness; yet, they look away and stay ignorant.  Why would society look away from what most want: the truth?  You may ask again.  Well, not only is most of society filled with idiots; moreover society is replete with liars.  What one professes to the whole doth not mean said profession is the truth.  No, on the contrary; individuals in society say most of what they say to coincide with their fellow cohorts, to fit in so as not to be judged.

Let me give you a wee bit of an example.  We have had elections for president at least every four to eight years since 1789; yet, we still believe the POTUS is  elected fairly.  The POTUS has never been elected by popular votes by the populous of which the president is elected.   All the presidents in our history have been selected by a very chosen few, not by the populous vote.

Which brings us to the here and now.  Donald Trump was hand picked to be the Republican front runner.  Hillary Clinton has been hand picked to be the Democratic nominee.  And you know who will win?

Hillary Clinton.  And  make no mistake about that.

Well, how do you know that for certain my dear friend?  Well...because of what I have stated previously, one has to be paranoid to see what has gone on in the past, paranoid to see what is going on in the present and paranoid to see what is going to come in our future.

So, when I see/witness that Hillary Diane  Rodham Clinton is mentored by, one of the Committee of 300 members, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger.  The next POTUS has already been selected and Donald Trump is just a diversion.

...(to be continued)

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

The Proper Culinary Technique? (Twenty Years Old, Eugene Cook, Second Year Trade School Student of The Chef's Academy, Indianapolis-Indiana) 2015

I just can’t watch the shit.  I don’t know why?  Sunny Anderson, Gordon Ramsay, Heston Blumenthal…and all the rest of the chefs that are ‘Lefties;’ I just can’t watch the shit.  

Like when I watch Sunny’s shows: she’s attractive; very easy to look at; beautiful smile; knows her shit and speaks well.  But I can’t fuckin do it!  God damn! She starts stirring something and I want to holler at her to, “Stop!...” even though, I know good and goddamned well, she can’t hear my Righty’ black ass, “…Chil, you’re goin to burn yourself bad, the way that you’re stirrin that mixture on that stove!,” or, “…Sistah, you’re bout ready to cut one of those right fingers the fuck off!”  But she never does burn herself or severely cut herself, the few times I have watched her; because again, I can’t take too much of that opposite shit.  

Can’t even begin to imagine the shit the ‘Lefties’ constantly are seeing?  Everything opposite, full time…   Ohhh!  Shit!

Isn’t that horrible of me?  With my intolerant ass?  Damn!...

But fuck it!  Cut and stir-the-fuck- right you left handed chef mothah fuckahs!  

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

La Voix De La Raison (Vingt-six ans, Femelle, Disc Jockey, Martinique-France Ex-Pat, Indianapolis-Indiana Resident, Joi-De-V) 2017

Come down! 

Come down?


The Fuck for?

Because you’re getting way too high.

Ain’t that the fuckin point?

No, because you need to stay in this atmosphere...

And on this beautiful earth.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

One and Done! (Fifty Years Old, Broke Black Prophet) 2016

I’m going down.  Where?  I do not know.  But I am.  It’ s so much easier to sink into the filthy ocean, or crumble to the dirty ground than to fly over this piss ass ocean and fly over this shit infused earth;  just so much easier. Because to show the truth, and to learn that same truth, is hard; and it also hurts like shit, oft times.  Nothing comes overnight.  Nothing. 

Since there is always doubt in this fallible mind of mine; hence there is always failures to the things that should not fail.  But like anything else, faith takes exercise to strengthen.  And with that exercise of that faith one, like I , can look forward to the many hours, days, years and sometimes lifetime of training faith into my soul which leads to many epic failures and epic disappointments.  And faith is not quite there yet because of sloth.  But sloth too is commonplace within my world named: Meredith Singleton Hopson; population: one.

And every person has their own given world which they control…yes, being their given perspective God in their body of an universe; which every truth springs forth from, begins.  Genesis to Revelations; birth to death;…What saith thee?  Is the only question and whatever one answers is “The Truth” in their given perspective, in their given universe which that kingdom one rules spawns one destiny or fate.  

Whatever is clever.    

Four Syllable and Four Letter Words Are Synonymous (Deuce) 2018

They were giving a quasi-gifted individual anything that they wanted.  They knew it was all coming to an end.  You want twenty million dollars to be a Disc Jockey?  Just to spin records for the masses?  Fine.

Millions to be a preacher? Okee-dokee.

An Internet Founder?  Most definitely.  No problem...

Money, they knew, was about ready to take a dreaded deep fuckin plunge. Paper money was about ready to be extinct; was not going to have any value whatsoever.

But we, the populous, didn't realize it; not until, it was too late.

But that was the way that they always have wanted it.  Normality was equal to problems.  If we knew that there were problems, there would be problems and the 'select few' didn't want our kind of problems.  Quite the contrary; they have always been a lazy bunch.

Democracy was nothing but a four syllable pronunciation that didn't mean a damn fuckin thang.

( be continued.)