Monday, May 19, 2014

Cessation of Smoking Love (Broke Black Prophet)

You're like the cigarettes that I used to smoke; those cigarettes didn't give a damn whether I smoked them or not. Hell no! Those mothah fuckahs know that there are others that also Love them, indulge in them and Love their addictive and seductive qualities. So I'm no different. Just another stupid consumer, that's all. Alas; I've come to understand that.

But I've never been one, once discernment has been inhaled and exhaled, to waste my time on such absurdity. I know it is past the time and the right moment to stop smoking...and to stop Loving you. Both of you are killing me, stealthily.

You're just a bad ass vice, like smoking, I had to get over; just like all the rest of them and me should have done so very long ago.

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Terminus (Broke Black Prophet) 2003

'We're going to have to let you go," she said.  I didn't blink.  Nor was I surprised.  The company had been firing people at an astronomical rate for the past two months; and I knew sooner or later it would be me taking the long walk to Human Resources like I had just did just six minutes ago before I had gotten the bad news from them.

There is no other reason Human Resources sends you a note to come down to speak with them on a Friday when you first get into work except for termination; the note forbodingly setting on your workstation desk, welcoming you for this Friday's events to come; sending you/me an adverse "Hello."

And all I could do was smile.  Then do the firing shuffle to the elevator that would take me to the first floor; then, I would take a left to the door of doom marked majestically as "Human Resources," which would lead to my termination of this chapter of my life.

"Thank you," I said to Nancy (a proud Human Resources employee).

"Thank You?" she asked, "I sure haven't heard that response in this scenario.  Are you going to be all right?"  She asked and looked at me carefully, making sure she didn't misread me, I just might be one of those employees that acts calm then shoots the place up.

"Nancy, hell, it's not your fault.  I saw it coming with all of the other times this has happened in the last two months.  And I'm sure no different.  I'm saying "Thank You" to you because you are just doing your job.  That's all,"  I said.

"Do you have to get anything from your desk?"  She asked.

"No.  But thank you again. I guess this is my cue to leave.  Do you need to walk me out?"

"No...not you.  You'll be fine.  Good luck to you, Meredith.  I really mean it,"  she said.

"Thanks again," I said and walked out of the Human Resources Department.

I arrived at my apartment.  Went to the kitchen and opened the refrigerator to retrieve the Flor de Jamaica, that I drink a gallon of at least every four days or so.  Took a glass from my cupboard.  Filled the glass half with the Jamaica and filled the other half with Apple infused Vodka, making the perfect Cran-Apple Cocktail.  And got properly drunk.

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Somewhere Down The Road of Life (Broke Black Prophet)

I love this shit! I really do! You know, all my goddamned life, I had to be this rational or semi-rational muh fuckah round my fellow humans. But this damn Internet is a lovely, ugly thang! Oh, yes it is! I can get on this shit and say the various "Fuck Yous" to all the rational and semi rational things I had tah do, tah deal with this bullshit of life! And here mine be, with my lil ass in this big ass world!

But the wondrous thing about this shit is, our children and their children are going to see and read exactly what was in the minds of the real populous at large...And where they are headed. Well, here I be in this vast world! I hope you'll eventually find me. Somewhere down the future road apiece; and hopefully, the future road of peace! Here's my lil shit I had tah say bout this mothah fuckin bullshit! Right-the-fuck-now! I hope the hell that it helps! Yao Ming?

Peace! More to come...

Without Arms

I see a new day coming into fruition
for me;
Sans bombs, missiles, ammunition,
to finally be free!

Sunday, May 4, 2014

See You Soon! Kay? (Forty-Eight Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Near Salvation) May 4, 2014

I was driving down a street and saw a gentleman that looked familiar from the back, but I thought to myself, "Impossible."  I continued to drive and while still looking at the back of the gentleman's head wishing he would turn around so I could catch a glimpse of his facial features to ensure I, in fact, was not mad.  And as if the gentleman read my mind he looked over his left shoulder, at my vehicle coming up on his left side, because he was walking almost in the middle of the street, and I finally saw his full features as he passed in front of my vehicle, and for some reason jogged over to the opposite side of the street's sidewalk and continued to walk and he finally addressed me.  I rolled down my window and said playfully, "Brother Al.  Now you know you shouldn't be playin in the streets."  He smiled his big smile, and I noticed for the first time he had a full beard and it looked good on him, he has always been a handsome man, "Hey Meredith," as he laughed his laugh a quick and delightful,"hey-ey."  I finally found a place to pull over so he could get into the car so I could take him wherever he was going because all of the sudden it started snowing, well I would have picked him up anyway even if it weren't snowing but I thought it odd that it started snowing because neither he nor I had on coats, we were just in our shirtsleeves.

I pulled over.  Got out of the car and was about ready to shout at him to get in but he was not there any longer. I smiled because then I remembered he had taken another way home...and I will too one fateful day.

As my eyes slowly opened up to another living day.  And I smiled again, now awake, thinking of the good memories of my Brother Al.