Sunday, November 10, 2013

It Begins With You. And It Ends With You. (Forty-Seven Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Near Salvation) November 10, 2013

Bible class is an euphemism that means indoctrination into the various religious sects you willfully accept.   It has nothing to do about: what the Bible is conveying; but, has everything to do about that churches legalism.  And legalism has everything to do about a plan; a scope; a beginning to an end.  C’est tout.  Not, the truth. 

There is no one greater than you.  There is no one smarter than you.  There is no one more important than you.  Understand those very premises.  When one believes one is more important than one, then you have got problems.  Big problems.  And God doesn’t work like that.  We all deserve whatever another deserves; plain and simple.   End of story. 

Because you are the beginning and the end!

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