Wednesday, August 21, 2013

WMD (Anonymous, Level Five Security Clearance, Retired Federal Employee) 2014

Everyone had heard that dreaded acronym while Bush Jr. was in office.  Now, it was the known dreaded acronym once again.  What was once an acronym meaning, "Weapons of Mass Destruction," was rightly being known as the principle and integral part of the federal government, its baby, Weather Manipulation Division or wrongly accused WMD from what the populous was supposed to think, Nuclear Arms.

People, like me, were sworn by secrecy not to let, 'the cat out of the bag,' so to speak.  The federal government on a global scale did not want the populous at large to understand that there was a new kid on the block of fear, and it had nothing to do with nuclear arms.  It had everything to do with controlling the heavens, the environment.

The Weather Manipulation Division had started way back in 1954 in the United States.  In its infancy stages the wonders of its capacity was shown to the powers that be.  And all the world wanted its precious panacea qualities.  Third world countries wanted it to keep their people fed by adding elements into the atmosphere so it would rain in their perspective, 'neck of the woods,' so they would not have to trade for the most basic need, sustenance. And the greatest country in the world, 'The USA,' would not let another country benefit from such an awesome discovery.

And to the demise of many rulers: Saddam Hussein, Muammar Gaddafi, Hugo Chavez...obtaining that Pandora's Box, would be a death sentence. (to be continued)

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