Thursday, March 7, 2013

I Had A Dream, Then I Was Awakened (Forty-Eight Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Saved) The Future

Blessed be the human who sees thine glory amongst them.  Blessed be the human who hath seen thine spirit of making another like thee and careth for thine child.  Blessed be the human who puts another afore thee.  Blessed be a human who hath not a selfish bone in thine temple, for thy is to be worshipped and mocked throughout thine kingdom.  Blessed be the human who understandeth that another is no more important than thee on thy kingdom.  Blessed be the human who prophesied for thy is imbued with the body of Christ and thine hast seen thy revelations.  Blessed be thee with a brand new Eden which is to come verily.  And thine will be granted mercy and Heaven.

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