Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I Do? (Frustrated, Now Out of Love, Middle-Aged, Female, Tribes Person) 2000

Love pays dick! What do you want me to tell you.? Some pointless trite expression about how love will carry you through this life; how love is what we humans need; how love is lifelong…Shit! Like I said before, on the real, love pays dick! Bupkus! Nil! Rien! Nothing! I wish it were so easy where I could look lovingly in my life partner’s eyes all day, eat, drink, be merry and have coital activity on a regular. Oh, I wish. But wishing is for fools, which I am not. I am a realist. And being as such, I understand the reality of the situation, love don’t pay the fucking bills which are perpetually accumulating. Other people have this predisposed idea that love is easy. Quite the adverse. Love is hard as hell. True love anyway. And that’s what I am trying to tell you about, true love.

True love is about acceptance, not only of the love you have for another, but also about the love of letting that one who you love to be who they are and accepting it no matter what you have to do to continue feeling that true love of that one. Even if that means letting that ass go for awhile or a lifetime so they can spread their perspective wings and fly to whomever they want to catch air with or from other than your tired ass. To hell with it! What one does should have no basis to your baseless foundation to the true love you have for one. Because the base is always settling, readjusting. Solid ground? Puh-leeze! Your love may be a rock, granite but you would be a fool to speak for another.

And I am quite sure there are smart asses sitting up there saying, “My Love pays way more than dick girl!” Okay, pussy. Pussy, dick…what-the-fuck-ever, it pays the same. Nothing! Absolutely! One shouldn’t get rewarded to what one emotes as a human being as being sentient. We have done this shit all fucked up! When I hear people before they are even getting married talking about the bullshit of getting a prenuptial agreement. Then what the fuck is your ass going to get married for? Did you really mean those vows which you recited in front of humans and God after your stupid ass signed that prenup? People voiding a future contract even before a contract has been validated with sacred vows of marriage?

What is a bitch missing?

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