Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Applicable (Thirty-One Years Old, Broke Black Prophet, Pre-Salvation) 1996

Just because yah monkey ass says that yah understand some shit, don't mean yo ass would do the shit, or you wouldn't think the shit was wrong! Asshole! Shit don't get bettah by not addressin the shit! Hell no! It gets bettah by our asses understandin, we fuckin human goddamnit! And as humans, we do some fucked up shit! And I'm glad tah tell yah, I understand that shit! But that shit's fucked up! For real!

Don't cost yo ass nothin tah say that yah understand some of this bullshit that's goin on! Gratis, muh fuckah tah admit some shit! But...and yo ass knows that's a big ass "but," yah have tah address the bullshit! If anothah human does some shit? Well, hell...I can understand it. But, that's some wrong ass shit! Don't be scared that anothah sorry ass human gonnah think ill of you and judge you for understandin the fucked up shit yo sorry ass finally admittin tah understandin! Shiiiit! That mothah fuckah's the problem, not chew! They tryin tah deny what's true, our fucked up behavior and the thought processes that went along with carryin out that fucked up behavior! But shit, it's not like you gonnah do some shit, or yo ass don't think the shit is wrong!

I mean, it's like ol Bobbitt when his wife cut his dick off and threw the mothah fuckah out the vehicles window, while rollin, puttin the icin on the dick snip! Now, that shit is wrong and fucked up all day long, but I'm glad tah tell yo scared ass...I understand! Shiiit! Say whatch'o broke sorry ass wants to muh fuckah! Man or woman catch their significant othah fuckin, lickin, freakin and kissin anothah mothah fuckah...The fuck!

And don't tell me no shit like, "Oh, I would tell him/her to get out of the house immediately!" The fuck you think yo ignant ass talkin to? And if that's yo pathetic response? I'm glad tah tell yah again...I understand! And you can kiss my Black ass too!

Shiiit! Yo ass ain't evah felt that sweet stranglehold of Love then! Cause I'm glad tah bust yo bubble My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothas, you don't pick fuckin Love! No! No! No! Love picks yo Black ass! Straight up! Ain't no choice in Love! Real Love! Sweet fine ass Love! Good Lawd! And tah witness that Sweet Fine Ass Love, fuckin anothah, givin yo Sweet Fine Ass Love to anothah mothah fuckah...fuck that! Somebody bout ready tah get shot or cut, badly! Maybe even fatally, while yah playin! And the shit is wrong all day, er day! But...I understand goddamnit!

Yo ass may have tah do some time muh fuckah! Oh, yes yo Black ass just might! But I understand! Once yo ass takes it out of that Sweet Fine Ass Love's Beautiful feelin that was imprinted in your soul and give in to its bad sibling, Hate? Then, Sweet Fine Ass Love don't have nothin tah do with the shit! Hate done took the fuck ovah and, once again, Sweet Fine Ass Love's been fucked!

And I Hate tah admit it My Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs...Shiiiit...I understand that shit too!

Peace! More to come...

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