Monday, June 13, 2011

USA: Land of The Absentee Rulers (Undergraduate Student / Economy Major) 1997

Most people don't know this but we have been sold. Of course in the truest form of supply and demand. Supply being the land in the United States. The demand, well, that's the kicker. The demand comes from the Global economy that has been put into place. You see, it's all about marketing and salesmanship. The United States has been marketing itself, to the elite of the world, to be in the forefront of habitation, where the rich people will want to live, now. The goal is to have all industry moved outside its borders while still controlling said industry. Instead of trying to be absentee rulers of people, The United States of America is marketing, toward the rich and affluent, to live in The United States while ruling over the, now, industrialized dirty countries overseas where they have relocated those industries.

No worries, a healthy environment, no pollution, no nasty health concerns..."Come to The United States and breath easier." But at a price. And most of US will not be able to live in a country where we deem ourselves citizens.

And the only way one, like myself, will be able to live inside these borders will be in a service position, only to serve the rich for menial wages, menial employment, substandard housing and, of course, no health care.

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