Saturday, January 16, 2021

A Chosen Few

 This shit has been prophesied so long ago I can't even fathom! And we still fuckin up! Still thinkin my Black Ass is better than yo Black Ass! And Negro that is how the story go! God! Damned! The Holy fuck! Mister Man! There's this thing here called: 'Choice.' And Choice is a motha fucka ain't it? I mean yo ass playin God at that point! Making a mother fucking decision that may or may not add anything to yo pitifully short life. I say pitifully short in the kindness way because I would hope beyond all hope if yo sorry ass lived as long as Methuselah bout time yo tired ass dies you would at that point have some discernment, some fuckin sense! But shit! Lookin round My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas...We ain't learned a Goddamned thing! And the beat goes horribly on!  

As always...

(Peace! More to come...)

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