Saturday, January 30, 2021

All About That Dick! (Matlock, S3/Ep13 : The Psychic)

 Oh! It can't be!? Oh, but quite be!

Funny as shit when you look at the shit in its perspective. And quite disturbing all the same. Watch the shit the way it was directed...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Blogs Be Not Absolved

 Every once in awhile My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas my Black ass gets a lil paranoid. I ain't talkin bout all the time, till the time comes, ya heard may cause if it ain't here yet it's just up the street a piece...

Anyway, but when yo Black ass lookin fo a fuckin job yo stupid ass betta recognize! They ain't supposed ta do it, but given the era of social media, yo broke Black ass best believe that's how they weed out the potential or non-potential future fuckin employee motha fucka? You don't think they do? Cause that's against the law?...Hold up naw, my ass still laughin my Black ass off on that shit! Damn! Done made me have ta go pee...

(Peace! More to come...)

Friday, January 22, 2021

It's thirty degrees with a Loving Smile

 You know I 'm kind of pitiful towards people who live in temperate climates. They will never understand the true meaning of life. You see, I say that in the most humanistic way, please believe that. Ain't knockin the rockin forever mono-seasonal regions. I guess I am relating it more about the harshness of life...

Anyway, I'll finish that thought latah. Just suggesting mind you, look outside in our grand city of Indianapolis and witness Our Father smiling down, around and upon US with the warming smile of the Son! A month into the winter season, thirty degrees with moderate winds and guess what else? Yeah! Sunshine motha fucka! Ya heard may?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, January 21, 2021

Get To The Fucking Point! Please! Pretty Please?

 Oft times I come to this little time in my life at a little get togetha, their was the host talking, about what? Shit, a nigga would never know, that's part of my point. Everybody feelin good from their given coping anesthetizing accoutrements. Ya heard may? Anyway, she's telling this story for over fifteen minutes ad nauseum, to the point the crowd started having various conversations amongst them damn selves, cause a bitch ain't got ta her point yet! And what the bitch do, after mind you some fifteen and some change into the story, "...To make a long story short!" The fuck nigga!

And all my Black Broke Ass could do is laugh my fuckin ass off and say to myself mind you, a nigga ain't that crazy, "Bitch! How long was that fuckin story! Goddamn!"

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

A Beautiful Outlook

 I'm tired. But I would guess...who isn't? But I have to confess somethin to you My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, I have always known: this world was wrong for me for some reason. 

Been depressed most of my born days. Something has always been wrong to my synaptic nerve endings. And I would surmise those synapses have never properly fired. Never fused or whatever the fuck they call it. I hated this world since I can remember. Then I had a child and it changed my bleak outlook, because when one, like I, shall be patient and understanding, for future's sake; less, all is lost. 

Notwithstanding, I have always felt like and still feel like as if I am an alien in this tirelessly senseless firmament. But then I pray the only prayer. And somehow I haven't blown my sorry Black ass brains out, and it is blessedly a new day...

And that is My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas...A Beautiful Thing! Oh yes it is!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

The Spirits We Allow In Our Individual Temples Will...Well...Fuck Ya!

 They call'em spirits for a reason Sunshine! Souls! They ain't tryin ta hide a damn fuckin thang! You the only one fooled and cooed. When shit will make you sell the now The United States of America for some spirits?! Native Americans still mad as shit at that raw fuckin ass deal! Shit motha fucka! Yo sorry Black ass better understand the fuck you been and are fuckin with! And show it some fuckin respect son! Cause when done drank ta get crunk, you done let the souls in! And yo ass better understand how to control those impish motha fuckas! Checkin yo ass with a case! Ya heard may!? And US don't want that? Do we?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, January 18, 2021

'Keep On, Keepin On' MC Lyte/Escape (Vibin)

Keep on just keeping on.. so the song goes as the wrong goes right as I hit the mighty bong. No need for tongs just kneeled before it, stored it and roared it! ‘Ya Mahn!”

I start talkin in a patois, bra, ‘Ertings gonna be fine mahn!’

It tis all beget.


(Peace! More to come...)

"Now the last piece of land on the auction block, what we've all been waiting for tonight, 'The land of the free and the home of the brave,' can we fine gentlemen start the bidding..." Fucking Sold! (Saturday 060621)

 So look at what US is all going through because it is terminal. Yah heard may! Individuality no more; Choice no more...and Freedom you can kiss that ass good-fuckin-bye! Shit! We done let the devil in and that motha fuckas chillin like the evil villain that he is. Think about what is going to happen next? 

The courts, local, state and federal are going to get inundated with all three governmental agencies getting sued for infringing on individual peoples' rights. And rightfully so! Those motha fuckas made it hard on the yard and shut the shit down! Not US, that's for damn sure! They done took the bars away and we all prisoners and shit...Anyway...

Okay the courts. Eventually all who have a cogent case will win. But check this out here, the kicker if you will. After and while some of the shitload of cases are ended and a shitload are still going on, the local governments, the state governments and the federal government can't pay the vig. And what do you know, all goes bankrupt and Corporate America comes in and all are sold to the highest bidder. 

Now you and me are living in someone else's house!  Need I say the fuck more?...

(Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Vomitus, now that's love!

 I love me some Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice! And I's gives a fuck who fuckin makes it! Drink a gallon of that shit in a day if I wanted to! But I don't think that would be a good idea with my sorry fifty-five years old ass! Just makin a point I guess. But tonight I took a nice mouthful...and all I could think of is: that reminds me of the tastes of when I have vomited! 

Even so acknowledging that fact, why did I swallow the shit? And had the nerves to finish the glass, while ya playin! Now that's Love! Ya know? Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

A Chosen Few

 This shit has been prophesied so long ago I can't even fathom! And we still fuckin up! Still thinkin my Black Ass is better than yo Black Ass! And Negro that is how the story go! God! Damned! The Holy fuck! Mister Man! There's this thing here called: 'Choice.' And Choice is a motha fucka ain't it? I mean yo ass playin God at that point! Making a mother fucking decision that may or may not add anything to yo pitifully short life. I say pitifully short in the kindness way because I would hope beyond all hope if yo sorry ass lived as long as Methuselah bout time yo tired ass dies you would at that point have some discernment, some fuckin sense! But shit! Lookin round My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas...We ain't learned a Goddamned thing! And the beat goes horribly on!  

As always...

(Peace! More to come...)

Codex Alimentarius', "Supplemental Truth,"?

 Look up Codex Alimentarius. Please! WHO is bout to be me and you! Boo! And its bout ta be nothin nice! Nothin nice at...all! Yah heard may? Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, January 4, 2021

Truth US Told

 Think about it? Who the fuck is like you? I mean really think about it? They're no cookie cutter motha fuckas! Far be it! US is a unique brand! Born and raised to be free...

Don't US see?

(Peace! More to come...)


 Shake yo shit! If ya gottit! And if ya don't...well shit! Fuck it! We all done been through way worse than going bald. Shit! Motha fuckas back in the day gettin hung and shit on a motha fuckin tree with their given dicks hangin out their goddamned mouths... and yo sorry ass worryin bout some loosin hair bullshit? 

Whew...Wee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...and the sorry human beat goes on! My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Holla!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Life is depressive and recessive. I guess? Confess the many unblessed that didn't know were ever so. HAARP sending a mighty pull with the permafrost under the snow...

No matter the circumstance we'll all grow! 


Fo...Naw fuck that shit! White muh fuckas done caught up with that shit! So, fuck it! Ya heard may!? (BIG SMILE)

(...Out! Peace! More to come...)

Saturday, January 2, 2021

Even In 'Nap'

 At thirteen years old she had been through the most horrid times even old whores would be looking down at. She could just imagine her stories to them and their various responses. But the one response that always got to her, always made her tear up was when those old whores' and the ugly amount of prostitutes souls would say to her, "Damn bitch! I would rather die!"

So, here she was. Thirteen years old. Indianapolis, Indiana. Looking out over, "The Circle City," smiling. Understanding what she needed to do and where she ultimate wanted to go and where she ultimate wanted to live where she, with youth on her side, would be at peace. Like the old whores from the beyond had told her since she could comprehend, "I would rather die!" 

Why? She thought to herself one last time because she could never understand how a life could get caught up into so much deplorable debauchery that she had witnessed and experienced. At thirteen years young she was tired. Real tired. The city looked so beautiful from here. She didn't mind it so because of the view. 

'The Bon Rad,' was all the rage in downtown Indianapolis. Thirty-three stories tall with only one condominium per floor. Asking price a warm and fuzzy, thirteen million dollars. And all thirty-three floors sold and occupied. 

She felt reassured somehow. 'The Bon Rad' was one of an entire floor, multi-floor warehouse condominiums located in the central part of downtown Indianapolis, amid the ubiquitous 'stack and pack' ones seemingly, being constructed at an alarming dangerous rate...

Why was she thinking like this? It, doesn't mean anything. I need peace. Don't you see it below?

Yea she saw it. This was the fourth time of her seeing it from this view. A 'Bon' view she would like to call it. For some reason she smiled to herself. Yea I've been seeing it, she said under her breath. A stunning youth. Beautiful soul. 'But I have to go.' She said softly.

Tears ran from her eyes. She wanted to scream! Yell! Kill!...but whom would be her receptors of her wraths? And what did it matter anyways, the damage was done. She was tired...

(Something came on my heart My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas and I started writing this one. This one is rough. Real rough. We'll see where this goes?...Peace! More to come...)