Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Ecclesiastes: 12: ...13-14 KJV

 I do not know. Quizzical really. Quite so. Missing so many things. A wondrous puzzle no one seems to care to put together but a very few. Why is that? 

I mean the man is President of the greatest country on this firmament; yet, the motha fucka can't get no love?! There is something horribly disconcerting about that fact. 

After all of his 74 years old life ain't nobody talkin the same shit he's talkin except little ol him? I ain't sayin cosign for any damn human! No fuck that! But, you tellin me ain't no motha fuckin body talkin the same shit he's been espousing for four fucking years?! Come ohn naw! Something is fucking absolutely amiss!

They leaving his ass out there on an island like that to protect...what? 

I mean these motha fuckas like cockroaches and shit; soon as that media light hits 'em they scatter like a scared motha fuckin cockroach! And these are grown old ass men!? What the fuck is..."What?"

Let me tell you somethin, there's some horrible, deplorable shit bout ready to be revealed! And it ain't gonna be nothin nice at all!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Truth Be Told, What Else Ya Got?

 "Well you know you're acting and talking like a nigger!" Who me? You gotta mirror? Thank you ever so  much! 

Well shit...what a surprise! My very Black ass is, in fact, a motha fuckin nigga!...

(Peace! More to come...)


 Can't stand the hand which stands as it lands, right in front of you and you said, "I'll take two." You're through with that sorry betting five cards which you regard as a righteous gamble to ramble from your own mouth. The south is fucked, pickled and made into hog-head cheese, better known as souse. I'm not a  mouse but a human. Will we ever fuckin comprehend?

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Speaking of Hope

 No one knows why we have shows. Throws another pass on that ass to surpass to the various tasks to be good consumers to be rumored to be idiots! Our fastidiousness to the absurdity and profundity to the darkness. 

Ahhhh! But there's a brighter day coming, drumming, thundering....loud and proud!

We'll be all...right! Sho you right! (smile)

(Peace! More to come...)

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Ebbs And, Sho Nuff, Flows

 And why is that My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas? Tell a muh fucka will ya? Cause my Black ass confused as shit! For Real. I mean really? Motha fuckas haven't heard of nirvana? I mean shit! Yo ass can mix some shit, and Bam...my Black ass is there! Ya heard may? Fuck those pharmaceutical companies, I done mixed my own damn, "Crazy Motha Fuckin Medicine," and I'm glad ta tell yo sorry ass, I'm feelin quite propa! If I must say so my damn self. Now, the trick is always, tryin ta rememba the various elixir's component and its measurement. Shiit! Ain't no normal motha fucka got no damn calibrator or some shit! Ya just do what a motha fucka do! Until the land of Milk and Honey is exposed. Sit back and dream... 

Nirvana? One must deduce that the place aforementioned shall be subjective based on the topic of note. A medicament. Medicaments?! Well you naughty motha fucka you! All right. Anyway. What works for one does not work for all! An absolute? Perhaps. Everyone has not taken a given lethal known poison, so one can say with a certainty, that some can survive given the severity of the history of the lethal side effect. Sign me up! Ain't nobody tryin ta hear that noise. Please! But there is always inherently the ones that will have no adverse effects to the given natural poison. Now if the shit is manmade, shit, yo ass just may have a point! Man has shown their inhumanity on a sorry ass level time and fuckin time again; with....our sorry asses!

Man has done horrible shit to US and continues to do to US! That even our Heavenly Father, wouldn't even think about doing to US tryin to teach our sorry disobedient asses a lesson, on one of Our Heavenly Father's very bad day! Shiiiiought!...

(...Peace! More to come....)

Friday, December 18, 2020


 "It's the most wonderful time of the year..." Well I don't know about that playa. Just too vague for my Broke Black Ass ! Seriously! The most?! Shiiiought! I think not! Just cause yo sorry ass been sayin it's so don't mean that it, in fact, is so!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Matthew 6:6 and The Gospels. And The Ever Present Tribalism of Humans.

 Matthew is the first Gospel in the New Testament. The First, the Father. 6:6. Huhm? Shiiit!...

I don't know what ta tell yah but, "I don't believe in coincidences!"

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

A Senate Scene Straight Out of The Movie, "Robocop" And Even Calling Each Other The Four Letter "L" Word, Finally.

 Nigga! Did you see that shit on the Daily Beast with those two senators, no less, goin at it? You just gosta watch it. Soon as I saw the muh fucka, ol Senator Johnson, I instantly said to myself: that motha fucka look like that motha fucka played in Robocop, Ronny Cox. And no sooner I thought that the motha fucka hopped on Senator Peters ass! Unmercifully! You remember that bathroom scene where ol' Dick Jones confronts the cocky young executive, Bob Morton, and grabs that motha fucka by the back of his hair while facing that muh fucka, and if you watch very closely, ol Bob almost gave in like a bitch. But something snapped his punk ass out of it...anyway watch this shit, it goes down the same way. Senator Johnson puttin ol' up and coming Senator Peters in his perspective place. Openly! You can't fake that sort of pissiness by Senator Johnson, I gives a fuck how good of an actor you are. 

Shit, after the shit is all said and done ol' Senator Peters me thinks may get his ass kicked! Behind closed doors! Now, ain't that some shit!...

(Peace! More to come...) 

Monday, December 14, 2020

No Offense

 The only one person that read this Blog that I know of is known as (blackaschildisme33dontrymb). And that individual asked me a long time ago, when I let comments be able to be left:

"What's wrong with you?" 

I said, fuck that! I ain't askin yo ass fo shit. And you just best believe I ain't gettin paid for this shit. Shiiiiought! Look at the page views? And over what...thirteen years! Come on naw? I ain't tryin ta rock no boats, make a statement, be a political pundit...but what I am tryin to make you feel, hear in some sort of way we all connect, experience...my inner voice...

(Peace! More to come...) 

The Last Bastion Of Fresh Hopes And: Alas, Dreams

 You think about the shitload of information that is out there. And instead of researching the shit ourselves extensively until WE die. But; while we are here, what do we do? We get fuckin lazy! And if the truthful, pious, trustworthy media says it...shit negro, it just must be the truth! But in legal terms must is not trust. Shall, says it all! 

One has to at the very least at one point in your life that, enlightenment will ultimately come and the epiphany is aloud, "Why the fuck are US here?" 

This is the last bastion Sunshine! The last hurrah! And Combayah no more! E-v-e-r! If this Bitch falls! And I call Our Great United States of America, a Bitch, because it is the greatest nation of all! You take the baddest motha fuckin nigga or honky that says a woman is a: "Bitch!" Let me tell you with yo silly stupid ass! You listenin! Don't eva in yo livin short days, which they will be, cross that crazy Bitch! Ya heard may?

But, there is no motha fucka ain't tryin ta get in this bitch! Cause the pussy's fresh...And fuckin American Free! Fuck all y'all otha "National" so called bitches!

I look at this shit and what we have gotten our complicit asses into! Ain't nothin nice! Shit no! But We sho nuff got one anotha! I can talk shit all I wants, but you best believe if anotha American needed help...well shit motha fuckah! I got chou!

The Last Bastion! Of people from so many ethnic groups living...Free! The Last Bastion? And if this bitch falls? Our Dear Heavenly Father! We all fall! Have mercy on us all! For real!...


(Peace! More to come...)

Good Ol' Since Humankind Graft

 Niggas are new ta this here Graft game. White motha fuckas are experts at the shit! Been doin that shit since we let their asses out of the Caucasus Mountains and shit! But on we march motha fucka! And let me not just say, White People. Ya see American Christians weren't slave owners, if you read the history of the shit. It was the Jews. Look into your ancestry, and look into your last name and tell me about it then. Jews can't stand niggas! They really can't! Research the shit with an open mind then we can talk instead of argue. What good is a conversation if it isn't conversing at all save for letting out hot fetid air. No a conversation is civilized between two separate entities, both with open minds, with that being the case. Both, not one, shall have a conversation about their given trivial knowledge about their given truth in a civilized way; then, in turn, both, will depart one another and research what one conversed about extensively, with an open mind of course. Then, and only then, one can state who is a liar or not. You see, it humbles one like me, because to go down that proverbial, "rabbit hole," One shall have to relearn everything they have to assuredly: dis-believed...

(Peace! More to come...)

Thursday, December 10, 2020

"Total Wine & More," 1460 E. 86th St, Indianapolis, IN 46240 (Verdeckter Testkunder, Jake Schrage, therealdopeblog) Wednesday June 23, 2021

 Now come on na my Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! You know me! I don't have no fuckin filter! I just calls'em as I sees'em! C'est tout! 

But, read me, when you see something so fucking blatant you just gotsta call a muh fucka out on some shit! 

So I'm buying various bottles of liquor for the five co-workers for the secret santa shit! Well, shit! Whatasaprize! Guess who yo secret santa is motha fucka? You got liquor? Guess no more motha fucka! Legal and numbing!..Anyway, there's this co-worker who swears by, Patron Silver. Cool! Forty-one and some change, right? Bougee nigga, but that's cool. I understand. You know what I'm sayin. But what that bougee nigga taught me from just this little, "Medication For The Office Christmas Secret Santa..."whateva the fuck! Purchasing is...a motha fucka! 

These motha fuckas had bottles of Tequila with the price of one hundred dollars (you heard my black ass right) just sitting there as pretty as they pleased, for one hundred fuckin dollas, okay motha fucka ninety-nine-ninety-nine, like I said, one hundred dollars you dick! You made me forget my fucking point!...The point is. Yo fuckin ass runnin a business that has one hundred dollars for a brand of tequila. And the Thirty-nine dollars brand, Patron Silver, has the nerves to have a security device on them. And guess what? The hundred, sixty, fifty...dollars brand had not a device! Theeeee! Fuck!...

But I hate ta tell ya my Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, if ya a Secret Santa...Don'tcha have ta do it properly? And them bitches had the lowest price in Indianapolis! Assholes!...But I won't go back! Best believe that shit! Ya heard may?

Yeah! I know! I know motha fuckas!...

(Peace! More to come...)

We all have the right time...even up until we die.

 You start digging. Tirelessly digging. Not back breaking in nature, far from it. No! Mind breaking. But it's high time to start putting those fragmented pieces back together. No matter the intricacies of the time.

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

A Secession Is A Comin! If...US Doesn't Make The Constitutionally Lawful Choice ...



On:  scotusblog.com

Texas is giving US notice if we don't do the right thing with this electoral bullshit. 

Power to the people motha fuckas! For real!

(Peace! More to come...) 

Monday, December 7, 2020


"Be a gentleman. Not many of those these days. Don't put a woman through all of that. They don't deserve that. I can quote scriptures but believe me. Don't do that. And any woman will always remember you because of how you've treated them." 

Damn! The fuck! 

Sometimes, My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas, shit comes to you in a shit storm's wake! 

And all you can say is: "Damn!"

...with yo Black Broke Sorry Ass!...

(Peace!  More to come...)

Biblically, the only prayer you need to pray. And it moves mountains...By the way, I...This is going to take a team effort... (Matthew 6:9-13 KJV)

 "Our Father which art in Heaven. Hallowed be thy name. Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done; in earth as it is in Heaven. Give US this day, Our daily bread. And forgive US Our debts as we forgive our debtors. Lead US not into temptation but deliver US from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom, the Glory and the Power. Amen!"

I did it from memory My Dear Sweet Sistas and Brothas! Word for word? Probably in error a few words but read it for yourself. It's been workin for me. Hope you are all in your respective closets. (Big Smile!) Other than that, I don't know what else ta tell ya. But, maybe...keep the faith. Humanity has been through far worse. Just a glitch in our maniacal, "Emperor of The Hill," repetitive human cycle. 

Bring yourself peace. We're done! Put a fork in US! But we are here none the least. For whatever reason. Just Pray! And you best believe: We are all... going to be just fine...

(Peace! More to come...)

Cylindrically Thinking, "Thirty-Six Years Old, Graham Smith, Pro-Rugby Player," Sunday 07-February-2021

All of you who smoke CBD products from the cylindrical thin male apparatus. The object which at a push of a button the penis gets excited and is activated. 

Now one must purchase the female apparatus. That is the most important part of being Vapor. The female always carries the future. 

“So one does not screw in. One screws on." So, when one Vapes one is really fucking properly. You bloody ignorant idiot!...

(Peace! More to come...)

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Nancy Downs (Jean Ecrit, Author of, "The Past Is The Past," Chapter One of his heralded third novel) Wednesday, 03March2021 @ 3:33 PM

 I remember a coworker at Riley Children's Hospital, when I used to work there third shift when I was going to the university, told me, when we were at Faces Night Club near 21st and Talbott Street, one hoppin Saturday night: 

"Nigga she loves it! Tellin her what to do and shit! What do you want me to do? 'Shit hop on this dick bitch!' And she does! Between her cummin and me cummin shit, all I can tell ya Black ass, the shit works son! And afta this I'm goin ta go home and wax that ass again!" 

And I remember, I responded, "I hear ya." Why did I respond like that? Well, I'm musing over it now that everything has been past and I am witnessing a name holding a cell phone hearing it ring, putting pieces together, "Hello?"

"Nigga! How you doin? Just callin a nigga. You said, 'Holla.' So, I'm hollerin," she said.

I'm smiling big time because I didn't think this fine sista, of my boy's ex-fiance, in a thousand years would be calling me. Let alone soundin regular and shit.

"Hell...O!?" she said.

"Oh! Whaddup lady?" I said.

"You! Boo! And whatchou got ta do today." She stated.

"I would make a good guess, seeing you," I said.

"Very good answa fine lookin! I'll pick you up at Eight," she said.

And before I could say, 'Okay," she had already disconnected...

(Peace! More to come...)

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Cataract Removal

 Selling dreams from the high beams it seems dangerous and it is, while the seams slowly give way to ultimately decay. Say a prayer for the living, fuck the dying they'll be all right! I'll give it a grandiose fight! You are always in me, you light my future's sight.

The greatest serial killer there will ever be: "Time". Unless they find a proper cure.

 I often ponder. The things that we take for granted. I guess not things at all in my opinion, but just one thing: Time. 

Time, is real and very detrimental to everyone's health! And they ain't did a Goddamned thang about the cure of this much needed, "More Time Vaccine." 

The New World Order's: New Black Plague is, Trying To Over Fuck: Fucking,Time.

A Real Prayer For The Walking Dead

 Free yourself from this complicit slavery we are headed. Oh, we will dread it when the breaded and battered souls died to get fried. Like chicken, wishin for another cluck. The fuck!