Thursday, September 8, 2016

Time To Turn Off Some Of Those Motha Fuckin, Too Expensive, Bright Ass So-Called Lights! (Unknown Author, Mid-West Region) DED (data entry date) @ 2018-12-06-0030-INTDOC-US-R-66

Time To Turn Off Some Of Those Motha Fuckin, Too Expensive, Bright Ass So-Called Lights!
You can tell the future from the past.  Whatever you have witnessed in the past leads to this here 
future.  And for some damned reason way down deep in your gut you denied it like a motha fuckah!  Oh, yes yah did.  Takin this shit for granted cause, “I’s havin fun!”  And look what that fun has added up to?  “Damn!”
I sho nuff saw this shit comin like a muh fuckah!  And look atcha with you old ass!  Unh!  All’s I can say bout cho old Black ass!  Shame fo God…

”What God!?”

Yah see that’s  where yo Black ass fuckin up!  Like all these otha muh fuckas round here, faith wanin like a muh fucka!  Cause whah?!  Y’all’s asses done founds out the mastahs  been lied to, too!  Not just y’alls Black asses!  The white people feelin that big filthy rich dick up that ass!  Bang!  Bang!  Bang!!!  Er'body gettin fucked!  Now er’body up in this bitch mad!  But cho Black ass knows betta!  And it’s time tah start feedin that arid soul some good rich inexpensive faith, til that muh fuckah full as shit!  Cause that’s the only truth yo Black ass has evah known as the truth, Your faith!  It’s bout cho individual faith, not anybody else’s.  Fuck that!  It’s time fo yo everlastin light tah shine!  By turnin off some of these false rich unneeded blinding effulgences.  So we can start seeing the future again, while in the past.

( be continued...)

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