Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Yuri Bezmenov And America's Last Stand (Thirty-Three Years Old, Jack Herbert Cameron, Conscientious Objector, Revolutionary Leader) August 25, 2019

You can talk until your tired ass is blue in the face and it still won’t make a damn bit of difference.  You see the people who are running this shit just love to see broke folks jaw-jacking because it doesn’t amount to shit.  The elite are used to that reverse psychology bullshit.  They always promoting: talking it out or doing things without violence…blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah…!  See what I’m saying? 

And the first thing the elite do when they don’t get a country or a person to do what they want is to go in with guns a blazing!  Killing any and everyone involved in the little ‘miscommunication.’  That’s what the elite call it, ‘miscommunication.’  Sounds nice, does it not? 

“We’ve tried numerous of times to handle these things with civility but in the end the animals sent in ISIS and we just had to rectify the situation save the threat would affect us all, you see.”  Interpreting, that just means that our rich asses told their broke asses to do something and they didn’t do it so we had to kill the sons of a bitches.  And we sit back sing Kumbaya and “America the Beautiful” and shit, and the bastards are one step closer to disassembling the greatest and the last stronghold of the land of the free on this close to being boned Red planet. 

We better recognize tout suite.  And,words to the wise: you better not get rid of those precious arms ever! Because, we have some serious fighting to do!  If we want to continue to be free...

(...to be continued)

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