Thursday, May 26, 2016

Muddling (Frankiee Mundy, Geneticist) 2011

The body…immaculate.  What do you want me to say?  Some trite bullshit?  Some political correct explanation? 

The human body is perfect! I marvel about our autonomic nervous system...Marvelous!
“Absolutely, positively, badasses…”  That’s what the human body is about.  That’s what we have as kinship with one another: we come from the same badasses; which makes US all, badasses.  No color needed.  We are pure and we were made the best that we could possibly be made with our badass selves.  No doubt about that shit!  And since that be the case…why in the fuck are we fucking with perfection?

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

A Void Dance (Youandme) 2013

I hope that in my death it will be similar to when they put yo ass out in dental surgery.  

You’re talking to the Dental Technician and the next thing you know you are being gently nudged into the awaiting wheelchair after sedation and surgery. 

And you have not a clue for however long they took to gouge out those two wisdom teeth what the fuck went on in this life during that time of blankness, that time of lifelessness, that time of no recall… that time of… void?  

How Yah Doin Miss EULA (Fifty Years Old, Broke Black Prophet) 2016

Building a better system my ass!  Pissed!  Ain’t a strong enough word!  Mother fuckers! 
So you’re sitting there, pounding out some words to this thought, short story beginning, novel beginning…whateverthefuck…And these mother fuckers hijacking yo damn computer, clandestinely… now you can’t do shit because…Oh, Shit!...The fuck told y’alls asses tah download some shit I don’t fuckin want?  But their sorry asses did!  The Fuckkkkk!  I don’t want no fuckin Windows 10!  

You knew it because that EULA will end at the end of July, 2016 or thereabouts!  And if we don’t get enough of these mother fuckers on board we will be hemorrhaging money in lawsuits because of certain emails that will be leaked in subsequent years that will let John Q. Public understand they were Hornswoggled!  Bamboozled!  Fucked! (...shall I continue...)  No...You!  Fuck the Thanks!
Shiit!  Mother fuckers!

Oh, shit…hold up!  Hold-up-hold-up-hold-up!  Microsoft classified it as an update making me understand that updates can be voided, purged, discarded…shit I ain’t no computer person at-the-fuck-all, just trying to tell a story.  So, please bare with an old ass.  I’m a sorry ass with this here technological thing; gets on my damn nerves something terrible, but just like everything else, I get around just fine!  Yes Lawd!... 

Anyway…where was I…Updates?  Bingo buddy!  Now we’re off…I went into ‘Updates’ after the damage was done…well what the fuck do you think I see?  Yes, those mother fuckers had been planning this shit since 2013 and the only way I knew were from the fact once I saw where Windows 10 was updated (hijacked) these other two separate updates, from June and I think October of 2013, that became bundled with this so-called ‘Window’s 10 Update;’  so those were prompted or executed, along, with this Window’s 10 serial rape of our computers bullshit, one after another, and bingo-bango here comes the bad news.   But fuck that!

I just took the Update ‘Windows 10” off along with the two others from 2013.  Clicked, where I will not be taking any more updates from Microsoft…and what do you know Sunshine…

EULA!  I’m so glad you’re here!  Please tell a brothah what’s been goin own?

Friday, May 20, 2016

Yes! (Thirty-Six Years Old, Elaine Hopson II/Deuce) May, 2016

There’s always something.  Nothing.  Anything? 

I wonder? 

What if the world was filled with the innate practice of humans really treating another as one would like to be treated?

I wonder?

And what if the previous query were true?  Would that mean there would be no violence, no war, no assaults, no weapons…

I wonder?

Would we think alike?  Would we be monochromatic?
I wonder?

Would we even have Male or Female as a description for a specific gender?

I wonder?

…Would we finally be as one?

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Jeronimo! Muh Fuckuh! (Thirty-One Years Old, David McIntyre, D.C Resident) August 25, 2018

Trippy.  That's the only way I can explain it to you.  Straight trippy, my brothah!  Quite so!  Colors, images...popping off the damn screen...Will you look at that?  People looking like you can touch them, in this now: squared; fifty-five inches of what life has become.  The real.

And when yo Black ass is in an altered state, such as I, this screen becomes life in and of itself.  All I have to do is jump right into the action.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

The Classless System (Miles Davis) 1965

"Classy," is a word used by a mothah fuckah, irrespective of their color, who has no fuckin class.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Broken Discourse (Christopher Tuesday, Professor of African American Studies, Interviewee, 106.7 FM) 2019

...Well that’s what we have succumbed to haven’t we?

Yes, I understand perfectly your argument.  It is one I have heard throughout my lifetime, which basically states: to hell with everything and everyone else... except for me!

I never said that.

No, you are the one that is telling untruths.  Not me. 

There’s no need for that.  That’s what we as people start breaking down, one of the purest commonality we have as fellow humans: being sentient.

Never heard a nigger speaking like me?  So what, that doesn’t give me a pass to be Black?  I speak properly: ergo, I’m shunning my prized Blackness?

Yes, ‘ergo’ is a word.
Good lord, didn’t you ask me to come on this talk-show so we could talk about societal issues?

Instead we have once again been brainwashed to think somehow race is hyper relevant given our societal climate; ergo, once again, succumbing to race-bait discourse whatever the subject matter?

Step the fuck outside you punk nigger?  My God…

(to be continued…)

Monday, May 9, 2016

Imagine That (Broke Black Prophet) 2001

If I were ever a twin I know I killed that other mother fucker.  Shiiitt!  Two of me?  The fuck!  Fuck naw.  That shit just ain’t gonnah fuckin float!  At the fuck all!  Bye-bye-boo-boo!
That niggah be propahly disposed of!  Yes sir!  Can’t stand my damn self more than half the time and this mothah fuckah lookin like me, reminding my ass of me, always lookin like me…whateverthefuck!  

I know for damn sure I killed my twin because I’m here. And he or she is not. 

The one I killed, had the better looks; had the better attitude; loved life;  highly sociable…opposite of everything that I am.
So…yes.  I killed that other mother fucker that looked like me.
And I’m glad I did it.

Friday, May 6, 2016

My Silent Protector (Twenty-Two Years Old, Nancy Downse, Survivor) 2022

Though you don’t like it, you begin to get used to it.  At first, it’s kind of strange because you are aware of the most infinitesimal, minute sounds, which gets on your nerves… But after awhile you get used to it; no sound, makes a sound louder.   It becomes a blessed strength for survival.

My hearing is highly acute because of everything being dead.  The only sounds I hear: are from myself and the wind.  

Oft times, I close my eyes real tight to try to hear someone…something…but alas, it’s just me and the wind.

( be continued)

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Do You Know What Time It Is? ( Deuce) April 2016

Donald Trump? 
The fuck he get the fuckin nod? 
The fuck wrong with America?...
The mainstream finally gettin it? 
Fuck no! 
The dance. 
Oh, the dance. 
Please stop that waltz, that tango, that salsa…
Cause our mothah fuckin feet are fuckin tired! 
And I don’t know bout these othah mothah fuckahs…
but this niggah’s feets…are barkin! 
Oh, yes Lawd! 
And my Black ass ain’t dancin no mo! 
But befo I sit my tired Black Ass down! 
,,,I demand some fuckin answahs!
And I can’t kick yo ass…well…because of these hurtin feets…so fuck that!  But, mothah fuckah!  I can sho nuff shoot yo lazy white and black privileged sorry asses.
Now what’s it gonnah be?

And they would rather die befo they let you on their level, The Knowing,The Olympians; so they take the bullet “for the greater good.”  Um!  Damn shame how many mothah fuckahs gonnah has tah die…until the questions are answahed.  
But, I’m down with that.