Monday, February 1, 2016

WOTUS, CWA and FEMA Camps, Oh My! (Forty-Three Years Old, Jeffery Weyland) 2018

They started talking about human rights and taking guns off of the streets.  People didn't fall for that.

 So, they forced peoples' hands by taking those same rights of humans away and since we would not willingly give up our arms they did something about that too.  They contaminated our waters and started taking our land away from us; moving us all closer together so that they may control us better.

We didn't see what was happening.  This is and was, "The Land of The Free!"

We were so ignorant.  Before we could react with dissent, they were way out in front of us with their plans, herding all of us like cattle into the awaiting boxcars.  Treblinka and Auschwitz raced through my mind just before those steel doors slammed shut.  

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