Friday, February 5, 2016

Whah? Muh Fuckah? (Fifty Years Old, Broke Black Prophet) 2016

"Have you ever seen 'Leap Of Faith' with Steve Martin?" I asked my wife.

"No," she simply responded.

"You should watch it.  I think you'd like it.  You're real spiritual, unlike myself, and it has that spiritual vibe happenin,"  I said.

"The hell that mean?  You're real spiritual too.  That's one of the reasons I married yo Black ass. Like a mothah fuckah some unicorn or some shit," she said giggling.

"Nooo!  I'm sorry tah tell yah Sunshine, I can't even profess tah that shit.  I'm not spiritual at-tall!  I'm just a mothah fuckah just tryin tah figah some shit out,"  I said.

She just bust out laughing.

And a funny thing happened...I started laughing too.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Asbestos: A Stone Cold Killer (Roman Messenger) Circa 800 AD

"Just in time," the King, Charles The Great, said to me in his High Germanic tongue.  I did not say another word.  You never do after a King has spoken; one, such as I, understands if one wants to live.  One only speaks when the King tells one; I had already been introduced and I had just began to speak when his Majesty severed my message for a time.

The room was filled with people save for a roaring fire burning, in the middle of the room, in a circular fire pit made with stone maybe a half of a fathom high.  Next to this pit stood a lonely servant with a nine pied by nine pied rug laid out in front of the servant.

"Continue,"  the King began, "pick the rug up and throw it into the fire."  The servant picked the rug up and threw the rug unto the fire.  After  a short time the King commanded, "Now take it off!"  The servant had taken his two hands, unprotected, and quickly grasped and laid the rug onto the floor which it was before.  The rug unharmed by the fire.  The crowd cheered in astonishment.

"Amiantos,"  I said, letting the word slip out of my mouth.  I being in amazement.  I had heard of such cloth but, like most others, did not believe of its existence.  What cloth could possibly withstand fire?

The King looked at me and laughed heartily,"Yes!  Amiantos!  Asbest!  The King of Persia sent it to me.  Marvelous!  Now, you,"  the King speaking to the servant who had put on and taken off the unscorched rug, "lie down on the rug.  And the two of you," he pointed to two other servants close to his sides, "roll him up in the rug and throw it upon the fire!"

Each servant did as they were told.  The rug went upon the fire.  Horrible screaming and the smell of burnt flesh entered the room.  "Take it off the fire and unroll the rug,"  the King said to the two servants.

The two servants took the rug off of the fire and unrolled the rug.  The servant within the the rug was writhing in pain blackened and mahogany in color.  Most of the crowd in the room had put one or both hands up to their noses with a most distasteful look on their given faces.  I turned to the King quickly waiting for his command so I would be able to speak, give my message and return home.

"Take him away," the King with disappointment in his voice said to the two not charred servants.  The King watched them as the servants gathered up their cohort.

"Curious," The King said offhandedly.

Monday, February 1, 2016

WOTUS, CWA and FEMA Camps, Oh My! (Forty-Three Years Old, Jeffery Weyland) 2018

They started talking about human rights and taking guns off of the streets.  People didn't fall for that.

 So, they forced peoples' hands by taking those same rights of humans away and since we would not willingly give up our arms they did something about that too.  They contaminated our waters and started taking our land away from us; moving us all closer together so that they may control us better.

We didn't see what was happening.  This is and was, "The Land of The Free!"

We were so ignorant.  Before we could react with dissent, they were way out in front of us with their plans, herding all of us like cattle into the awaiting boxcars.  Treblinka and Auschwitz raced through my mind just before those steel doors slammed shut.