Monday, May 11, 2015

Righteous Indignation (Broke Black Prophet) 2019

There always has to be blood on the street; on the sidewalks; on your face; and definitely on your hands.  This is what it has to come down to, blood; viscerally so.  Good speak has gone out the window.  Rationale becomes the thing of the past.  The only thing left is pain...and blood; and lots of both.  And this is where life ends and begins organically.  Where the earth gets its nourishment, from our absurdity.  We have never learned from our fated past.  We only know how to keep recycling it even bloodier than before; not only the story of our history but the story we love to keep remaking like a bad story line that someone keeps pushing on the populous in hope that it will make a killing at the box office; alas, this is no big budget picture nor fictional account.  It is real life with real lives being lost at an astronomical rate.  But we throw caution to the wind and say, "Let it be!"

I don't know about all of that.  But I will say, "So be it!"  And this time, an insurmountable number of you elite are going to perish just like we, the poor; and the meek shall inherit this earth once again!

And by God's  glory, let the pain commence and the blood start flowing!

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