Monday, May 11, 2015

Righteous Indignation (Broke Black Prophet) 2019

There always has to be blood on the street; on the sidewalks; on your face; and definitely on your hands.  This is what it has to come down to, blood; viscerally so.  Good speak has gone out the window.  Rationale becomes the thing of the past.  The only thing left is pain...and blood; and lots of both.  And this is where life ends and begins organically.  Where the earth gets its nourishment, from our absurdity.  We have never learned from our fated past.  We only know how to keep recycling it even bloodier than before; not only the story of our history but the story we love to keep remaking like a bad story line that someone keeps pushing on the populous in hope that it will make a killing at the box office; alas, this is no big budget picture nor fictional account.  It is real life with real lives being lost at an astronomical rate.  But we throw caution to the wind and say, "Let it be!"

I don't know about all of that.  But I will say, "So be it!"  And this time, an insurmountable number of you elite are going to perish just like we, the poor; and the meek shall inherit this earth once again!

And by God's  glory, let the pain commence and the blood start flowing!

Sunday, May 10, 2015

Et Tu Thy Hypocrite? (Michael Johnson, Ex-Smoker and Ex-Drinker; Listening To His Ex-Smoker and Ex Drinker Father-In-Law Robert Bailey) 2015

I didn't like the way he said it.  Some type of fucked up self-righteousness that was profound to me.  He said he used to be; now, he proclaims he is not.  But that has never made sense to me.  If one was an alcoholic one will forever be.  One just chooses not to drink alcohol any longer.  And the same with smoking. If one smoked cigarettes, one will always be a cigarette smoker; but now, one just chooses not to smoke cigarettes any longer.

The only ones that can avow that they are not either of the alcohol or cigarette addicts are the ones that have never been addicted to either one or to both.

And he had been both at one time; yet, he spoke of both like some vile entity that he could have never thought to have been.

My father-in-law stating, "A person who smokes and is an alcoholic ain't shit!" And All I could think is, "Ain't that the pot calling the mothah fuckin kettle, 'Black Ass'?"

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Cylical 394 (BBP 2008)

There is something wrong! Not a question, but a stone cold fact! Say what you want. Believe what your ass wants, somethin terrible is 'round the fuckin cornah! For real! The way this politcal shit is playing out in Washington...Ain't nothin the fuck nice! Call those mah fuckahs Sand Niggers if you want, you ignorant elitist bastards! But I know my people, we all carry those niggah genes! You better recognize! You gonna go over into a niggahs' country, kill their Mother, Father, Sister, Brother...and think I'm not gonna get your ass if I live through this shit?! The fuck you thinkin! "Revenge is a dish best served cold!" Or hot! Whatevahs clevah! Yao Ming? We done opened Pandora's Box over in that Middle East, and we done fucked the fuck up! "Curiosity killed the cat." Perhaps. There is always time enough to repent for thy sins...until death overtakes. Yah heard may? Sho you right! Check it out my Dear Sweet Sistahs and Brothahs...

Cyclical - 394

What is it that is in it? Bit on a pit to put reality in check. Inspect the dialect circumspect. Defect into another country so I can select another derelict? Homeless, helpless and depressed? I’ll stay right here and swill the beer! Drunkenly awaiting the change that is to come, the “to” is gone, here again’s the “from”… and I’ll soberly cheer!

Meredith Singleton Circa 2000

Chloe says, "Hiiiiieee!" Hah! Ain't that some shit! Peace! More to come...


Wednesday, May 6, 2015

The Cloak and Dagger of Religion (Michael Heart, Thirty-Three Years Old, Radio Personality) April, 2015

They wanted me to accept this pedophile Black preacher James Johnson on the show; a show that was named:"Make The Right Decision."  Ol' Pastor Johnson on this shit with these elaborate shirt sleeve cuffs which were monogrammed/inscribed with his name on both cuffs with cuff links of diamonds that I am sure that set the "preacher" back a couple of thousand dollars.  Cazal frames another $650, the lenses to be put into that same frame, Physio Enhanced Fit PAL(Progressive Addition Lenses), Crizal Sapphire ARC (Anti Reflective Coating), Transition Grey lenses...settin the "preacher' back fo sho easily three stacks and half just with his glasses on.  But we are here talking about poverty to the poverty stricken and the reason why niggahs are poppin off crazy in Baltimore, Maryland. The fuck man?

I had heard the vile things Pastor Johnson had did and continues to sickeningly do with our youth.  And I guess you have already surmised, I do not like the mother fucker; not one iota.  Filthy waste of human fecal matter is the way that I had always seen him once I researched his muddy past.  There was no emotion on my face when I was introduced to him at the various functions around this finite Black world environment, like my wife says, "The world is only two niggahs deep."  I never smiled at his trifling ass.  Nor did I ever offer my hand as far as a gentlemanly introduction.

Shit!  As far as I am concerned, yo ass is a so called prominent preacher in our Black community and it is known, not gossiped, that you fuck little boys as well as lttle girls...there ain't a goddamned thing we need to talk about with yo stank funky sorry ass.  Yao Ming?  I don't ever have to interact with yo stank pedophile havin ass again.

And when we do meet again somewhere down the road of absolution for my family and I; I just may well will have to  wipe yo funky sorry, stank ass, worthless piece shit of fetid human flesh off of the face of this God Given Green Earth!  Yah heard may?  Amen!

But for now, I have to watch his sorry ass being in the forefront of this civil unrest in Baltimore, Maryland.  Knowing full well with a spirit like "his" front and center, shit just gonna get worse, not better there and around the country with the shit that's goin down now.

I have never seen nor read of how to make sour fruit or over ripened food to reach its peak of sweetness in a recipe because it is not possible, no matter how much cane sugar you put to try to mask the spoiled taste!  He is sour and over ripened fruit.  A cancer to our Black community.  So why in the fuck, did these sorry ass white owners of this Black radio station schedule him to be interviewed on my show?  I knew why.  But reality is a bitch of a bastard oft times.  And the pisser about it is, Pastor Johnson nor these white owners really understand my limits; but they will find out soon enough.

( be continued)

Monday, May 4, 2015

Reality Checks (Forty-Two Years Old, Devout Southern Baptist, White Male, Married, Father of Two) 2017

Sometimes I put my hand in space to feel some type of air;

Sometimes I pull one of my hairs from my leg to feel;

Sometimes I laugh out loud to see if any one responds;

Sometimes I close and open my eyes to see if anything has changed;

Sometimes I stare in awe and horror…

Because what I am witnessing in this world today just can’t be real.