Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ring Damnit! (Fifty-Five Years Old, Attorney At Law) 2014

People don't like the true picture.  What you see, is what you get.  No!  No! No!  Not with me Boo-Boo!  Hell-to-the-naw!  I'm fifty-five years old and haven't ever seen times like this.  Hiding.  That's what I'm doing.  Shit!  Times are hard!  And I know that they are, but goddamn!  I'm embarassed.  I'm even using coupons at various fast food restaurants, for heaven's sake!  You tellin me people have stopped suing one another?  That Pro Se is the way?  I sit in my office waiting for the phone to ring.  Often times too damn long.  But what else am I supposed to do?  I had to lay off my legal assistant because all of the sudden people seemed to not need a good attorney any longer.  And I'll be damned if I take these cases for less than what I am worth.  Damn that!  My counterparts are doing it because it is better than being idle.  But idle I must be!  I'm not going to water down what I bring to the table and moreover my profession that I love and hope that I will be able to continue.  But shit!  Clients are making less also.  A vicious sorry ass cycle!  In a bad mothah fuckin way!  The fuck!?

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